So I did a conquest of the Free Cities with Aegon, and looking through the events there is this:
I don't really understand code. This event didn't fire for me, how is it triggered? Decision? Or is there a MTTH? I did the play through twice and waited 2-3 years after the conquest and this event never fired.
# #Make New Valyria a Freehold?
# character_event = {
# id = aegons_landing.9000
# desc = "EVTDESCaegons_landing.9000"
# picture = GFX_evt_ironthrone
# is_triggered_only = yes
# trigger = { capital_scope = { port = yes } }
# option = {
# name = "EVTOPTAaegons_landing.9000" #Yes
# custom_tooltip = {
# text = TOOLTIPaegons_landing.9000
# hidden_tooltip = {
# create_title = {
# landless = yes
# temporary = yes
# tier = KING
# holder = ROOT
# name = FotR_declare_republic_temptitlename
# }
# #k_great_grass_sea = { gain_title = ROOT }
# random_realm_lord = {
# limit = {
# any_demesne_title = {
# tier = BARON
# holding_type = city
# location = {
# is_capital = yes
# owner = { character = ROOT }
# }
# }
# }
# random_demesne_title = {
# limit = {
# tier = BARON
# holding_type = city
# location = {
# is_capital = yes
# owner = { character = ROOT }
# }
# }
# usurp_title = ROOT
# province_capital = yes
# ROOT = { capital = PREV }
# }
# }
# wealth = -500
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9001 days = 1 }
# }
# }
# any_vassal = {
# limit = {
# primary_title = { higher_tier_than = COUNT }
# is_republic = yes
# }
# opinion = {
# who = ROOT
# modifier = opinion_revived_freehold
# }
# }
# }
# option = {
# name = "EVTOPTBaegons_landing.90" #No
# }
# }
# character_event = { #Find suitable patrician families
# id = aegons_landing.9001
# is_triggered_only = yes
# hide_window = yes
# immediate = {
# random_demesne_title = {
# limit = { is_landless_type_title = yes }
# destroy_landed_title = ROOT
# }
# any_vassal = { #Mark random new ones
# limit = {
# is_patrician = yes
# is_merchant_republic = no
# NOT = { dynasty = 359 }
# NOT = { dynasty = 498 }
# NOT = { dynasty = 50 }
# NOT = { dynasty = 51 }
# NOT = { dynasty = 52 }
# }
# set_character_flag = random_patrician
# }
# #Velaryon
# random_realm_lord = {
# limit = { dynasty = 52 }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# ROOT = { set_character_flag = velaryon_found }
# }
# if = {
# limit = { NOT = { has_character_flag = velaryon_found } }
# random_realm_character = {
# limit = { dynasty = 52 is_female = no }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# }
# }
# clr_character_flag = velaryon_found
# #Qoherys
# random_realm_character = {
# limit = { has_character_flag = aerion_qoherys }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# ROOT = { set_character_flag = qoherys_found }
# }
# if = {
# limit = { NOT = { has_character_flag = qoherys_found } }
# random_realm_character = {
# limit = { dynasty = 359 is_female = no }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# }
# }
# clr_character_flag = qoherys_found
# #Celtigar
# random_realm_lord = {
# limit = { dynasty = 50 }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# ROOT = { set_character_flag = celtigar_found }
# }
# if = {
# limit = { NOT = { has_character_flag = celtigar_found } }
# random_realm_character = {
# limit = { dynasty = 50 is_female = no }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# }
# }
# clr_character_flag = celtigar_found
# #East Valyrian
# random_realm_lord = {
# limit = {
# has_landed_title = k_volantis
# culture = eastern_valyrian
# NOT = { dynasty = 0 }
# NOT = { tier = BARON }
# NOT = { has_character_flag = new_patrician }
# }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# set_character_flag = new_patrician
# }
# random_realm_lord = {
# limit = {
# culture = eastern_valyrian
# NOT = { dynasty = 0 }
# NOT = { tier = BARON }
# NOT = { has_character_flag = new_patrician }
# }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# set_character_flag = new_patrician
# }
# #Sunglass
# random_realm_lord = {
# limit = { dynasty = 51 }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# ROOT = { set_character_flag = sunglass_found }
# }
# if = {
# limit = { NOT = { has_character_flag = sunglass_found } }
# random_realm_character = {
# limit = { dynasty = 51 is_female = no }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# }
# }
# clr_character_flag = sunglass_found
# #East Valyrian
# random_realm_lord = {
# limit = {
# culture = eastern_valyrian
# NOT = { dynasty = 0 }
# NOT = { tier = BARON }
# NOT = { has_character_flag = new_patrician }
# }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# set_character_flag = new_patrician
# }
# random_realm_lord = {
# limit = {
# culture = eastern_valyrian
# NOT = { dynasty = 0 }
# NOT = { tier = BARON }
# NOT = { has_character_flag = new_patrician }
# }
# character_event = { id = aegons_landing.9002 }
# set_character_flag = new_patrician
# }
# any_vassal = {
# clr_character_flag = new_patrician
# clr_character_flag = random_patrician
# }
# }
# option = {
# name = OK
# }
# }
# character_event = { #New patrician takes title
# id = aegons_landing.9002
# is_triggered_only = yes
# hide_window = yes
# trigger = {
# NOT = { trait = kingsguard }
# }
# immediate = {
# set_defacto_liege = FROM
# FROM = {
# random_vassal = {
# limit = { has_character_flag = random_patrician }
# family_palace = { gain_title = ROOT }
# clr_character_flag = random_patrician
# ROOT = {
# opinion = {
# who = FROM
# modifier = opinion_revived_freehold
# }
# }
# }
# }
# set_defacto_liege = FROM
# }
# option = {
# name = OK
# }
# }
#King's landing red Keep expansion
character_event = {
id = aegons_landing.10
desc = "EVTDESCaegons_landing.10"
only_independent = yes
trigger = {
has_landed_title = e_iron_throne
has_landed_title = c_kings_landing
OR = {
has_global_flag = KL_red_keep_1
has_global_flag = KL_red_keep_2
has_global_flag = KL_red_keep_3
has_global_flag = KL_red_keep_4
mean_time_to_happen = {
years = 15
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
trait = dragon_rider
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
NOT = { stewardship = 4 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
NOT = { stewardship = 7 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 12
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 15
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 18
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 21
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
job_treasurer = { NOT = { stewardship = 9 } }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
job_treasurer = { NOT = { stewardship = 12 } }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 16 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 18 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 20 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 22 }
option = {
name = "EVTOPTAaegons_landing.10" #Build
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_red_keep_1
b_red_keep = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_3 }
b_white_sword_tower = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_1 }
clr_global_flag = KL_red_keep_1
set_global_flag = KL_red_keep_1_done
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_red_keep_2
b_red_keep = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_4 }
b_white_sword_tower = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_2 }
clr_global_flag = KL_red_keep_2
set_global_flag = KL_red_keep_2_done
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_red_keep_3
b_red_keep = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_5 }
clr_global_flag = KL_red_keep_3
set_global_flag = KL_red_keep_3_done
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_red_keep_4
b_red_keep = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_6 }
clr_global_flag = KL_red_keep_4
#King's landing fortification expansion
character_event = {
id = aegons_landing.11
desc = "EVTDESCaegons_landing.11"
only_independent = yes
trigger = {
has_landed_title = e_iron_throne
has_landed_title = c_kings_landing
OR = {
has_global_flag = KL_fortifications_1
has_global_flag = KL_fortifications_2
has_global_flag = KL_fortifications_3
has_global_flag = KL_fortifications_4
mean_time_to_happen = {
years = 15
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
trait = dragon_rider
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
NOT = { stewardship = 4 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
NOT = { stewardship = 7 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 12
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 15
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 18
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 21
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
job_treasurer = { NOT = { stewardship = 9 } }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
job_treasurer = { NOT = { stewardship = 12 } }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 16 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 18 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 20 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 22 }
option = {
name = "EVTOPTAaegons_landing.10" #Build
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_fortifications_1
b_dragon_gate = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_1 }
b_kings_gate = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_1 }
b_kings_landing = { add_building = ct_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_3 }
clr_global_flag = KL_fortifications_1
set_global_flag = KL_fortifications_1_done
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_fortifications_2
b_kings_gate = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_2 }
b_kings_landing = { add_building = ct_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_4 }
226 = { culture = crownlander }
clr_global_flag = KL_fortifications_2
set_global_flag = KL_fortifications_2_done
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_fortifications_3
b_dragon_gate = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_2 }
b_kings_landing = { add_building = ct_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_5 }
226 = {
any_neighbor_province = {
limit = {
OR = {
province_id = 211
duchy = { title = d_kings_landing }
culture = crownlander
clr_global_flag = KL_fortifications_3
set_global_flag = KL_fortifications_3_done
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_fortifications_4
b_kings_landing = {
add_building = ct_asoiaf_crown_basevalue_6
add_building = ct_gold_cloaks
clr_global_flag = KL_fortifications_4
#King's landing navy expansion
character_event = {
id = aegons_landing.12
desc = "EVTDESCaegons_landing.12"
only_independent = yes
trigger = {
has_landed_title = e_iron_throne
has_landed_title = c_kings_landing
OR = {
has_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_1
has_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_2
has_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_3
mean_time_to_happen = {
years = 15
modifier = {
factor = 0.8
trait = dragon_rider
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
NOT = { stewardship = 4 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
NOT = { stewardship = 7 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 12
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 15
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 18
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
stewardship = 21
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
job_treasurer = { NOT = { stewardship = 9 } }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
job_treasurer = { NOT = { stewardship = 12 } }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 16 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 18 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 20 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
job_treasurer = { stewardship = 22 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
any_courtier = {
has_minor_title = title_master_of_ships
NOT = { martial = 6 }
modifier = {
factor = 1.1
any_courtier = {
has_minor_title = title_master_of_ships
NOT = { martial = 9 }
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
any_courtier = {
has_minor_title = title_master_of_ships
martial = 12
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
any_courtier = {
has_minor_title = title_master_of_ships
martial = 14
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
any_courtier = {
has_minor_title = title_master_of_ships
martial = 16
modifier = {
factor = 0.9
any_courtier = {
has_minor_title = title_master_of_ships
martial = 18
option = {
name = "EVTOPTAaegons_landing.12" #Build
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_1
b_red_keep = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_targshipyard }
clr_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_1
set_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_1_done
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_2
b_kings_landing = { add_building = ct_asoiaf_targshipyard }
clr_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_2
set_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_2_done
if = {
limit = {
has_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_3
b_dragon_gate = { add_building = ca_asoiaf_targshipyard }
clr_global_flag = KL_expand_navy_3
I don't really understand code. This event didn't fire for me, how is it triggered? Decision? Or is there a MTTH? I did the play through twice and waited 2-3 years after the conquest and this event never fired.