event = {
id = 202601
trigger = {
not ={
exists = HYD
core = { province = 546 data = -1 }
badboy = 10}
random = no
country = HYD
name = " Control of Oudh"
desc = " Hyderabad had always had close ties with Malwa. After
several years of continued good relations, the two countries were made one,
though in reality, Hyderabad basicly took over control of the smaller state."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419}
offset = 300
deathdate = { day = 31 month = december = 1819}
action_a = {
name = " Incorperate them "
command = { type = addcore which = 546 }
event = {
id = 202602
trigger = {
not ={
exists = ABB
core = { province = 549 data = -1 }
badboy = 10}
random = no
country = HYD
name = " Control of Malabar"
desc = " Hyderabad had always had close ties with Malabar. After
several years of continued good relations, the two countries were made one,
though in reality, Hyderabad basicly took over control of the smaller state."
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419}
offset = 300
deathdate = { day = 31 month = december = 1819}
action_a = {
name = " Incorperate them "
command = { type = addcore which = 548 }
command = { type = addcore whcih = 549 }
event ={
id = 202603
random = no
country = HYD
name = " We are being Raided "
desc = " While they had agreed on how to divide up Dehli and its
allies, tensions with Hyderbad had been building ever since. There had been
small isolated conflicts, but nothing that had been at all orginized. After
one of these border flare up turned particually nasty, with dozens left dead,
Jodhpur felt like it needed to act. Sending the first major raid across the
border and burning several small towns brought a major responce from
Hyderbad and lead to the first onset of major hostilities between the two powers."
action_a ={
name = " We need to respond "
command = { type = relation which = JAI value = -200 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = JAI value = 36 }
command = { type = stability value = -1}
command = { type = domestic which = offensive value = 1}
command = { type = domestic which = land value = 1}
event ={
id = 202604
random = no
country = HYD
name = " The first great war "
trigger = {
war = yes
event = 202603
desc = " War had been building and hanging over both Jodhpur and
Hyderbad for a while, so when it finally broke out, both sides mobilized
thousands of extra troops. While it was short, it was only the beginning of a greater extended confict."
date = { day = 14 month = july year = 1435}
offset = 230
deathdate = { day = 15 december year = 1438}
action_a ={
name = "We must crush them"
command = { type = inf which = -2 value = 10000}
command = { type = cav which = -2 value = 5000}
command = { type = stability value = 2 }
command = { type = domestic which = offensive = 1}
event ={
id = 202605
random = no
country = HYD
mame = " Aftermath of the first war "
trigger ={
owned = 1523
war = no
event = 202604
desc = " After the first war, Hyderbad won the first war and
pushed Jodhpur all the way back into its core provinces. Unforcanatly,
holding onto these provences was harder then capturing them. Within a few
months, there was full scale revolts in the occupied areas."
date = {day = 15 december year = 1438}
offset = 60
deathdate = {day = 31 december year = 1450}
name = " Try and hold on to it "
command = { type = stability value = -1}
command = { type = revolt which = 1523}
command = { type = revolt which = 1523}
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1523 value = 30}
name = "Fighting on is not worth it "
command = { type = secedeprovince which = JAI value = 1523}
command = { type = stablity whcih = 1}
command = { type = vp value = 10}
event ={
id = 202606
random = no
country = HYD
mame = " Aftermath of the first war "
trigger ={
owned = 1522
war = no
event = 202604
desc = " After the first war, Hyderbad won the first war and
pushed Jodhpur all the way back into its core provinces. Unforcanatly,
holding onto these provences was harder then capturing them. Within a few
months, there was full scale revolts in the occupied areas."
date = {day = 15 december year = 1438}
offset = 60
deathdate = {day = 31 december year = 1450}
name = " Try and hold on to it "
command = { type = stability value = -1}
command = { type = revolt which = 1522}
command = { type = revolt which = 1522}
command = { type = province_revoltrisk which = 1522 value = 30}
name = "Fighting on is not worth it "
command = { type = secedeprovince which = JAI value = 1522}
command = { type = stablity whcih = 1}
command = { type = vp value = 10}
event = {
id = 202607
random = no
country = JAI
name = " Loss of Bikaner "
trigger ={
event = 202506
control = {province = 1522 data = REB }
desc = " With complete control of Bikaner, rebals have pledged
loyalty to Judhpur again. With our troops tired of fighting, and going back in
meaning another war, Hyderpur backed off."
date = {day = 15 december year = 1438}
offset = 60
deathdate = {day = 31 december year = 1500}
action_a ={
name = "We need to back off."
command = { type = secedeprovince which = HYD value = 1522}
command = { type = addcore which = 1522}
event = {
id = 202608
random = no
country = JAI
name = " Loss of Jhar"
trigger ={
event = 202605
control = {province = 1523 data = REB }
desc = " With complete control of Jhar, rebals have pledged loyalty
to Judhpur again. With our troops tired of fighting, and going back in
meaning another war, Hyderpur backed off. However, the claim had been made."
date = {day = 15 december year = 1438}
offset = 60
deathdate = {day = 31 december year = 1500}
action_a ={
name = "We need to back off."
command = { type = secedeprovince which = HYD value = 1523}
command = { type = addcore which = 1523}
event = {
id = 202609
random = no
country = HYD
name = " Seeds of the second war."
trigger ={
owned = { province = 545 data = JAI }
war = no
event = 202604
desc = " Humiliated by the defeat at the hands of Jodhpur,
especially the loss of Bundelahand, Hyderpur decided not to let it happen
again. Recruitment centers were set up across the country, new regiments
were set up, and a greater emphasis was placed on new tactics. Within 7
years, there were ready for war again."
date = {day = 15 month = May year = 1439}
offset = 80
deathdate = { day = 31 month = may year = 1500}
action_a ={
name = " We will not lose again"
command = { type = provincemanpower which = -1 value = 1}
command = { type = provincemanpower which = -1 value = 1}
command = { type = provincemanpower which = -2 value = 2}
command = { type = domestic which = land value = 1}
command = { type = land value = 1000}
command = { type = stablity value = -2}
command = { type = cash value = -200}
event = {
id = 202610
random = no
country = HYD
name = " The second great conflict "
trigger ={
event = 202609
desc = " The fustration that was left after the first war finnally
boiled over in 1450. With a new king on the throne that grown up wanting
another chance at their old foe, an excuse was a reason for going to war.
Within the first several months he came up with a set up excuse, and
preparded for war."
date = {day = 1 month = march year = 1450}
offset = 30
deathdate ={ day = 31 month = december year = 1500}
action_a ={
name = "REVENGE!! "
command = { type = relation which = JAI value = -300 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = JAI value = 48 }
command = { type = inf which = -2 value = 5000}
command = { type = cav which = -2 value = 2000}
#in case the first war is a draw, or only several small provinces are taken
event = {
id = 202611
random = HYD
name = " The second great conflict "
trigger ={
not ={
event = 202511
event = 202609
desc = " After a disapporting draw in the first great war, both
powers rebuilt their power in preperation for what both knew would be a
renewed conflict. When a new king rose to the throne in Hyderpur, he set
his main goal in his reign to defeat his nation's old rival. Within several
months, he had an excuse to go to war created, and made ready for it."
date = {day = 1 month = july year = 1450}
offset = 30
deathdate ={ day = 31 month = december year = 1500}
action_a ={
name = " Destory them."
command = { type = relation which = JAI value = -300 }
command = { type = casusbelli which = JAI value = 48 }