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I am not sure how but they really need to get some hype for this game going.
The forums both here and on Steam are dead.
Trudat… but the time of HBS Kickstarter studio-fan engagement, thrice weekly HyperRPG shows and full tilt forum engagement (and resulting hype) is past. And I miss it.

What we have here with Lamplighter League is the blueprint for future HBS title announcement-to-release arcs… the new normal.

Fortunately, with the focus and manhours more fully on the game rather than HyperRPG, forum engagement, conventions, etc… the game will benefit.

The challenge of sparking hype for a brand new and as yet largely unknown gaming universe is immense. Weekly Dev Diary’s is an excellent start, but until there is something on the level of a playable Beta (if indeed such is even in the offing) we might not see much hype / traffic on the forum.
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I am a diehard fan of Mitch and Team HBS, and I can hardly wait for Lamplighter League to be released into the wild.

I’ve wishlisted LL and will be preordered it just as soon as possible.

Are there any other fellow Lamplighters-in-waiting, eager and excited to pick up the challenge of recruiting from among the shadiest and worst of us (misfits and scoundrels) now that the best of us have failed to stop this latest cult of Big Bad Guys and Gals?
Keeping an eye on things myself.
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I was just curious how much interest this game has garnered. Not too interested myself, as the mechanics currently look very similar to Empire of Sin, but in a setting that doesn't interest me as much. I doubt I will get it, but I am open to the possibility that I overlooked something.
and we know they definitely can write good stories

Well, they can definitely write stories. Whether or not they can write a good one is definitely yet to be seen.

Animations shown in previews look like absolute hot garbage. I was excited for this, but I'm not fool enough to pre-order, and I need to see that they can actually make it look exciting to have tommy guns going-off and a sneaky assassin CQC lady doing takedowns before I'm on board. A game with this premise has no reason to look as boring, visuals-wise, as the footage so far has suggested.
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This game has intrigued me since I saw the Announcement Trailer a while back as it seems to check quite a few boxes for me: setting, art direction, genre mix. I'm looking forward to following along with the developmetn.
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Lamplighters, one and ALL!

If @HBS_InspectorHound were here, I am sure he would agree…

Within a week we each and everyone of us will be sneaking, stomping and (in my case!) blundering forth to combat Existential Evil!

Our best and brightest have tried and died.

Soon it will be up to us. Even though we are more used to shadows and back alleys, drunk tanks and pool halls, it will soon be incumbent upon us to meet the Enemy wherever they may can be found. In their mountain fastnesses, their tropical haunts and dessert hideouts, we shall find them, fight them and STOP THEM!

Many of us will fall… be rescued, only to fall again. But given time, perseverance and no small amount of luck, we just might be able to win through and save the World!

We few… we dark, dastardly and disheveled few, may succeed where our Best and Brightest have failed.

And once the world is safe, no doubt we’ll be forced back to our alleys, pool halls and other assorted shadows, by those who’ll never quite understand or appreciate our sacrifices and losses…

…at least until the next time we, the Lamplighter League, is called upon to once salvage Victory from the iron-jaws of defeat. :bow:
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I'm confused of what you mean with that, but yeah its nice to have that xcom like game itch scratched.

I do kinda wish though that effects and sound effects had more oomph to them
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