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Leverage does not shift to account for predicted unclaimed or to account for blocs that are predicted as 0.Description
Leverage only shifts current leverage toward predicted leverage for the Blocs themselves, and never shifts current UNCLAIMED leverage in favor of predicted unclaimed leverage (but will shift current unclaimed OUT). For example, if a country rises from an insignificant power to minor power, its rank based leverage resistance rises from 250 to 500. This then increases the predicted unclaimed leverage. However, the power blocs will NEVER lose leverage to unclaimed leverage, only to each other. This means that a nation's unclaimed leverage will never increase from the value it was at the start of the game, it can only decrease.There is an additional problem as well; Blocs who have current leverage in a country where their predicted leverage is 0 (non-existent) simply do not shift, regardless. If predicted is 1 it would shift, but if it is 0 it will not. In this situation the current leverage simply remains unchanged perpetually, and blocs who should have no leverage over a country have lingering fake leverage.
This also means that if you join a Sovereign Empire bloc, you are effectively locked into that bloc for the entire playthrough, as you can virtually NEVER reduce the bloc leader's leverage below the threshold for leaving, since you cannot ever increase your unclaimed leverage. (I did a Romania run where i became a great power and was still unable to leave Russia's bloc because of this issue, ruining the entire run.)
This is game breaking when playing any country that is not a great power at start, especially those in Europe.
Steps to reproduce
Should be visible from game start, simply watch the leverage of any country whose unclaimed current leverage is lower than its predicted leverage. I have also provided a save from which several examples can be found;In the save file, the Ottomans bloc no longer exists because its prestige dropped it into minor power level for a time prior to the current date. As such it has unclaimed leverage, as well as leverage from the French, Prussian, Russian, Austrian, and British blocs. However, the French bloc has no predicted leverage at all, and its predicted unclaimed leverage is ~100 points higher than its current unclaimed leverage. All other blocs have predicted leverage matching or slightly below their current leverage. Normally, the French Bloc should be losing its leverage every week, and a small amount should also be shifting away from the British. Both of these should be shifting into the Unclaimed pool. Instead, all leverage is static. The French cannot lose leverage as they have 0 predicted, and the other blocs are not losing leverage either, as the unclaimed leverage never takes from them.
Another example is the United Principalities (my country in this save). Every bloc has slightly more current leverage than their potential leverage, and unclaimed leverage is at 13.9% but should be shifting towards 21.8%. However, no matter how much time has passed, this does not happen. Even if you take extreme measures, breaking all the diplomatic pacts with Russia and GB to drastically lower their potential, NONE of that leverage will ever shift into unclaimed leverage, instead the Zollverein simply gains a small amount of leverage taken from them since its relative leverage is now slightly higher. Unclaimed leverage is essentially ignored in this calculation.
A third example is Portugal. The Russian, GB, and French blocs all have small amounts more current leverage than predicted leverage, and the Metternich system has current leverage with a 0 predicted leverage. Unclaimed is at 29.3% but should be shifting to 37.5%. However, none of these leverages shift. The Metternich does not shift towards 0, and unclaimed does not shift higher. Everything is static.
Game Version
Bug Type
OtherSave Game
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