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Dec 27, 2002
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Ok first off I love the new expansion, but there seems to be a few issues that might need to be looked at.

The two heros you start with neither have any abilities at start that do damage to more than one foe in melee, that is understandable for the Druid, but it kinda blows for the Warlord. Perhaps giving the Warlord Dragonstrike at the start would be a good idea.

Burning trap is bugged, it continues to do damage even after it has worn off, you can see this behaviour by casting the spell on enemy units that are stationary, after the 30s the spell lasts they continue to take damage. I beat one of the Maurader armies with one spell cast that way, I just cast burning trap when they were all piled up and a couple minutes later they all died.

The dragon unit seems to bug out its firebreath attack every once in a while. I have had it in melee with a unit and clicking the breath wouldnt do anything. Note this unit might be a bit over powered as well, it can eat a whole unit of sangrael knights in 10s or less, if the breath isnt bugged out. Infantry units just melt when facing the dragon, only heros or archers stand a chance.

There seems to be a hiden +1 Tyranny in the free Sir Bors mission, I might have missed it though.

Diplomacy is awesome, and a welcome addition, I especially like the dealings with the Sidhe and the outlaws/assassins.
I can confirm that the trap spells are bugged, they definitely continue to take effect after the duration of the spell (and after the spell gfx has disappeared).

The dragon breath is powerful, but I feel that the unit is balanced, because it is somewhat of a "glass cannon", as the dragons are one man units with relatively low hp. Focused fire by enemies can and will destroy them.

One of the problems I had with the Saxons expansion was that, with the lack of text based quests, it was somewhat hard (or at least awkward, you could "game" the system, like letting your loyalty drop to spawn revolts, ...) to get morality updates. Welsh expansion is now packed with extra random events, both combat and diplo with direct morality upgrades, which is a really cool way to fix the problem.