someone smarter than me needs to export the models from Sengoku to use in CK2 modding.
I think shaders defined in .asset file, where object entities are defined.Hi, where are the names of shaders defined? In gfx/FX/ the filenames don't in particular match up with the names of shaders people use in .gfx files.
I don't think we have, but it's a great idea, I added a task to my todo list to publish the shaders for the various projects on the Wiki and here on the forums!I meant like, where do we know the names of shaders, some shaders like "PdxMeshPortrait" how do I know this exists, other than someone randomly telling me? Is there a list of all shaders available somewhere?
Hmm, I can't answer specifically about Blender but you can get similar results in Maya if you for example have deformer history or change the vertex count (as in removing for example) after skinning the mesh. Maya re-assigns the vertex IDs to some extent and you'll get skinning issues.
But it sounds, from your edits, that it might be more of a Blender save/export issue. That's unfortunate indeed. I saw you've been writing with @ross-g to try out that exporter and hopefully that might work, otherwise the only thing I can come to think of is to export all the meshes separately and then attach them with the attach = { } command in the Stellaris asset file.
I have unfortunately a different issue with Ross-g's exporter that if solved fix all my issues (the mesh destruction doesn't occur, animations look fine, etc) but the PdxMeshPortrait shader isn't appearing with his plugin. (Clothes and Hair work though, so I got an "Invisible Man" situation!) So I am hopefuly I stumble upon a fix with more testing.
If you can't fix it but those other shaders work you could just put one of those on the body mesh and then overwrite the shader in the .gfx file in meshsettings with the correct mesh instead. So it will have the "wrong" shader in the .mesh file but when read in the game it will have the right one.
default_state = "idle"
{ name="idle" anim="idle1"...... next_state="idle"}
{ name="idle" anim="idle2"...... next_state="idle"}
{ name="sad" anim="sad1"...... next_state="sad"}
{ name="sad" anim="sad2"...... next_state="sad"}
Great to hear that you got it figured out in the end!
I haven't checked Reddit yet but I can answer here instead! You are correct in your assumption that the "sad" states never fire. They are legacy states and only a few portraits still have them there. The chance wouldn't matter since the portraits will be in the "idle" state from default and when they end it will be put again in an "idle" state (next_state = idle) so the "sad" states will never be used regardless of chance.
could this be set to 100 or 1000 next patch? I like to go all out with bones when animating/rigging.