look ppl I spent maybe 50-100 hours into this game it will be dearly depressing to give it up because we may be chronically short on ppl occasionally.
As for my little war, here's what happened I had in the prev session as requested per rules peaced Seljuks I demanded all the lands I thought I claimed.
Turns out one of them was a prov in Meso, I pretty much ignored it since theres no way to give it back AFAIK and i never did anything with it.
But it being a count stillo attacked turks for me and grabed a prov.
and my intentions when I saw this is to let it happen FOR WARSCORE vs the Turks who were sending the largest army I have ever seen towards our Ventian friends and allies who I could not let be pounded.
You cannot honestly excect me to cease my wars with the turks because:
A) every other Byzantine player in the history of CK goes against the turks it is expected.
B) Of we role play this I am still a Christian Nation crusading against the heathens there is no RP way of explaioning why aa random polish king would want to attack the greeks.
C) Makin things exciting is a stupid excuse because doign what you owuld do when I have little to no reserves left (fighting an enemy with 2-3 times your MP does that) is cheap and will only result in breaking the back of Byzantium and estorying its playability as a nation hence furthing the destabalizing of game Balance and further alienating your fellow gamers.
And this also drives away other players because why should a player join if every action can concievably be dictated by the will of Krakow?
Remember this is a CONVERSION game so lets look at EU2.
We will concieaby have:
Out of all of these 6-7 are regularily controlled by players.
Which means we only need THREE more players for a competitive game of EU2.
We have enough to way the foundations.
As for my little war, here's what happened I had in the prev session as requested per rules peaced Seljuks I demanded all the lands I thought I claimed.
Turns out one of them was a prov in Meso, I pretty much ignored it since theres no way to give it back AFAIK and i never did anything with it.
But it being a count stillo attacked turks for me and grabed a prov.
and my intentions when I saw this is to let it happen FOR WARSCORE vs the Turks who were sending the largest army I have ever seen towards our Ventian friends and allies who I could not let be pounded.
You cannot honestly excect me to cease my wars with the turks because:
A) every other Byzantine player in the history of CK goes against the turks it is expected.
B) Of we role play this I am still a Christian Nation crusading against the heathens there is no RP way of explaioning why aa random polish king would want to attack the greeks.
C) Makin things exciting is a stupid excuse because doign what you owuld do when I have little to no reserves left (fighting an enemy with 2-3 times your MP does that) is cheap and will only result in breaking the back of Byzantium and estorying its playability as a nation hence furthing the destabalizing of game Balance and further alienating your fellow gamers.
And this also drives away other players because why should a player join if every action can concievably be dictated by the will of Krakow?
Remember this is a CONVERSION game so lets look at EU2.
We will concieaby have:
Out of all of these 6-7 are regularily controlled by players.
Which means we only need THREE more players for a competitive game of EU2.
We have enough to way the foundations.