Hi, my Kingsguard won't replenish. I currently have 2 members and I can't get anymore.
Any ideas why I can't get new members?
Currently playing the latest version with the following submods:
Any ideas why I can't get new members?
Currently playing the latest version with the following submods:
- Bloodlines v5: Introduces a trait-orientated bloodline system into the game for major dynasties. Comes also with a no limit version that allows the trait to be inherited always, indefinitely. — blackninja9939
- Challenge to Duel: Introduces the ability to challenge other characters to a duel through a personal interaction. — blackninja9939
- Duel Recorder: a submod for the Challenge to duel mod that allows you to keep track of your character's duels. — blackninja9939
- Free Realms: break up the map for a more fragmented world (higher-tier titles) and configure your game. — Cabezaestufa and blackninja9939
- More Bookmarks v1: Introduces loads of new start dates to choose from. — blackninja9939
- More Decisions v6.2: Introduces a myriod of new decisions for the player, signficiantly increasing gameplay options. — blackninja9939
- Rainbow Weddings: A WIP mod that brings forth horrific events that can transpire during wedding ceremonies. — Wilsonator, blackninja9939 and SinStar8