I LIVE!!!!!
EEEkkk! What I thought was only going to be a short stay away turned into me having to leave this mod for nearly a month! Aiya... I still won't be able to be quite as active as I was for while, hopefully, but I believe by now I can at least get some posting in. That is unless you guys gave up on me and got someone else to do Japan for you.
I spent some time earlier today catching up on all that I missed, some pretty amazing stuff everybody. The new ideas on Wei really gave me some new ideas. I also read the post by Culise about Goryeo and loved it, very cool ideas Culise, glad you liked my 1560 date.
Now on the hard stuff.......
I did some more thinking on Imperial Japan and the Go-Saimei path I laid out. I'd like to return to that for a bit and then get on to the newer ideas.
On further thought Go-Saimei should be something of a Japanese Elizabeth I. What I mean is that Go-Saimei should basically trigger a total revolution in the Imperial Japanese Navy. Because the war of with Goryeo most of the focus will be on the Imperial Army, or, the armies of the Bakufu. But Go-Saimei will change all that. Instead of one big event, as I orignally laid out, the naval revolution will take place in steps. I propose that this event chain by called "The Naval Revolution of the Keika Era". Keika is Japanese for 'Jubilant Reform'. The first reform should be modernization. What I have in mind here is that Go-Saimei calls on foreign naval experts from all over to come to Japan and modernize the Imperial Navy. I'm leaving which countries these experts come from up to you all, though I do think that a majority should came from Wei. I'm afaird to give a number for when the modernization efforts should stop, but it shouldn't run too long. When the modernization is complete the second Keika event should fire. This reform should be about naval expansion. Basically Japan should get a new, large, navy and some new leaders to command it. Once the new navy is complete then the fleet is sent out to explore. Go-Saimei basically gives the IJN a Starfleet-style mandate to explore the unknown. That should basically wrap up the naval reforms. At one point, maybe a year after the explorations start, Japan should get some colonists to send to her new discoveries. A vast new colonial empire should emerge.
Of course the Keika Reforms aren't solely naval. I must admit my ideas regarding Go-Saimei and reforms are somewhat ambitious, and to be fair I should let her successors get some reforms. But one thing I do want to include in the Keika Reforms is the introduction of gunpowder weapons. The background would be on a Imperial Tour some merchants display the power of gunpowder before the Imperial party. Go-Saimei declares that the Imperial Army must have guns, and lots of them. That sparks off the 'Gun Revolution of the Keika Era'. Now the actual reformation of the Army is going to be in Tensho's (Go-Saimei's son) reign. But what I have in mind is that the 'Gun Revolution' will boost Japan up to the level of using gunpowder arms on mass. The key word being 'on mass', as in lots of people firing guns with no sense of what the sheesh they're doing. Later on that mob will become a truly formidible elite force, or at least that's the outline
Now some totally new ideas were actually sparked by reading the new info on Wei. From what I understand Wei is going to be this ultra-Confucianist, yet very progressive, dynasty. This could have some very interesting effects on Japan. The Japanese fascination with China, and everything Chinese, didn't end when relations broke off with the Tang. However the exchange of ideas and general relationship on a whole really didn't get to that level again until the foundations of the Ming. Ashikaga Yoshimitsu, for example, was a major sinophile, referring to himself with a Chinese title (which I could remember what it was) and even building himself up to usrup the throne in the Chinese style (such as seating himself and his son on the same platform as the Tenno). But anyway given the background it seems to me that the revival in relations has occured between Wei and Japan. Now given Wei's background this could have definate possibilites.
Two paths I want to cover in short are on the introduction of new technology and Confucianism to Japan. First off before things could reach that point Wei and Japan need to get on good relations with each other. I believe that has been covered. Now that relations are established, trade and the exchange of culture begins. What I have in mind is that as Wei advances technologically some of that technology spreads to Japan, maybe triggering some sort of techno-boom, I'm not sure at this point. The second thing I would like to lay out is Confucianism and Japan. Confucianism actually came to Japan with Buddhism during the Tang, but it didn't catch on and it remained the sole province of Buddhist monks, since the Confucian Classics were part of thier school material. The Tokugawa, when they came to power, made Confucianism a big part of thier governing system. What I purpose is that through contact with Wei the Confucian Classics become popular amongst some of the noblity. As a 'Kotei-Style' Tenno would profit from the rise of Confucianism, it would gain Imperial approval. I don't have this totally planned out but ultimatly Japan should gain some Confucian ministers from time to time, and some events about a struggle between the more traditional nobles and the nascent Confucian gentry. But Confucianism shouldn't take over, but provide some really nice events and fluff.
Thank you and good night!