A nice thread for Italy. And here is some plans:
In the 14th century, when Visconti family had taken over in Milan, they allied up with Genoa who was competing with Venice at that time, with neither clearly winning as Venice is weaker in Aberration, due to no fourth Crusade. So, the Visconti use genoese money to take over the northern Italy at first, then with genoese support on sea, they conquer Venice. The venetian trade (aka the CoT) moves to Ragusa. Venetian possessions get divided into three: Venice itself, which is taken by Milan; Corfu, taken from Byzantium earlier, is now taken by Genoa; and Istria, where some venetians remain. After Venice gone as opposition, Genoa starts to support the Palaiologoi exiled to Crete to get more friendly emperor on the throne in Byzantion. When Genoa defeats Pisa with the aid of Milan, it gains both Corsica and Sardinia from it with Milan conquering Pisa's ally Parma. Meanwhile in Sicily, the Hofenstaufen line is not killed by Charles of Anjou, but by a local usurper with money for mercenaries provided by the pope in 1268. Then the usurper's line stays and rules the kingdom of two Sicilies, to 1419 and beyond. The kingdom is very closely allied to the papal states and when the pope excommunicates the Visconti, the Visconti respond by attacking the papacy, instead of submitting and with Genoa defeats Papacy and Kingdom of Two Sicilies, with Milan gaining Marche and Genoa Malta. Romagna breaks away from Papacy.
And then we arrive to 1419.
In the 14th century, when Visconti family had taken over in Milan, they allied up with Genoa who was competing with Venice at that time, with neither clearly winning as Venice is weaker in Aberration, due to no fourth Crusade. So, the Visconti use genoese money to take over the northern Italy at first, then with genoese support on sea, they conquer Venice. The venetian trade (aka the CoT) moves to Ragusa. Venetian possessions get divided into three: Venice itself, which is taken by Milan; Corfu, taken from Byzantium earlier, is now taken by Genoa; and Istria, where some venetians remain. After Venice gone as opposition, Genoa starts to support the Palaiologoi exiled to Crete to get more friendly emperor on the throne in Byzantion. When Genoa defeats Pisa with the aid of Milan, it gains both Corsica and Sardinia from it with Milan conquering Pisa's ally Parma. Meanwhile in Sicily, the Hofenstaufen line is not killed by Charles of Anjou, but by a local usurper with money for mercenaries provided by the pope in 1268. Then the usurper's line stays and rules the kingdom of two Sicilies, to 1419 and beyond. The kingdom is very closely allied to the papal states and when the pope excommunicates the Visconti, the Visconti respond by attacking the papacy, instead of submitting and with Genoa defeats Papacy and Kingdom of Two Sicilies, with Milan gaining Marche and Genoa Malta. Romagna breaks away from Papacy.
And then we arrive to 1419.