Billdo said:
Alright, I have the set up and things ready to aberivate, but I need to know what people want to see happening in India (especally cause no one is talking). Right now I have the set up so there are 4 hindu alliances in the north, each of which will have a leader that will be stronger then the other 2 or 3 nations in the alliance, so they will have most of the events and leaders. A couple of the smaller nations might have the option to take over for the larger nations if they end up retaking the capital of the major. There is also a buddist alliance in the south, but these will end up being minor powers, then there is Sri Lanka which will have options on what it can do, land or sea, depending on how the first several years go.
For the most part I am ready to go on Sri Lanka's land path, and will probaly start on that soon, (sea I need to know what is going to happen in Indonasa, first) but I want to ask what everyone whats to do in the north. I see one allance as the patsy that gets beaten on to start (one lead by Dehli) but from there, I need to know what people want. Do you want a little more forced conquest, where you can try and unite Northern India, and make it a little more SP, or make it more open ended, and a little more MP. I could go either way. Personally, I would like to see the ROTW end up a little more SP orinated, but I can go the MP route too. (I am not trying to start up the SP MP argument again, but I figured I would ask)
Cool. Unfortunately I won't be able to help you due to being in the middle of exams right now, but here's what I'd personally like to see:
* most of the North Indian minors should be able to become "Hindustan" if they control all of the Hindi-culture provinces, along with a few others. This should be done fairly soon (within 100 years or so), and most of the beneficial events/leaders should go to this Hindustan country. Maybe the alliance leaders should have cores on the necessary provinces so they're more likely to assume leadership of Northern India.
* same basic situation for South India, with the Buddhist twist as you say. I'm not sure what a good name for the united South Indian nation would be, though. Maybe "Travancore"?
* Bengali/Orissan/East India could be contested between North and South.
* Sri Lanka as an Indonesian colonial power sounds interesting. If it's Hindu it could aid with a Hindu resurgence in Indonesia (led by Mataram), otherwise South India could do that.
* As for events past this, I'd like to see Hindustan/Hinduism expand up to the edge of Persia through events (cores, missionaries, conversions) and after that, as a major power, leave it pretty freeform. If the country is too powerful after that Buddhist revolts (aided by South India) could be a slowing factor.
* South India should focus on expanding colonially and aiding Hindu Indonesia (if it's Hindu), or go for Southeast Asia (if it's Buddhist). Whether it's Hindu or Buddhist overall would be determined by which minor manages to unite it.
* Much later in the game (maybe around 1700 or later) there should be the potential for major Hindustan/South India conflict. If enough of India is taken by one side (at least 75% of opponent + East India) then a new, single nation could be formed. This will be a tremendously powerful country so it should be very hard to do, and involve lots of post-unification revolts.
So, in summary:
for North India:
minor --> unite and become Hindustan --> expand/convert West until the edge of Persia, maybe with the option of going further --> deal with internal revolts --> squabble with South India over East India --> have option of uniting all of India
for South India:
minor --> unite and become either Hindu or Buddhist South Indian state --> if Hindu, Indonesian focus; if Buddhist, Southeast Asian focus --> conflict with North India --> can also unite all of India
Hope you like some of these ideas!