Also i did notice that land_sword3.wav doesnt play in game hmm. I shouldnt have released them without beta testing :rofl: Maybe it will be best to change the if_click with land_sword3...
the problem is game tries to use the sounds randomly and unfortunately does not wait the previous sound to be finished to give start the new one. This really makes it hard to create a clean sound so they are all shortened in the version 2.
Anyways, i think the version 2 is far better than the version 1 hence the original sounds. And hopefully the new build commands gives the right feeling of an accomplishment. The vanilla was far too plain.
You are right about the "high velocity" sounds for the artillery (they are from panzer general 3 blended with close combat explosion sounds) they create a modern times sound ambience but nonetheless i believe it gives the feeling of wearing down the city walls better , what do you think?
Also as the time passes in the game the sounds remain the same and the technology increases so maybe it is ok to keep a little more modern sounds (but not too modern) this way it compansates the early and the future with a good blend?