Inferis we need your help, Deallus and me.
Microsoft Windows XP [Version 5.1.2600]
(C) Copyright 1985-2001 Microsoft Corporation
C:\Documents and Settings\Patrik Krantz>cd..
C:\Documents and Settings>cd..
C:\>minject /?
minject - EU2 Map Injection Tool - v1.0.2.38268
Injects new map data into the EU2 map (to the game files, from the intermediate
MINJECT <source[.eu2map]> [/D:<directory>] [/L]
<destination> Specifies the file to export to. The extension is automaticall
y added if it is omitted.
/D:<dir> Specifies the base directory to put the result files. This sho
uld be the root EU2 directory.
/L Indicates to regenerate lightmap2 and lightmap3 from lightmap1
/S Indicates to save the source file after injecting the data (in
cluding all generated info).
/NOTOT Don't include the ToT and HRE fields in province.csv. Use this
for compatibility with older EU2 versions.
The injector will lookup the EU2 path through the registry.
C:\>minject skanult2.eu2map /D:deallus /L
minject - EU2 Map Injection Tool - v1.0.2.38268
Opening source file "skanult2.eu2map"...
Regenerating boundboxes...
Regenerating Lightmap2 and Lightmap3 from Lightmap1...
Regenerating IDGrid...
An error occured.
A log file ("error-minject-20060523203654.log") has been generated, please send this file (or its contents) to for bugfixing.
*** Environment Info ***
Date: 2006-05-23 20:36:53
Tool: minject, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null (v1.0.2.38268)
OSVersion: Win32NT - 5.1.2600.0
CurrentDir: C:\
SystemDir: C:\WINDOWS\system32
CommandLine: minject skanult2.eu2map /D:deallus /L
CLR: 1.1.4322.2032
EU2: (no install)
*** Error Info ***
EU2.RegionSizeOverflowException: Region size overflow
at EU2.Map.IDGrid.BuildRegion(Int32 regionx, Int32 regiony, IDMap idmap)
at EU2.Map.IDGrid.Build(IDMap idmap)
at MapInject.Boot.Main(String[] args)
And i tried with the vanilla map and that worked just fine!