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A very dirty deed. This will surely weaken the realm, for a good while anyway.
He was a good king. :(
Oh my!
Reminds me of the death of another Macedonian King, Phillip, Alexander's father
Very interesting - will we see Antikles facing off against Nephoris soon in a civil war?
I also had another claimant vying for power, but it seems that the Imperator AI is not the most eager one to start a civil war.
Oops, hope no bad person will misuse the opportunity to stab a minor in the back ...
That would be horrible to the young boy. :eek:
Chapter VIII
Macedon was – again – in a precarious situation.

The primary heir was also actively working towards gaining the throne by illicit means.

And that could not do.


The regency council, led by the Queen Mother, used all their political clout to encourage deserters from Antikles’ ranks.


Soon his ranks went from 41.000 men to merely 17.000.

Meanwhile, the Queen Mother wanted to strengthen her boy’s standing, and decided to unite Crete under the Macedonian banner.



The boy, however, was missing his father and was seen red eyed after crying more and more often.


The Queen Mother on her side asked him to quit whining and continued to unite Crete.



Some good news came not long after, as one of the pretenders with many troops behind his name, died.


The gods continued to smile towards the regency, as also Antikles kicked the bucket.


Seeing this as a good sign, the Queen Mother ordered the military to secure the Hellespont.


This backfired, however, when the enemy signed on every mercenary company under the sun.


And thus, Philippos Antipatrid came of age while his armies were fleeing.
At least he did come of age. Does Philippos have the money to even things up with mercs of his own, or have some other armies that can be diverted to the task? It would be embarrassing to be defeated by some flea-speck city state.

All he had to do was live long enough for those ageing pretenders to shuffle off their mortal coils. But I’m sure more jealous relatives or generals will emerge to cause problems.
The assassination almost seems Byzantine. :)
We can always hope he is able!!!
He certainly seem to be! All hail the basileus! :D
At least he did come of age. Does Philippos have the money to even things up with mercs of his own, or have some other armies that can be diverted to the task? It would be embarrassing to be defeated by some flea-speck city state.

All he had to do was live long enough for those ageing pretenders to shuffle off their mortal coils. But I’m sure more jealous relatives or generals will emerge to cause problems.
He found a solution, as you will se. :)
We can but hope (fingers crossed) :)
Yes, keep those fingers cross man. :)
The assassination almost seems Byzantine. :)
True. Look at the final map in the coming update. Seems pretty much like Byzantium later on, it was almost a little eerie. :)
Chapter IX
As Philippos came of age, his people came to revere the man. Humble and most devout, this man was surely blessed by the gods.


Philippos inherited a war that was going badly, and his acumen as a commander showed when he ordered his troops to secure the rather small area owned by his enemies, while letting the enemy mercenaries run rampant in his country’s rather new won and unruly country side.



This paid off and he could soon sign a peace treaty completely in his favor.


He then turned to the one thing his predecessors could manage; securing all of southern Greece. The small countries were many, rich and protected by Thrace, but he felt this was his country’s destiny, and who were he to stand in the way of achieving Macedon’s greatness?



His first foray into the Peleponnes were hindered by the terrain being not in his favor and the huge amounts of enemy troops, but he battled on.


One big enemy troop stack kept hindering progress, but he kept sending more and more troops, winding them down.



His heir, an old relative, died, but his wife was pregnant.


And soon he had his heir, little Tauriskos. May his reign be better than his grandfather’s.


Finally the big stack of doom opposing Philippos was beaten.


But then the slaves of Epidamnos revolted.


Thankfully, they were soon struck down – by enemy troops trying to secure the area no less!


And finally, peace was within reach. Philippos demanded half of Greece from his enemies, as well as a land bridge between his Asian and European lands.

Things are going well. Some crafty strategy there in the two wars. Heavy casualties in the war for Achaea but it looks to have been worth it. And some good luck with the slave revolt. Plus a new heir. But surely this now means something will go unexpectedly wrong! :eek::D
You are definitely correct - a definite whiff of Byzantium here.
Ahh, how the raising on children was different back then. "Stop whining and conquer Crete" :p

And that is awfully nice by your enemies. Crushing the slave revolt like that.
Things are going well. Some crafty strategy there in the two wars. Heavy casualties in the war for Achaea but it looks to have been worth it. And some good luck with the slave revolt. Plus a new heir. But surely this now means something will go unexpectedly wrong! :eek::D
Yeah, taking out those small entities are really hard. :eek:
Macedonian: "Oh noes, the slaves are revolting!"
Greek: "yes and they smell too."
Haha :D
You are definitely correct - a definite whiff of Byzantium here.
Yeah, right? :)
Ahh, how the raising on children was different back then. "Stop whining and conquer Crete" :p

And that is awfully nice by your enemies. Crushing the slave revolt like that.
'Tis was a different time, indeed. ;)
Chapter X
With peace won, it was time to claim more Asian land.


Phrygia, through their small ally Kios, was the target.

The governors of Asia kept being disloyal and uppity, and each time one was neutralized, the next became as bad as the old one. It seemed it was a curse.


Prepelaos Prepelaid was no different. He tried to burglarize a villa belonging to Philippos. Or perhaps kill the basileus.

In any case, he was thrown out the balcony, badly injured and watched from now on.


Phrygia and Kios was soon toast, resulting in a humiliating treaty.


And thus, Philippos turned to Greece once again, where Troizen stood alone.


They were soon part of Macedon.


Prepelaos did not stop his foolishness despite his beating a while back, and his last insults were too much. Dungeon it was.



In the north of Asia, there were chaos. Macedonian arms needed to secure the area.

And so, Macedon did.


Tauriskos, the heir of Philippos, was getting uppity, angry to not have more responsibility.


Carthage surprised Philippos when they offered an alliance. Already allied to Seleukids and Rome, Macedon was secure as it was, but Carthage was strong and a worthy ally.

Philippos said yes but told the ambassadors he would never betray Rome.

Tauriskos demanded more responsibility again, and Philippos decided to grant him a command over the 9th Stratos.


Ah, as I have remarked to you before, I get the feeling you will never tire of beating up on Phrgyia in this game. It is a bit like beating up on France in the EU series - practically a public service!
Macedonia is becoming quite the behemoth. So if Rome and Carthage go to war (let’s face it, a pretty likely outcome if OTL is anything to go by) will you be damned by one, the other or both depending on whether and for whom you intervene?

And given the way he came to his own rule, the uppity son may be more dangerous to Philippos than all the disloyal governors etc. Hope he employs some good bodyguards and a food taster! :eek:
Ah, as I have remarked to you before, I get the feeling you will never tire of beating up on Phrgyia in this game. It is a bit like beating up on France in the EU series - practically a public service!
Haha, no. They are the eternal enemy across games. :D Leave them alone, and they get too strong - or their enemies does! ;)
Macedonia is becoming quite the behemoth. So if Rome and Carthage go to war (let’s face it, a pretty likely outcome if OTL is anything to go by) will you be damned by one, the other or both depending on whether and for whom you intervene?

And given the way he came to his own rule, the uppity son may be more dangerous to Philippos than all the disloyal governors etc. Hope he employs some good bodyguards and a food taster! :eek:
You'll get your answer in the next update on Carthage vs Rome.:) Let's just say I have some manouvering room. :)
Chapter XI
In a world where everyone and their dog wants to ally Macedon, Moesia is the last one out. More allies are equal to more power and security, so Philippos naturally accepted.


Not long after Moesia asks for Macedon to do good on their alliance. The enemies are perfect for Macedon, as Philippos wanted to take them on anyways.


Not long after the war is basically won, but as Macedon is not war leader, they need to wait for Moesia to divide the spoils.


Domestically, the governor or Phrygia has trouble and asks the state to pay for his province’s trouble. He asks for a lot of money, money the state does not have at that moment, so Philippos says “pay it yourself, FOOL”.


Soon thereafter the governor is sent to debt prison. Oops.


After this, the war in Asia is finally over, and Macedon gets a lot of land for their effort.

Philippos is pleased.


Moesia is power hungry and asks for help in another war. Philippos naturally accepts.


Then Numenios Alexandrid, a powerful figure that is dissatisfied with his lack of office or command, hires his own private army. It’s only 12.000 man strong though, so there is not much worry in court.


Carthage in the meantime wants to wage war on Rome and asks for Macedon’s support. Philippos has long decided Rome is the stronger horse to bet on, so he politely declines. If Carthage is to wage war on Rome, she does so alone. Carthage is not pleased.


Philippos is not afraid of war though. Phrygia needs to get some Macedon heels on themselves!


In Asia the war goes splendid, but when Macedon invades the Levant, a massive host of mercenaries comes knocking, obliterating two 20.000 man armies and leading two generals – one a nephew to the basileus – into captivity.


During the aftermath of this disaster, Moesia calls Macedon to war again. Phillipos accept but does not plan to take much part in the war at this point.

In the peace treaty with Phrygia, half of their remaining lands get taken. They might soon stop blighting the map now.

Reducing Phrygia = good

Losing generals = unfortunate, verging on the careless :)