To those of you who supported me in this, my first and only attempt at fanfiction, I must apologize most sincerely for my absence, and, despite my desperate efforts, for the premature death of this work. Please believe it was never my intention for this story to peter out, but life has a way of taking over from time to time, and even for an extended time. Also, what little time I was able to spend on leisure was redirected towards event modding at the direct expense of this AAR. I am truly sorry to have disappointed all of you.
Now for the good news
...It's time to Re-Jumpstart the American Century! This time I will incorporate the style used in the final few posts (multiple perspectives from all ranks with textbook-style picture captions) from the very beginning, giving some extra attention to the prewar lives of the Bernard brothers, and the dark past of the mysterious, if sometimes frightening Sergeant Baumer.
One tiny bit of bad news, however...all of the screenshots I had are now gone. Therefore, while this work will be based on the game I played so long ago, I will have no screenshots to remind us all of the wonderful game behind the story. This really disappoints me, because I had some really good screenshots! Oh well, it cannot be helped.
Look for the first post to be up in a new thread by Friday, with at least 1 update weekly after that, if not more. Thank you to all of you who kept posting to this thread, even long after it had died. I hope this second attempt will make all the waiting worthwhile.
P.S. Please feel free to shower as much abuse down on me as you wish, as I surely deserve it.