Which browser and Operative system are you using? Do you have JavaScript enabled?
When you open the page you should see a loading message, and once that is over the map should become visible, is that not happening?
That is... interesting. I developed the website using exactly chrome on Windows 10, so that's the last OS/browser combination that I would expect not to work...I'm using Win 10 OP, and I used both chrome and ie while neither worked. I saw no messages. It went blank for some 3 minutes before the picture I posted shown up.
That is... interesting. I developed the website using exactly chrome on Windows 10, so that's the last OS/browser combination that I would expect not to work...
What should show up when you open the page is this:
View attachment 243941
Followed by this once the map is done loading:
View attachment 243942
And I have no idea why it would not be doing it... Well, of course it wouldn't do it if you have Javascript disabled, but that is something that you have to do on purpose and you would thus be aware of it...
Can you try maybe clearing the browser's cache?
This is a known problem related to using Internet Explorer or Microsoft Edge. Those browsers for some reason don't like the method I'm using to color the provincesThe colours reflect registered users not shown though, but I was able to put my name in it anyhow.
Sorry, this is what happens to a sea tile if I make it selectable and add a user to it:Still severely hampered by not being able to select sea provinces.
If you do redo it you'd probably need to make sea tiles partially transparent so that it's visible what's sea and what isn't.Sorry, this is what happens to a sea tile if I make it selectable and add a user to it:
View attachment 245319
Making coloration of sea tiles work would likely require me to remake the entire way provinces are given a color (which would not be a bad thing since the current one doesn't work on microsoft's browser, but I simply lack the time to do it in this period). If you want I could make the specific sea tile you need to be selectable, but I would have to disable coloring for it to prevent this issue, making it effectively impossible for anyone except those who go on the website and put their mouse over the province to see that there's anyone there at all