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Apr 30, 2002
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The existence of a relatively strong Kaliphate, and successfully established Crusader States rather change the dynamics of the Middle East somewhat. As such, I propose the following startup changes to the Aberration scenario.

1. As there is a CoT in BaghDad, the Cot in Isfahan (533) should be removed, and moved to Samarkand (1592). The Isfahan one may be added later by event.
2. The culture of Azerbaijan (487) should be changed to kurdish (or arabic)... mainly for gameplay reasons.
3. The religion of Oman is currently Shiite - It should probably be changed to Sunni (along with the provinces).
4. There are a number of new revolters in the area, especially since the new patch :D Some of them I think are pretty cool, but I think the following ones: MES (Mesopotamia), ABB (Abbasid), AYY (Ayyubid) - can probably be removed.

Also, mainly for flavour, I'd like the name of the Mameluks (MAM) changed to Egypt in text.csv :) (EDIT - not anymore. Will pursue alternative plans).
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There is a new Egypt Tag, actually. We still need to consider how the Mamelucks fit into the bigger picture.
Well, if the mameluke dynasty rules in Egypt, then the country should be called Mamelukes and if not, it should be called Egypt. As my humble opinion. It although could be Egypt even with Mamelukes. Mamelukes is a silly name anyway. :)
Okay, then. I think we leave Egypt as is at present (Mameluke dynasty).
It doesn't have to *stay* ruled by the Mamelukes, of course :)
Interestingly, Damascus never fell to the Crusaders. So our 'Syria' crusader state is an invention. But that's cool :)
Any chance for the knights templar to make an appearance? Those guys where so cool... :)
Trin Tragula said:
Any chance for the knights templar to make an appearance? Those guys where so cool... :)

Good question.
Presumably in Aberration, the Knights Templar as an Order exist and have their headquarters in the Kingdom of Jerusalem. Will they be granted a country/province at any time? Probably not :)
Hmm, that´s a toughie actually, the Knights Templar. Would they stay in Jerusalem? They didn´t stay there before it fell actually..
But no french King to topple it..
Knights Templar are quite likely to live on in Aberration as there never was Philip IV of France to destroy them. ;) You could make some templar leaders for KoJ, if you like as well as giving them at least some of the Hospitaller leaders.
Byakhiam said:
Knights Templar are quite likely to live on in Aberration as there never was Philip IV of France to destroy them. ;) You could make some templar leaders for KoJ, if you like as well as giving them at least some of the Hospitaller leaders.

Weren´t they already way beyond in importance thab being only crusader knights, no?
TheArchduke said:
Weren´t they already way beyond in importance thab being only crusader knights, no?

They were significant landowners in Europe. They reinvested their wealth and got richer because of it. They were destroyed because the King of France was getting jealous :)
But a big bunch of them died in the last defense of Acre and they did have a big bunch of castles in the KoJ area historically, as did Hospitallers. So they could have some sort of influence in KoJ. Maybe some events or something...
artemis667 said:
They were significant landowners in Europe. They reinvested their wealth and got richer because of it. They were destroyed because the King of France was getting jealous :)

Only in France - in Portugal, Castile and Aragon they changed names/were absorbed by other orders, I think something like that happened in England/Scotland as well.

And seeing as they are so spread out one could perhaps assume that someone else had enough clout to make the pope dismantle the order, or the pope could have done it on his own due to insults/other reasons, dismantling the order as in history.

Else I'd side with the idea of making a few events for them - no reason to let the have a country on their own, maybe let the pope have an event to dismantle them (for cash) or not (loose VP and stab due to the 'insult'/questioned authority, or something bad)
Then a few other countries get the options to 'take their holdings' (gain money and maybe a small taxboost in random province) or 'keep them under a new name', +quality, + aristocracy and a few free cavalry?
Caliphate events will be implented in the new version, one of the few bug free event files from the scratch I might add.:) Nice work, Art!
TheArchduke said:
Caliphate events will be implented in the new version, one of the few bug free event files from the scratch I might add.:) Nice work, Art!

Don't forget the AI file and to make kal_1419.inc point to it... otherwise in my experience the Caliphate only vassalises Syria :)
Changes are in, sorry for the long time it took, Artemis.

On the Knights Templar, in Aberration there was no French King to smash them, so what should happen with them?

Oman, should he be changed to Sunni?
Knghts Templars could be made into random events (like indulgence peddler)

Something along this line perhaps:

event = {
	id = ###
	trigger = {
		NOT = { year = 1550 }
		religion = catholic
		NOT = { countrysize = 9 }
		NOT = { flag = NoTemplars }
	random = yes
	name = "Knights Templar offer support"
	desc = "The Knights Templar were strong and rich, but always willing to gain more land or money in exchange for allowing use of their troops."
	style = 0
	action_a = {
		name = "Offer land"
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = -1 }
		command = { type = CAV which = -3 value = 5000 }
	action_b = {
		name = "Offer money"
		command = { type = treasury value = -100 }
		command = { type = CAV which = -1 value = 5000 }
	action_c = {
		name = "Take their land and money instead"
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = provincetax which = -3 value = 1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 100 }
		command = { type = setflag which = NoTemplars }
		command = { type = revoltrisk value = 2 }

It could be scaled a bit, or made valid for all by removing countrysize trigger.
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Or we could make them suffer the same fate.

I don´t think the templars really sold troops anymore, they were more banquiers.
event = {
	id = ###
	trigger = {
		NOT = { year = 15## } #Year before popes event
		atwar = yes
		religion = catholic
		NOT = { countrysize = 9 }
		NOT = { flag = NoTemplars }
	random = yes
	name = "Knights Templar offer support"
	desc = "The Knights Templar were strong, rich, and bordering upon usury, but they were very useful at times."
	style = 0
	action_a = {
		name = "Accept a loan"
		command = { type = treasury value = 150 }
		command = { type = inflation value = 1 }
	action_b = {
		name = "Sell some land"
		command = { type = provincetax which = -1 value = 1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 150 }
	action_c = {
		name = "Disband the order"
		command = { type = stability value = -1 }
		command = { type = treasury value = 200 }
		command = { type = setflag which = NoTemplars }
		command = { type = revoltrisk value = 3 }

Still either scaleable or not..
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That´s an idea..

I am still toying with the idea if we make something special happen with them, though.