Here are the death dates for the ministers in question, if any of the ministers themselves are leaders, then the deathdate counts for the leader as well etc....some of the ministers etc, i could not find any info on their demise...but this is it for now!
Mexico deathdates for ministers (MEX)
32001/32002/32007: Porifiro Diaz (died July 2nd 1915, dormant in 1914/1917)
32003: Ignacio Marsical (died april 17th 1910)
32004: Jose Ives Limantour (died 1934, domant in 1914/1917)
32005: Ramon Corral (died November 1910)
32006: Bernardo Reyes (killed February 3rd 1913 - during coup attempt, dormant 1914/17)
32008/32009: Felipe Berriozábal (died 1900, dormant 1911/1914/1917)
32019/32020: Francisco Madero (killed in coup, February 22nd 1913, dormant 1914/1917)
32026/32027: Angel Garcia Pena (retired 1913, dormant 1914/1917)
32029/32030/32035: Victoriano Huerta (died January 13th 1916, dormant 1917)
32042: Pascual Orozco (died 30th August 1915, dormant 1917)
32083/32084/32094: Manuel Gonzalez Cosio (died 1916, dormant 1914/1917)
China deathdates for Ministers (CHC)
10034: Feng Gou-chang (died December 19th December 1919)
10095 – 10102 (various ministers, all dormant 1914/1917)
Venezuela (VEN)
59073/59074: Joaquín Crespo (died april 16th 1898, dormant 1911/1914/1917)
59071/59072: Cipriano Castro (died 1925, but overthrown 1908, dormant 1911/1914/1917)
Bolivia (BOL)
6007: Jose Pando (assassinated in June 1917)
Brazil (BRA)
7063: Jose Pinto da Luz (died 1903, dormant 1911/1914/1917)
Colombia (COL)
11080: Prospero Pinzon (died January 1901, dormant 1911/1914/1917)
Chile (CHL)
9047: Emilio Korner (died March 25th 1920)
9048: Adolfo Holley (died 11th November 1914, dormant 1917)
Portuguese Empire (PRK)
46202: José Luciano de Castro (died 1914)
46204/46258: António Teixeira de Sousa (died June 5th 1917)
Revolutionary Mexico (U07)
61016: Benjamin Hill (died 1920)
61017/61032: Jose Isabel Robles (died 2nd April 1917)