In a world where everyone and their dog wants to ally Macedon, Moesia is the last one out. More allies are equal to more power and security, so Philippos naturally accepted.
Not long after Moesia asks for Macedon to do good on their alliance. The enemies are perfect for Macedon, as Philippos wanted to take them on anyways.
Not long after the war is basically won, but as Macedon is not war leader, they need to wait for Moesia to divide the spoils.
Domestically, the governor or Phrygia has trouble and asks the state to pay for his province’s trouble. He asks for a lot of money, money the state does not have at that moment, so Philippos says “pay it yourself, FOOL”.
Soon thereafter the governor is sent to debt prison. Oops.
After this, the war in Asia is finally over, and Macedon gets a lot of land for their effort.
Philippos is pleased.
Moesia is power hungry and asks for help in another war. Philippos naturally accepts.
Then Numenios Alexandrid, a powerful figure that is dissatisfied with his lack of office or command, hires his own private army. It’s only 12.000 man strong though, so there is not much worry in court.
Carthage in the meantime wants to wage war on Rome and asks for Macedon’s support. Philippos has long decided Rome is the stronger horse to bet on, so he politely declines. If Carthage is to wage war on Rome, she does so alone. Carthage is not pleased.
Philippos is not afraid of war though. Phrygia needs to get some Macedon heels on themselves!
In Asia the war goes splendid, but when Macedon invades the Levant, a massive host of mercenaries comes knocking, obliterating two 20.000 man armies and leading two generals – one a nephew to the basileus – into captivity.
During the aftermath of this disaster, Moesia calls Macedon to war again. Phillipos accept but does not plan to take much part in the war at this point.
In the peace treaty with Phrygia, half of their remaining lands get taken. They might soon stop blighting the map now.