Hello, and welcome to my Spartan AAR. My format of writing this is similar to the US military, it will discuss national goals, what was supposed happened, and what happened. Just to let everyone know, I will be playing on easy as I am still learning the game. Wish me luck as we try to make the Pelopenisian Power rise to glory!

All rise for our Basileus Areus I of the Agiad. A man of Mediterranean complexion and ambition that grows beyond the peninsula.

First order that needs to take place is to find a bride and to make our family line firm. This one is wildly beautiful with eyeliner from the Gods. Behold Basileia Timarete.

Our first babe is a daughter, wish it were a boy but we have plenty of time to make more.

All rise for our Basileus Areus I of the Agiad. A man of Mediterranean complexion and ambition that grows beyond the peninsula.

First order that needs to take place is to find a bride and to make our family line firm. This one is wildly beautiful with eyeliner from the Gods. Behold Basileia Timarete.

Our first babe is a daughter, wish it were a boy but we have plenty of time to make more.

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