Peaceful Penetration
From 'The Dictionary of the First World War'
Term coined by Australian Forces with the BEF to describe their innovative offensive tactics on the Western Front. Perfected in a series of highly successful raids across no man's land during early summer 1918, and demonstrated on a larger scale al Le Hamel in July, 'peacful penetration' developed from the assumption that infantry was to occupy territory, rather than to expend itself attempting to reach it. In practical terms, it meant placing maximum possible reliance on mechanized weapons - machine gun units, Tanks, aerial support, and artillery- to devastate a limited quadrant of enemy territory. Infantry would then occupy and secure the area, usually supplied from the air, while other mechanized forces were concentrated to prevent counterattacks. In that it sought no dramatic breakthrough into undefended territory beyond the front lines, peaceful penetration was was a radical departure from orthodox Allied tactics in France. Its success depended on meticulously planned close cooperation between the various battle arms, a specialty of Australian commander Monash, and it was imitated with varying degrees of efficiency by other Allied commanders during the offensives of autumn 1918.
and the tech description:
Commanders at the front are developing a new offensive doctrine, coined 'peacful penetration.' It is a departure from the assumption that infantry is to expend itself attempting to reach objectives, rather it holds that infantry is to occupy territory already seized. It places maximum possible reliance upon mechanized weaponry - machine gun units, Tanks, aerial support, and artillery - to devastate a limited quadrant of enemy territory. Infantry then occupies and secures the area, supplied from the air if need be, while other mechanized forces are concentrated to prevent counterattacks. It seeks no dramatic breakthrough into undefended territory beyond the front lines. Its success depends on meticulously planned close cooperation between the various battle arms.