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Doing his own thing
85 Badges
Oct 10, 2001
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First testrun with Bavaria by me ever.

And God this was an awesome game.:D
This is the case, as I got beat up to an unbelieveable extent by the AI.

Logstyle as I don´t have time for writing.;)

Hmm, Hansaetic League and Cologne a problem, let´s solve that early.

name = "January 1, 1419 : Brabant joined our Military Alliance with Franconia"
name = "January 1, 1419 : Our stability dropped."
name = "January 1, 1419 : Bavaria declared war upon Hanseatic League."
name = "January 1, 1419 : Cologne joined the war on the same side as Hanseatic League in their war against Bavaria."
name = "January 1, 1419 : Franconia joined the war on the same side as Bavaria in their war against Hanseatic League and "
name = "Cologne."
name = "January 1, 1419 : Brabant joined the war on the same side as Bavaria and Franconia in their war against Hanseatic "
name = "League and Cologne."

name = "July 11, 1420 : Bavaria accepted peace with Cologne on the following terms : Cologne pays 240$ in indemnities. "
name = "Luxembourg to Bavaria, Kleves to Bavaria & Brabant to Bavaria. "
name = "October 29, 1422 : Bavaria accepted peace with Hanseatic League on the following terms : Holstein to Bavaria, "
name = "Bremen to Bavaria & Flandern to Bavaria. "

Easy and swift, let´s go on.

name = "October 28, 1423 : Bavaria declared war upon Bohemia."

name = "August 29, 1424 : We went with Treaties will do nothing. Claim all of Bohemia and Austria! in The Treaty of "
name = "Vienna."
name = "August 29, 1424 : Hungary had Bavaria claims all of Bohemia and Austria . "

Oh my god, it gets really, really nasty now.

name = "August 16, 1425 : Milan declared war upon us!"
name = "August 16, 1425 : Genoa joined the war on the same side as Milan in their war against Bavaria."
name = "August 16, 1425 : Romagna joined the war on the same side as Milan and Genoa in their war against Bavaria."
name = "August 16, 1425 : Sicily joined the war on the same side as Milan, Genoa and Romagna in their war against Bavaria."
name = "August 16, 1425 : Union of Kalmar joined the war on the same side as Milan, Genoa, Romagna and Sicily in their war "
name = "against Bavaria."
name = "August 16, 1425 : Union of Kalmar broke the Royal Marriage she had with Bavaria."

At least the UoK, Sicily and Milan are a big problem, one I don´t see atm.

name = "June 2, 1431 : Gelre declared war upon us!"
name = "June 2, 1431 : Oldenburg joined the war on the same side as Gelre in their war against Bavaria."
name = "June 2, 1431 : Hannover joined the war on the same side as Gelre and Oldenburg in their war against Bavaria."
name = "June 2, 1431 : Hannover broke the Royal Marriage she had with Bavaria."
name = "June 2, 1431 : Friesland joined the war on the same side as Gelre, Oldenburg and Hannover in their war against "
name = "Bavaria."


name = "February 16, 1432 : Our stability dropped."
name = "February 16, 1432 : Genoa rejected our generous peace offer!"
name = "February 16, 1432 : Sicily rejected our generous peace offer!"
name = "February 16, 1432 : We took a loan."
name = "February 17, 1432 : Hanseatic League declared war upon us!"
name = "February 17, 1432 : Cologne joined the war on the same side as Hanseatic League in their war against Bavaria."
name = "February 17, 1432 : Tver joined the war on the same side as Hanseatic League and Cologne in their war against "
name = "Bavaria."
name = "Game Speed set to Fast"
name = "February 20, 1432 : Hungary declared war upon Steiermark."
name = "February 20, 1432 : Ragusa joined the war on the same side as Hungary in their war against Steiermark."
name = "February 20, 1432 : Bosnia joined the war on the same side as Hungary and Ragusa in their war against Steiermark."
name = "February 20, 1432 : Saxony joined the war on the same side as Steiermark in their war against Hungary, Ragusa and "
name = "Bosnia."
name = "February 23, 1432 : Poland is now granting Hanseatic League military access to their country."
name = "February 24, 1432 : Münster joined the war on the same side as Bavaria in their war against Hanseatic League, "
name = "Cologne and Tver."
name = "March 1, 1432 : You were demoted to Baron."

I am already getting stabhitted, I take loans without wanting, too and now everyone attacks me.:D
My little electronic soldiers win battle after battle, but I loose one crucial engagement in Tyrolia and I can´t be everywhere.

This is getting serious, I am stabhitted zounds of times, my income drops, my provinces are besieged and thus I have to admit defeat:

name = "August 7, 1432 : Bavaria accepted peace with Milan on the following terms : Flandern to Sicily. Bavaria will "
name = "become a vassal."
name = "August 7, 1432 : Bavaria became Vassals of Milan."

Now, I don´t know you guys, but I was NEVER vassalized before, and being vassalized and loosing a COT was a good deal in that situation!!

name = "September 25, 1433 : Bavaria accepted peace with Gelre on the following terms : Brandenburg to Gelre.
name = "March 15, 1434 : Bavaria accepted peace with Hanseatic League on the following terms : Brabant to Cologne. "

Well, another two alliances of my back. I just lost my direct land con to Holland, too.

name = "September 11, 1434 : Saxony declared war upon us!"
name = "September 11, 1434 : Steiermark joined the war on the same side as Saxony in their war against Bavaria."
name = "September 11, 1434 : Asturias joined the war on the same side as Saxony and Steiermark in their war against Bavaria."

name = "April 10, 1435 : Baden entered a Military Alliance with Saxony, Steiermark and Asturias."

Sigh, first time I smash my keyboard, this only happened in MP games before. The smashing at least.

I am short of giving up but then I take two loans, rebuild my army and somehow manage to get everyone of my back. My whole income for the next years goes straight into army.

I build troops, troops, troops, troops and more troops. My supply limit is always at the top. And thus when Milano is in a war and the truce is over:

name = "January 14, 1438 : Our stability dropped."
name = "January 14, 1438 : Our stability dropped."
name = "January 14, 1438 : Our stability dropped."
name = "January 14, 1438 : Bavaria cancelled the Vassalization she had with Milan."
name = "January 14, 1438 : Our stability dropped."
name = "January 14, 1438 : Our stability dropped."
name = "January 14, 1438 : Our stability dropped."
name = "January 14, 1438 : Bavaria declared war upon Milan."
name = "January 14, 1438 : Genoa joined the war on the same side as Milan in their war against Bavaria."
name = "January 14, 1438 : Sicily joined the war on the same side as Milan and Genoa in their war against Bavaria."
name = "January 14, 1438 : Union of Kalmar joined the war on the same side as Milan, Genoa and Sicily in their war against "
name = "Bavaria."
name = "February 1, 1438 : You were demoted to Baronet."

Stability is really not an issue anymore.:D

name = "November 6, 1438 : Union of Kalmar went with Christoffer Wittelsbach of Bavaria in A King to replace Erik VII. "

Thanks, Nik II. this is a lifesaver, suddenly the UoK likes me.:D

name = "January 15, 1440 : Bavaria accepted peace with Sicily on the following terms : Flandern to Bavaria. "
name = "January 19, 1440 : Bavaria accepted peace with Union of Kalmar on the following terms : Holstein to Union of "
name = "Kalmar. "

name = "April 8, 1442 : Bavaria accepted peace with Milan on the following terms : Milan pays 6$ in indemnities. "

I get Flandern back but sacrifice Holstein, I am SOO not there yet. Note, that I had 2 more years of warfare to finally get peace.
I am full of energy now, but my army is from now on the biggest in Europe, no pussyfooting anymore.

name = "June 21, 1442 : Bavaria entered a Military Alliance with Savoy, Swabia and Guyenne."

My last friends. :)

name = "January 20, 1444 : My Lord, our State Gift has enormously improved our relations with Milan. They should be "
name = "regarded as completely neutral."
name = "February 27, 1444 : Bavaria entered a Military Alliance with Milan, Genoa, Sicily and Union of Kalmar."
name = "February 27, 1444 : Bavaria joined the war on the same side as Milan, Genoa, Sicily and Union of Kalmar in their "
name = "war against Swabia, Savoy and Guyenne."

The alliance of my doom, I join them with a little stategift to beat up Swabia, who holds Tyrolia (goldmine), honor to my allies means nothing to me since 10 years when everyone, their grandmother and their dog beat me up.

name = "December 13, 1445 : Swabia accepted peace with Milan on the following terms : Swabia pays 66$ in indemnities. "
name = "Tirol to Bavaria. "

Should I love Milan now, or hate them? I settle for the latter.

name = "January 3, 1447 : Milan became Vassals of Swabia."
name = "January 3, 1447 : Milan left the Military Alliance she had with Bavaria, Genoa and Union of Kalmar."

A smile comes on my face.:D

name = "May 26, 1448 : Bavaria declared war upon Gelre."
name = "May 26, 1448 : Hessen joined the war on the same side as Bavaria, Genoa and Union of Kalmar in their war against "
name = "Gelre, Saxony, Steiermark, Asturias and Baden."

name = "December 9, 1448 : Bavaria accepted peace with Gelre on the following terms : Gelre pays 25$ in indemnities. "

Revenge will be mine, well hopefully somewhen, suddenly 30-40k army start marching all over the place, I peace.

name = "March 9, 1450 : Bavaria entered a Military Alliance with Genoa, Union of Kalmar, Hessen, Hungary and Sicily."
name = "March 9, 1450 : Bavaria joined the war on the same side as Genoa, Union of Kalmar, Hessen, Hungary and Sicily in "
name = "their war against Milan."

Yes, when someone has to pay, then it has to be Milan

name = "February 2, 1452 : Bavaria accepted peace with Milan on the following terms : Milan pays 135$ in indemnities. "

name = "May 3, 1452 : Bavaria declared war upon Poland."
name = "May 3, 1452 : Lithuania joined the war on the same side as Poland in their war against Bavaria."
name = "May 3, 1452 : Genoa joined the war on the same side as Bavaria in their war against Poland and Lithuania."
name = "May 3, 1452 : Union of Kalmar dishonored your Military Alliance."
name = "May 3, 1452 : Hessen joined the war on the same side as Bavaria and Genoa in their war against Poland and Lithuania."
name = "May 3, 1452 : Hungary joined the war on the same side as Bavaria, Genoa and Hessen in their war against Poland and "
name = "Lithuania."
name = "May 3, 1452 : Sicily joined the war on the same side as Bavaria, Genoa, Hessen and Hungary in their war against "
name = "Poland and Lithuania."
name = "May 7, 1452 : Milan accepted peace with Savoy on the following terms : Milan pays 17$ in indemnities. Romagna "
name = "to Savoy & Mantua to Savoy. "

I sep peace, and continue towards Poland who annexed Bohemia, Milan dies painfully.

name = "April 13, 1453 : Bavaria accepted peace with Poland on the following terms : Silesia to Bavaria & Moravia to "
name = "Bavaria. "

Quick, brutal, Bohemia is still polish.

name = "December 17, 1454 : Bavaria declared war upon Cologne."

Brabant anyone?

name = "December 15, 1465 : Bavaria declared war upon Sicily."
name = "December 15, 1465 : Saxony joined the war on the same side as Bavaria and Union of Kalmar in their war against "
name = "Sicily, Hanseatic League, Burgundy, Oldenburg and Friesland."

Everyone is my target par Sicily, I abandon being nice, I want blood.

name = "January 26, 1467 : Bavaria accepted peace with Burgundy on the following terms : Calais to Bavaria, Picardie to "
name = "Bavaria, Ile de France to Bavaria & Champagne to Bavaria. "

Western border secure.

name = "February 14, 1467 : Bavaria accepted peace with Sicily on the following terms : Sicily pays 172$ in indemnities. "
name = "Brandenburg to Bavaria. "

Somehow they got Brandenburg from Gelre.

name = "June 1, 1475 : Bavaria declared war upon Steiermark."
name = "June 1, 1475 : Union of Kalmar joined the war on the same side as Bavaria in their war against Steiermark, Genoa, "
name = "Hessen, Hungary and Teutonic Order."

Styria = cb = Target

name = "January 27, 1477 : Hungary accepted our generous peace offer."
name = "January 27, 1477 : Hungary are now our vassals."

Land tech 5, and Hungary was nerving.

name = "February 14, 1483 : Bavaria declared war upon Genoa."
name = "February 14, 1483 : Teutonic Order joined the war on the same side as Genoa in their war against Bavaria."
name = "February 14, 1483 : Bulgaria joined the war on the same side as Genoa and Teutonic Order in their war against "
name = "Bavaria."
name = "December 1, 1483 : Bavaria accepted peace with Genoa on the following terms : Genoa pays 105$ in indemnities. "
name = "Veneto to Bavaria, Emilia to Bavaria & Steiermark to Bavaria. "

Maybe I aim for WC? I am still in a war-like mood.

name = "January 3, 1488 : Bavaria declared war upon Byzantium."
name = "March 7, 1489 : Byzantium are now our vassals."

Land tech 9 against 4, short.

name = "December 18, 1506 : Byzantium are now part of our nation!"

And suddenly the game is obscene


Land tech 11, naval tech 3, trade 2, infra 3 and 2 % inflation.

Bavaria is not too easy, if you ask me. But her manpower is awesome.

TheArchduke said:

What is your opinion about The military reforms of Albrecht der Weise? Too much Land tech? Id be inclined to more like 6000 and 2000 instead of 10k and 5k, just because it is a great boon to be so much in advance when hitting 9 before your enemies/neighbors..

edit: Nice game btw.. and I see you often get high techs fast.. you are probably just a better player than me, although I would have thought that inflation and constant wars should have hampered you ;)
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Nice Archduke, but how in the hell did you finish with only 2 inflation???
Nikolai II said:
What is your opinion about The military reforms of Albrecht der Weise? Too much Land tech? Id be inclined to more like 6000 and 2000 instead of 10k and 5k, just because it is a great boon to be so much in advance when hitting 9 before your enemies/neighbors..

I agree. This plus Bavaria's amazing leaders is going to prove a huge advantage in MP or SP.
Well the game showed that Bavaria has much potential but can very easily die early on by two determinded neighbours, but she is definetly #2 on the nerf list behind Granada after MP testing.
Well, I managed my Bavaria game a little bit better. How?

First, I hit Bohemia when the events came, taking all but Bohemia itself and vassalizing them, then taking Flandern from the Hanse and Kleves from Cologne, uniting all my lands. At this time, nobody hates me, I have low BB, and high MP. Next Styria annexes Tyrol, so I dow them, with my cb from claiming everything in the treaty, and tke Tyrol.

I now own more than Vanilla Austria has by 1492, and it's only 1450 or so, and I haven't even dowed without a cb :rolleyes:
Same happened with me, but then Milan dowed me and hell broke loose.:D
I am thinking about it.

Thing is I dislike Bohemia´s ability to remain a 1 province nation that noone has a cb on, maybe I add something later into.