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Hi, it's that bug report again.

Back when ToG came out, I filed a bugreport concerning the wrong spelling of the name of the Ottonian dynasty, the Liudolfingers. Ingame, they are called "Ludolfinger", with a missing 'I'.
Also, the guy after whom the dynasty is named, Liudolf I., Duke of Saxony (Char ID 7959), is written "Luidolf", which is also not correct. The name database for German names should be corrected too, if the mistake repeats itself there.

It is an error in the name of one of the ruling dynasties of the HRE. It's like "of Wassex", "Salien", "Crapets".

Now with Charlemagne at the door, I would really appreciate it if that annoying bug would finally be fixed.
Thank you very much!

For reference:
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Cheers for your find, this issue is reported in our database and will be fixed in future :)
Great to hear.

Now, please go thru all my old database reports in both this forum and the beta forum bug tool, and add them.

Thanks! :D
Hi guys.

I did some more research. The name "Ludolf" apparantly has to stay in the names list, I stand corrected. Sorry! But "Liudolf" needs to be added, too, since both names were used during the time period. The point considering the Liudolfingians is still valid, though.
I'm sorry to bother again, but WoL and it's beta predecessors haven't adressed this yet. It would be quite nice if you could get in the next patch.

Thanks again.
Hooray for a two years old bug!
Since you fine people are working on a new DLC. So it's, and I'm sorry for that, time to reheat this bug report. Please find the time to address this. Thank you.
Because this thread has been reopened I also suggest to chance the name of the Count of Ulm in the 863 start from Guelph to Welf, because you now Guelph is the English spelling and Welf is the German one.
The name Ludolfinger was brought up and discussed, but it was decided to remain unchanged since it's only a different way of spelling it.

As for changing the name to Welf. I supposed that it would be more accurate, since the character is actually German. The only issue is that he will be named Welf Welf, since the dynasty is also named Welf.
The name Ludolfinger was brought up and discussed, but it was decided to remain unchanged since it's only a different way of spelling it.

As for changing the name to Welf. I supposed that it would be more accurate, since the character is actually German. The only issue is that he will be named Welf Welf, since the dynasty is also named Welf.

Well, there's the obvious difference in pronounciation.
It's the spelling in all scientific texts and wikipedia, for that matter. The characters link to it.
The dynasty is named after the earliest known member, being Liudolf, with an I. He died in 866. This practise of naming dynasties after the earliest known member also concerns the Welfs, hence Welf Welf.

I don't see why you would stick to a faulty spelling. There were characters named "Ludolf" - but the Liudolfings were not among them.

I cannot simply do that myself without changing the checksum.
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Ludolfinger is not an alternate way of spelling Liudolfinger. The pronunciation of the two names in German is different.
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