Dpwnload Beta 6.14 here.
Another very major beta, as it includes some of the initial material for the llong-planned introduction of the new HRE set-up, its effects on Burgundy, the reformist Martinus V as pope, the changes to the Hussite story and the set-up for the conflicts between the Pope and the Emperor. This is just the start, and mikl will continue to add lots more dramatic material.
Next week, the new set-up with the Champa and the Caliphate!!!!!
Bughunting (see thread for more details)
Changed the effect of Al-Andalus' Influence on Aragon to Aragon, instead of Andalucia.
Fixed the Eire Ceanasora events so that they are all slept if the Admiralty is maintained
Fixed the Eire Reconquista events to refer to Algarve and Tago
Removed TOU from the revolters list, an accidental oversight that had it as a third possible Occitania.
Papal States from mikl
Added new monarch list which include the alternative reformed popes.
New events by mikl for the building of the Vatican City.
Epochal_Religious from mikl
New events include for the selection of the new single Pope and the establishment of extended boundaries for the HRE.
Bavaria by mukl
Events depicting the HRE vs Pope events, and the building of the Munchner Dom, one of the great architectural wonders of the Interregnum world.
Bohemia by mikl
Added Bohemia_BOH.txt as a distinct file, since Bohemia represents a distinct state rather than just a epochal hussite rebellion. Old events transferred and remain, but new events about the trial and optional survival of Jan Hus being written and plugged into the file.
Koln by mikl
Starts as distinct state, aplies to join the Hansa, Bavarian Emperor optionally refuses.
Hansa by mikl
New events for the harbouring of Jan Hus to prevent his trial in Prague, execution or murder.
Changed the Sevilla revolt to Murcia instead, changing all pertinent events and province references to Murcia and Valencia.
Added Khalidat as a specific colony name for the Canaries.
Added Maghrebi culture if the Moroccan dynasty is chosen, and loses this culture if the Malwas later take over Iberia. However, I also added NOT = { flag = Moroccan_Dyansty } to all the cultural change events for Iberia. So, Cordoba cannot get both Megrebi culture AND turn all of Iberia Andalusi. The shift south of the political landsacpe (to Morocco and its dynasty) has ramifications.
The early explorer and conquistador now appear in Andalucia, province 443 and last until the end of january 1442 (explorer) and end of april 1442 (conquistador)
Changed Cordoba's starting DP sliders to Mercantilism 7 from 9 to increase rate of colonists, which is normally -.20 %
Added a changed version of idont's idea for a new opening event for Cordoba to give the chance to forestall a decision for war with the Iberian catholics. Now there are two events, one in the first few years, one in 1450s, which allow the player to chose to go for the Peaceful path immediately, or hold off such a decision. In this way, you can also go for peace while being AT PEACE, whereas the existing structure mkeant you couldn't chose peace until you were at war (?).
Added province 509 (Bahrein) to Caliphate from Oman and uppod the population to 1000 and renamed the city Manamah, all at Calipah's request.
Many text changes from calipah, the removal of one event and a few changes to some actions in some events, such as the Almujadids now being able to go Mutazili as action_d, two extra conversions for Cordoba in the third phase of the Mutazelite conversion process, and the removal (by MattyG) of the DP sliders for when Mutazelism first arrives, as the Inno and Serfdom shifts hard colonist production too much.
Add new event file called Burgundy_leGrand_u21 to go with the new tag for the alternative 'le Grand' line of Burgundy. Rewrote several events and changed tags and numbers in other files where appropriate.
Added new starting flag/shield set for Duchy of Burgundy, used in 1419 and if Phillipe le Grand or Charles le Temeraire are chosen (ie crown of France is pursued.
Added a new event for the Duchy of Burgundy to revert to Kingdom of Burgundy if it has failed to form France by the time of Charles II.
Added an event called Interregnum Credits which triggers for all countries in the 1600s.
Added Khalidat as a specific colony name for the Canaries.
Added the provinces of Lyonnais, Dauphine, Bourgogne, Nivernais and Champagne to the HRE.
Gave Savoy and Burgundy 2 elector votes each, but not u21, the alternate Burgundy of Phillipe le Grand et al.
Changed colours of Oman to DarkOrange and Golden Horde to LightBrown.
Increased the Colonists rating for Traditional Islam to 25, from zero, again to help Cordoba actually Colonize.
Calipah provided changes to some of the resource names and their descriptions. Nice work.
Another very major beta, as it includes some of the initial material for the llong-planned introduction of the new HRE set-up, its effects on Burgundy, the reformist Martinus V as pope, the changes to the Hussite story and the set-up for the conflicts between the Pope and the Emperor. This is just the start, and mikl will continue to add lots more dramatic material.
Next week, the new set-up with the Champa and the Caliphate!!!!!
Bughunting (see thread for more details)
Changed the effect of Al-Andalus' Influence on Aragon to Aragon, instead of Andalucia.
Fixed the Eire Ceanasora events so that they are all slept if the Admiralty is maintained
Fixed the Eire Reconquista events to refer to Algarve and Tago
Removed TOU from the revolters list, an accidental oversight that had it as a third possible Occitania.
Papal States from mikl
Added new monarch list which include the alternative reformed popes.
New events by mikl for the building of the Vatican City.
Epochal_Religious from mikl
New events include for the selection of the new single Pope and the establishment of extended boundaries for the HRE.
Bavaria by mukl
Events depicting the HRE vs Pope events, and the building of the Munchner Dom, one of the great architectural wonders of the Interregnum world.
Bohemia by mikl
Added Bohemia_BOH.txt as a distinct file, since Bohemia represents a distinct state rather than just a epochal hussite rebellion. Old events transferred and remain, but new events about the trial and optional survival of Jan Hus being written and plugged into the file.
Koln by mikl
Starts as distinct state, aplies to join the Hansa, Bavarian Emperor optionally refuses.
Hansa by mikl
New events for the harbouring of Jan Hus to prevent his trial in Prague, execution or murder.
Changed the Sevilla revolt to Murcia instead, changing all pertinent events and province references to Murcia and Valencia.
Added Khalidat as a specific colony name for the Canaries.
Added Maghrebi culture if the Moroccan dynasty is chosen, and loses this culture if the Malwas later take over Iberia. However, I also added NOT = { flag = Moroccan_Dyansty } to all the cultural change events for Iberia. So, Cordoba cannot get both Megrebi culture AND turn all of Iberia Andalusi. The shift south of the political landsacpe (to Morocco and its dynasty) has ramifications.
The early explorer and conquistador now appear in Andalucia, province 443 and last until the end of january 1442 (explorer) and end of april 1442 (conquistador)
Changed Cordoba's starting DP sliders to Mercantilism 7 from 9 to increase rate of colonists, which is normally -.20 %
Added a changed version of idont's idea for a new opening event for Cordoba to give the chance to forestall a decision for war with the Iberian catholics. Now there are two events, one in the first few years, one in 1450s, which allow the player to chose to go for the Peaceful path immediately, or hold off such a decision. In this way, you can also go for peace while being AT PEACE, whereas the existing structure mkeant you couldn't chose peace until you were at war (?).
Added province 509 (Bahrein) to Caliphate from Oman and uppod the population to 1000 and renamed the city Manamah, all at Calipah's request.
Many text changes from calipah, the removal of one event and a few changes to some actions in some events, such as the Almujadids now being able to go Mutazili as action_d, two extra conversions for Cordoba in the third phase of the Mutazelite conversion process, and the removal (by MattyG) of the DP sliders for when Mutazelism first arrives, as the Inno and Serfdom shifts hard colonist production too much.
Add new event file called Burgundy_leGrand_u21 to go with the new tag for the alternative 'le Grand' line of Burgundy. Rewrote several events and changed tags and numbers in other files where appropriate.
Added new starting flag/shield set for Duchy of Burgundy, used in 1419 and if Phillipe le Grand or Charles le Temeraire are chosen (ie crown of France is pursued.
Added a new event for the Duchy of Burgundy to revert to Kingdom of Burgundy if it has failed to form France by the time of Charles II.
Added an event called Interregnum Credits which triggers for all countries in the 1600s.
Added Khalidat as a specific colony name for the Canaries.
Added the provinces of Lyonnais, Dauphine, Bourgogne, Nivernais and Champagne to the HRE.
Gave Savoy and Burgundy 2 elector votes each, but not u21, the alternate Burgundy of Phillipe le Grand et al.
Changed colours of Oman to DarkOrange and Golden Horde to LightBrown.
Increased the Colonists rating for Traditional Islam to 25, from zero, again to help Cordoba actually Colonize.
Calipah provided changes to some of the resource names and their descriptions. Nice work.
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