I'm one chapter in and I'm hooked!!. This is awesome. Makes me want to go home and continue my ck3 game as eudes.
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Wow, thanks for reading! And welcome to AARland! Amazing to see this thread pop up again. How on earth did you find it?I'm one chapter in and I'm hooked!!. This is awesome. Makes me want to go home and continue my ck3 game as eudes.
Thanks so much!. First AAR! Its so good.Wow, thanks for reading! And welcome to AARland! Amazing to see this thread pop up again. How on earth did you find it?
I haven't read this (except little bits here and there) in over 7 years, so I'm super interested to know what you think. I tend to get a bit funny going back to it because… well, I wrote it when I was 14, so it's not always the most polished. But I remain very proud of it as a first project on here.
You may know already (spoiler alert) that it is unfinished, but it does at least go up to the end of Herbert's reign. I had this whole timeline worked out going hundreds of years after the game, but obviously that never fully materialised. (There are sections where you can tell I got restless because suddenly the drama will be taking place in the 16th century. Please forgive them when they appear…) I do still have a vague memory of what I was planning, though, so if you do finish and are curious then I'd be very happy to knock up a sort of very very very belated epilogue.
Hope you enjoy the rest of the story!
Thank you! Tbh I barely knew what an AAR was when I first posted it, and as I think it says at the start of the thread this started its life as a story I just wanted to write for myself. But seeing as I'm still knocking about AARland 8 years down the line, I'm happy I decided to share it!Thanks so much!. First AAR! Its so good.
That's one hell of a wild ride. Definitely sounds like you had your fair share of successes, and even if you've been knocked back it doesn't sound liker all is lost. Would make for a great story.Well I started a new game in ck3 as herbert trying to reconquer the lost lands of his ancestors. I married into de normandie in order for eudes to place of of his sons as new branch of the dynasty there. Soon after herbert claimed france a few internal wars took place, I decided to grant a title to eudes to claim England for him. Just before the war was won for eudes claim for England the ck gods stepped in and knocked herbert off leaving eudes to inherited at about 12 the kingdom of france and England. Alot of Vassle wars put me back a duke .
That's so cool that this came up when you were looking for stuff about Herbert. I'm really happy that you're liking what you found!So I found this while trying to find info on herbert. I'm only up to just after the tales of Charlemagne and its super interesting. I love the fact and fiction twist on everything.
Ah, sorry to spoil the fun. But I suppose at least you can brace yourself now. I probably have the old notes somewhere for what I'd planned for Eudes' descendants. If I find them I'll see if I can't whip up a little epilogue.I cant believe you wrote this when you were 14. It's so well written. I didn't know it was unfinished but I do now you told me I was getting very excited to see where eudes children and grandchildren would become. So many possibilities where it could go I cant wait to see what herbert does next.
I never came back to this, although I reckon I could be tempted to if I ever buy CK3. That said, there are loads of great Karling AARs out there these days so I wouldn't want to step on any toes. Since this I've written almost exclusively about games as England or Britain. At the same time as this story I started a comedy about the Earl of Norfolk that ended up becoming a Blackadder rip-off, then I wrote the first bit of a UK AAR for Victoria 2 that covered 15 in-game years before I got too busy with exams. You're very welcome to check them out if you follow the link to my Inkwell in my signature, but they might not be quite as entertaining as this medieval soap opera.Have you done any other AAR's on the karlings? Have you thought about coming back to this story at all?. This really needs to be published or something. Great concept, great plot. Loving everything!!
That was awesome! Didnt see any of that coming. Sucks that it was never finished. I'm definitely gunnna check out your other AARs mate.Thank you! Tbh I barely knew what an AAR was when I first posted it, and as I think it says at the start of the thread this started its life as a story I just wanted to write for myself. But seeing as I'm still knocking about AARland 8 years down the line, I'm happy I decided to share it!
That's one hell of a wild ride. Definitely sounds like you had your fair share of successes, and even if you've been knocked back it doesn't sound liker all is lost. Would make for a great story.
That's so cool that this came up when you were looking for stuff about Herbert. I'm really happy that you're liking what you found!
Ah, sorry to spoil the fun. But I suppose at least you can brace yourself now. I probably have the old notes somewhere for what I'd planned for Eudes' descendants. If I find them I'll see if I can't whip up a little epilogue.
I never came back to this, although I reckon I could be tempted to if I ever buy CK3. That said, there are loads of great Karling AARs out there these days so I wouldn't want to step on any toes. Since this I've written almost exclusively about games as England or Britain. At the same time as this story I started a comedy about the Earl of Norfolk that ended up becoming a Blackadder rip-off, then I wrote the first bit of a UK AAR for Victoria 2 that covered 15 in-game years before I got too busy with exams. You're very welcome to check them out if you follow the link to my Inkwell in my signature, but they might not be quite as entertaining as this medieval soap opera.
I am still writing, all these years later. My current AAR (which you can check out in my signature if you are curious) has been going for about 2 years and is a sort of anthology-style project about a socialist Britain in the 20th century. So a very big departure from this story, but still the same sense of enjoyment on my end!
Thank you for your very kind words about this tale. I hope you enjoy the rest of this story! Would love to hear more of your impressions as you read.![]()
Thank you so much! Glad you enjoyed what exists and I share your regret that it was never finished. If I get a moment I’ll maybe try and dig out my old notes to see if I can’t fashion some sort of epilogue.That was awesome! Didnt see any of that coming. Sucks that it was never finished. I'm definitely gunnna check out your other AARs mate.