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Attention is love.
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Mar 23, 2003
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The Colonial Event sequences were a hall mark of Aberration and Interregnum.

For Interregnum 2 I would like to see us give them a serious rethink. It might be that, following debate, we decide they need to stay and mostly intact. I am prepared for such an outcome. On the other hand, we might decide as a group that we don't need them at all, or something somewhere in the middle.

Here is a synopsis of how they currently work, as a reminder.

Stage 1: Claim a Province

Each individual province in the Americas has an event that gives its owner (non-American nations after 1500-ish) a core on that province. There are three versions of each province event to reflect change of ownership so that multiple nations can get cores.

Stage 2: Claim a Region

The provinces are grouped into regions. If you control a majority of the provinces in a region (or, for some regions, the strategically significant provinces) then you get an event that gives you cores on the entire region. It also sets a fleg that indicates you have that status.

Stage 3: Free Colonists

If you have control of a region, then you can get the colonist events, which depending on your P settings mean more, cheaply or fewer, at cost. This is to reflect that most colonial migration occured only when a region seemed finally 'safe' and had established the infrastructure people wanted.

Stage 4: Colonial Givernment/Reviolts

If by the 1700s you still control that region you can begin getting the colonial government events which can force you to concede limited authority to the region (which means a hit to Centralization, provincetax and manpower values) or fight these upstarts but risk a revolution. All of the colonial states become revolters in this period.

We currently have it as an option that you can switch on versions of the events that give no cores. Acxtually, this is the default option, for SP.

Now, what do we want for Interregnum 2?

Is this event structure sound?

Do we really want to carve the Americas up into artificial regions?

Are free colonists ever a good idea?

Is there a better way to handle the Independence era?
I think it's great.

The only problem is that regions are fixed, so that having five provinces next to eachother cold still give you less than a region, but I don't think that can easily be fixed.

For the rest I quite like it, except that the industrial development always occurs after I already have manus, thus meaning you pay for nothing (IIRC there was no b option, or it was bad)