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Paradox Interactive Announces King Arthur II

When the Greatest Tale of Chivalry Ends, the Nightmare Begins


NEW YORK, January 14, 2011 /PRNewswire/ — Paradox Interactive and Neocore Games today announced that development for King Arthur II is underway. Critically praised by reviewers and gamers alike, King Arthur was received as one of the biggest surprises to emerge on the gaming scene in 2009. The Fantasy/Role-playing RTS returns in a sequel set to push the boundaries of the genre even further.

King Arthur II will feature a new and dark fantasy setting. No longer a valiant ruler, King Arthur is now the Maimed King trying to mend a land almost beyond repair in a stunning new plot. More heroic, large scale battles with bigger armies are at reach to defeat more powerful foes. Intense boss fights never seen before promise to pit hero’s forces against unique and terrifying enemies. A new wide range of camera control options, revised animations and an extensive tutorial will provide for the ultimate gaming experience.

"We are excited to begin King Arthur II with the Paradox publishing team," said Zoltán Pozsonyi, Producer of King Arthur II for Neocore. "We have every intention of testing the limits in the sequel. With an extraordinary new plot and insane new battles, our community’s expectations will be blown away."

"We couldn’t be more thrilled to add King Arthur II to our lineup of exceptional upcoming titles. From the early development that has taken place, we know this newest title will more than live up to its predecessor," said Fredrik Wester, CEO of Paradox Interactive.

For more information on King Arthur II, check out the website: www.kingarthurthewargame.com

Related Links:

* twitter.com/KingArthurGame
* facebook.com/KingArthurGame

So, what do you think?

Btw, you can watch the announcement trailer and some arts and screenshots if you visit the announcement page:

Hope you'll like it ;)

Awesome!!!!!! Can't wait!!!!!!! If it comes out this year, it will be my most anticipated game of the year!
Congratulations. Looking forward to continue the saga ...

My wish is that you will keep the combination of tactical battles with a balanced magic spell casting system.
Don't skimp out on text-adventure quests and the rpg element, please please please! :p

^^ Yes. THIS as well. Text-based quest remind me of heroes 3 (Homm series in general). It's like reading a novel while playing.
Almost got it right from the screenshots in other thread "King Arthur - The Second War!" is what I called it - and it seems about right!
I just saw an interview with Kate (and Linda, I believe) on the Angry Joe website about KA2. Some juicy info and some funny stuff in the video demos. A new game engine, lots more flying units, long casting time for powerful spells ...etc. Guys (at Neocore) you have to hype this game a bit more.
In the interview Kate says they have a tentative release of Q4 2011. Great. Really looking forward to that.
:) Hope you like the Angry Joe interview - it's definitely worth a look - there are a lot of new info in there about King Arthur II.

Beside that - we don't know yet about the Old Save Bonus, we'll see if we can do something about it - I agree, it would be fun :)
I don't know whether you've seen it or not, but a new, King Arthur II Forum was opened in the "Upcoming Games" section. Take a look if you haven't.

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Beside that - we don't know yet about the Old Save Bonus, we'll see if we can do something about it - I agree, it would be fun :)

This makes me happy :D

I think that a good way to handle this is to have a few spells you can only get by importing a KA 1 save. Which spells you get depend on your choices in KA 1 - 1 spell for Christian Kings, 1 for followers of the Old Faith, 1 for Rightful Kings and 1 for Tyrants.

i wonder if this game will also have the runtime crash that it's predecessor has, and even after the 1.05 patch STILL did not get fixed,

main game, 5 patches, 2 expansions..... and the CTD (runtime crash) is still present....... 2 years and still not a fix for an issue that has plagued the original game since release, and still does even now,

i will remind people here, that a company that does not fix issues as prominent as a CTD with there game should think twice about supporting them when they make a sequel...... or at the very least be wary. (if you buy a new car that keeps breaking down, then you wouldn't buy another car from the same makers now would you)?

i'm surprised (unfortunate) that paradox can't put any pressure on them either in fixing this CTD which has caused a lot of upset, and will not doubt bring some of that upset to paradox too.


i am so pleased that paradox does not treat there customers the same, paradox ALWAYS addresses CTD bugs, CTD's is and will always be a game killer..... period,
(with the exception to maybe the EXIT game crash, but this is when exiting, and isn't a CTD) LOL

CTD = Crash to Desktop (for reference)

i put this here to inform people who does not know about the predecessor's reliability issues, Neocore's questionable stance on this long-term CTD issue should be spoken allowed, not hidden away.

i have posted the forum thread above, i advise people who is not in the know to read that post, and perhaps spend 10 minutes on there forum, you will see and feel the upset that many have.

(no matter how great a game is, common CTD's will always kill that enjoyment)

i hope this will not be deleted, i put this here out of fairness, (full disclosure and all that pony) lol
King Arthur 2 has a new engine that is much more developed and better than the Coretech 3D engine of the first game. For most people we have fixed the crashes, and only an extremely low percent of players are having crashes with the game today. Although we fully understand the frustration that it might cause to those few and we really sorry about it. Please, if you still have problems, write us to support@kingarthurthewargame.com and we’ll try to help you.
FYI: We never delete posts because of criticism, your feedback is very important for us, we are always listening to it, because it help us improve the game.
"only an extremely low percent of players are having crashes with the game today"

"only an extremely low percent of players are playing the game today" (although I do like your choice of words.... very PR)

however i am pleased to hear that a new engine is being developed for "King Arthur II", but I always found the connection from one engine to another (going from battle to Campaign) was a major factor in the reliability of "King Arthur" as did many other in the past.

Although it's quite academic now, I look forward to seeing how reliable "King Arthur II" is upon release.... my nan always said, "it doesn't matter what people say, it's what the facts say that matters".
Registered55 said:
"only an extremely low percent of players are playing the game today" (although I do like your choice of words.... very PR)

A huge percent of players are playing the game even today and just a few weeks ago lots of new players joined the King Arthur community. And the previous statement still stands.

Please don't claim something of what you don't have any relevant information.

If you have issues with the game, please write to support@kingarthurthewargame.com. We do read those e-mails and we will find a solution in one way or another.

Thank you.
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