Rebuild the Empire of Megas Alexandros! Restore Roman Glory! Banish the Dark Ages!
[*]This mod is the brainchild and masterpiece of Shaytana, and the vast majority of the work is his, and we are simply the custodians and caretakers of this mod. This thread's original post has been subsequently edited to improve and simplify information organization and presentation to make this mod more accessible to others.
[*]This mod technically has always been (and still is in) a beta state, as the mod is continously polished and worked on and improved at by the community.
Release Version: v alpha 0.6K36 +++
Date Released: 03-September-2015 +++
CK2 Compatibility: 2.4.4
Save Compatibility: variable
Next Update ETA: ?
Changelogs: [Contemporary Chronology]
Bug Reports: [Entomology Corner]
Gameplay Guide: [Calibration Coordinates]
Frequent Questions: [Clairvoyance Corner]
Subsidiary Modules*: [Ancillary Aperture]
Recommended Readings: [Timeline] [Religions]
*[sub](DLC-requisite LI-BLC here)[/sub]
Make Shaytana Proud!
-> Share your Lux Invicta Empires here <-
Welcome to the Invincible Light,
the fractured realms,
the lawful kingdoms,
the empires of memory,
the plurality of man, and
the diversity of men.
-> Share your Lux Invicta Empires here <-
Due to the sheer memory mass of Lux Invicta, enough virtual memory must be freed up for the CK2 game engine, especially (but NOT ONLY) with a 32-bit OS. Please do the following at least once:
> Run command prompt as administrator
> Type: bcdedit /set increaseuserva 3072*
> Verify by typing bcdedit, and find the entry above.
> Reboot
> Find boot.ini (usually on C:, might be hidden), mark it not read-only, and open
> Under the section called [operating systems] find the line that says "multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Professional...". Duplicate that entire line below.
> Add a space at the end and /3GB /USERVA=3072*
> Rename the OS name of that entry to identify it at startup
> Save boot.ini, then r-click and make it read only.
> Reboot
*any value above 2048 really (at least 2560), but restrict it to 3072 if you only have 4GB in your system.
original source: MadBoris (Total War Center / ETW Technical Help)
> Run command prompt as administrator
> Type: bcdedit /set increaseuserva 3072*
> Verify by typing bcdedit, and find the entry above.
> Reboot
> Find boot.ini (usually on C:, might be hidden), mark it not read-only, and open
> Under the section called [operating systems] find the line that says "multi(0)disk(0)rdisk(0)partition(1)\WINDOWS="Windows XP Professional...". Duplicate that entire line below.
> Add a space at the end and /3GB /USERVA=3072*
> Rename the OS name of that entry to identify it at startup
> Save boot.ini, then r-click and make it read only.
> Reboot
*any value above 2048 really (at least 2560), but restrict it to 3072 if you only have 4GB in your system.
original source: MadBoris (Total War Center / ETW Technical Help)
Welcome to the Invincible Light,
the fractured realms,
the lawful kingdoms,
the empires of memory,
the plurality of man, and
the diversity of men.
Lux Invicta is an alternate history and gameplay mod. It's called Invincible Light because the original focus of my modding was centered on allowing me to play the two hostile "Realms of Light" - the Imperium Romanum worshiping Sol Invictus, and the Ahura Mazda worshiping Sassanid Eranshahr. You will also notice that the Light of Classical Antiquity has not been extinguished. Can you banish the Dark Ages?
While Shaytana's words above describe the heart and essence of the mod, allow me to describe the flow and feel of the mod.
As compared to the settings of the large overhaul mods which indulge you with alternative settings, Lux Invicta instead takes a long hard look at our history's timeline, eyes the smooth mellow flavour that is vanilla, stares at the forbidden cabinet containing the toughest gaming condiments in the planet, and with the most manly man look, asks that fateful question:
"Will it blend?"
And blend, we shall make it. The thing is, are YOU strong enough to consume it?
-- riknap
(continuation of Shaytana's mod concepts)
A temporary quick description of the alternate timeline (for a detailed timeline scroll down to TIMELINE section):
This mod is being developed for my own pleasure(as such many things both alternate-history and gameplay changes are done to suit my tastes), but if people are interested and offer good suggestions I am more than willing to alter things and expand some aspects etc.
Any suggestions, requests, interesting ideas, feedback, etc, is greatly appreciated!
This is an alternate universe, with an alternate history. There is no "point of digression" per se. There are MANY differences going back into antiquity... such as Indohellenic survival, or a vassal state of Siracusa under the Roman Empire. When I started thinking about this timeline many years ago(and trust me I've given a lot of stuff a lot of thought over a period of years so some things are set in stone sort of -I had plenty of time over my university days where I studied history to come up with alternate history and research a lot of stuff) the alternate history started sometime before the very dawn of what we consider the historical period today.
My timeline has rhyme and reason, and research behind it -BUT- I am willing to make and I've already made some minor changes for pure fun and gameplay reasons (this so called 1066 scenario is a major compromise to gameplay), BUT those changes have to make sense and I have to be able to come up with a logical history behind how that stuff came to be given the general situation.
NOTE: I have caved in to my love for the Diadokhoi and gone a bit heavier on the Hellenistic side than I should have had, but hey it's fun and I've rethought some aspects of the timeline and setup for it.
This is an early version so don't expect it to be perfectly polished! Even so I think the mod is very fun to play in its current state.
Note that the vast majority of counts are random generated -if you want to play one start as a playable character save->resign->load as the count.(or use play in console) Some characters are placeholders. Notice that there's quite a few claiming ancient descent from some famous dynasty...some are the real deal some maybe not...(I need to add some characters to history files and titles so everyone is not a no. I - that drives me crazy)
-- Shaytana
- the worship of Sol Invictus became the official religion of the Roman Empire and remained so in the East - where Imperial authority remained strong initially. Christianity did not gain a lasting foothold in most Roman controlled Eastern Mediteranean. The Eastern Empire became very anti-Christian.
- Christianity did thrive in the West and was adopted by a variety of invading peoples. Arianism is alive and well. Crusading happened earlier than in our reality, with several holy war initiatives aimed at the Eastern Mediteranean area. Several crusader states exist, from island realms to Jerusalem itself.
- Muslim expansion was not as succesful as in real life - the Sassanids managed to stop them and survive. They were stopped in Northern Syria by the Romans, but managed to conquer most of North Africa - a notable exception being the Vandal Kingdom of Carthage. They did manage to establish themselves in Sourthern Spain but did not manage to thoroughly defeat the Visigoths - they are alive and well.
- General fragmentation/successor state syndrome - (partly because I dislike starting big, partly because I like to have many interesting playable options available) The Roman Empire (Eastern) is in tatters following rebellions/various cryses - and so is pretty much every other former power. You get to try to rebuild the bigger states, plus experience some very interesting (imho) smaller powers such as the Kingdom of Palmyra (a former long term vassal of the ERE) or the Exarchate of Ravenna.
- Alexander and company were more succesfull than in our reality. Hellenism was much more stubborn in its grip. The Diadokhoi managed to hold on to some areas and the world was changed forever.
This mod is being developed for my own pleasure(as such many things both alternate-history and gameplay changes are done to suit my tastes), but if people are interested and offer good suggestions I am more than willing to alter things and expand some aspects etc.
Any suggestions, requests, interesting ideas, feedback, etc, is greatly appreciated!
This is an alternate universe, with an alternate history. There is no "point of digression" per se. There are MANY differences going back into antiquity... such as Indohellenic survival, or a vassal state of Siracusa under the Roman Empire. When I started thinking about this timeline many years ago(and trust me I've given a lot of stuff a lot of thought over a period of years so some things are set in stone sort of -I had plenty of time over my university days where I studied history to come up with alternate history and research a lot of stuff) the alternate history started sometime before the very dawn of what we consider the historical period today.
My timeline has rhyme and reason, and research behind it -BUT- I am willing to make and I've already made some minor changes for pure fun and gameplay reasons (this so called 1066 scenario is a major compromise to gameplay), BUT those changes have to make sense and I have to be able to come up with a logical history behind how that stuff came to be given the general situation.
NOTE: I have caved in to my love for the Diadokhoi and gone a bit heavier on the Hellenistic side than I should have had, but hey it's fun and I've rethought some aspects of the timeline and setup for it.
This is an early version so don't expect it to be perfectly polished! Even so I think the mod is very fun to play in its current state.
Note that the vast majority of counts are random generated -if you want to play one start as a playable character save->resign->load as the count.(or use play in console) Some characters are placeholders. Notice that there's quite a few claiming ancient descent from some famous dynasty...some are the real deal some maybe not...(I need to add some characters to history files and titles so everyone is not a no. I - that drives me crazy)
-- Shaytana
- Roleplay your character! Hundreds of new events!
- Many new traits! Blood Traits with dynastic histories attached!
- Around 2700 new buildings(number fluctuates depending on udpates) including regional troops, legendary military traditions, a bureaucratic system etc.
- Stats and traits matter! For instance Learning is supremely important to tech research, Martial affects your overall military power in many ways, such as levy numbers, Stewardship greatly affects your income etc!
- New modifiers of various sorts!
- The world is deadly! Death chance from all sources from battle to disease is increased!
- Revamped casus belli system! Wars cost resources! Holly wars require traits and resources to wage! New Total War and Expansion Casus Belli etc!
- Councillor skills and opinion of their masters matter a lot now! A skilled loyal councillor is much preferable to a disloyal incompetent! Make sure you have the right man(or woman) for the job!
- Revamped setup with MANY new states (from Gothia to Baktria), cultures (from Gallo-Romans to Serindians), dynasties (from Argeadai to the Artorii), religions (from Sol Invictus to Zalmoxianism), and characters added.
- A new expanded religious system!
- MANY mercenaries and holy orders added including MANY State Troops.
- New laws! Military, economic and control policies! Raising crown authority and centralizing your state is difficult! It requires traits and resources!
- New ambitions, plots and decisions!
- Many specific/culture related creatable Empires! From the Hellenic Hegemony to Arche Seleukeia!
- A genetic inheritance system courtesy of wiz -for the Kwisatz Haderach breeders.
- A new cultural administration system diferentiated by culture for kings and emperors.
- anti blobbing measures with various bad things happening to Kings and Emperors with bad stats or large demesne.
- non-Basques can use Absolute Cognatic.(as requested)
- A vassals join in rebellion vs liege system inspired by wiz's CK2+. (as requested)
- New graphics. Improved character looks, including individualized DNA given to all independent historical characters.
- Hundreds of new dynasties - the new dynasties of historical characters all have their own CoAs.
- A gigantic amount of localisation.
- Countless tweaks under the hood changing pretty much everything*.
*do read the Gameplay Overhaul notes for a better overview.
- Many new traits! Blood Traits with dynastic histories attached!
- Around 2700 new buildings(number fluctuates depending on udpates) including regional troops, legendary military traditions, a bureaucratic system etc.
- Stats and traits matter! For instance Learning is supremely important to tech research, Martial affects your overall military power in many ways, such as levy numbers, Stewardship greatly affects your income etc!
- New modifiers of various sorts!
- The world is deadly! Death chance from all sources from battle to disease is increased!
- Revamped casus belli system! Wars cost resources! Holly wars require traits and resources to wage! New Total War and Expansion Casus Belli etc!
- Councillor skills and opinion of their masters matter a lot now! A skilled loyal councillor is much preferable to a disloyal incompetent! Make sure you have the right man(or woman) for the job!
- Revamped setup with MANY new states (from Gothia to Baktria), cultures (from Gallo-Romans to Serindians), dynasties (from Argeadai to the Artorii), religions (from Sol Invictus to Zalmoxianism), and characters added.
- A new expanded religious system!
- MANY mercenaries and holy orders added including MANY State Troops.
- New laws! Military, economic and control policies! Raising crown authority and centralizing your state is difficult! It requires traits and resources!
- New ambitions, plots and decisions!
- Many specific/culture related creatable Empires! From the Hellenic Hegemony to Arche Seleukeia!
- A genetic inheritance system courtesy of wiz -for the Kwisatz Haderach breeders.
- A new cultural administration system diferentiated by culture for kings and emperors.
- anti blobbing measures with various bad things happening to Kings and Emperors with bad stats or large demesne.
- non-Basques can use Absolute Cognatic.(as requested)
- New graphics. Improved character looks, including individualized DNA given to all independent historical characters.
- Hundreds of new dynasties - the new dynasties of historical characters all have their own CoAs.
- A gigantic amount of localisation.
- Countless tweaks under the hood changing pretty much everything*.
*do read the Gameplay Overhaul notes for a better overview.
Gameplay Overhaul:
Gameplay in Lux Invicta is quite different from CK2 vanilla and will become ever more so in the future. Pretty much everything is changed or being changed under the hood of the game. Every update brings about new tweaks and changes. Because of the countless ongoing changes being made I will not be posting a detailed list until I reach 1.0 because otherwise I would spend more time writing changelogs than developing the mod. What you need to know is everything is being changed, yet if you pick up the mod you can still adapt very fast and have fun playing it!
Due to circumstance and partial necessity, most balancing and gameplay mechanic updates are now under an associate integrated module:
Lux Invicta Buildings & Events, Retinues & Tactics, Traits & Technology Module
A simplified list of LIBERT3-tweaked modifiers, title requirements, CB rebalances, and such can be found in the Calibration Coordinates post.
Because the LIBERT3 has ended up taking over the balancing part of the mod, most if not all relevant gameplay changes will be documented in the changelogs directly.
Due to circumstance and partial necessity, most balancing and gameplay mechanic updates are now under an associate integrated module:
Lux Invicta Buildings & Events, Retinues & Tactics, Traits & Technology Module
A simplified list of LIBERT3-tweaked modifiers, title requirements, CB rebalances, and such can be found in the Calibration Coordinates post.
Because the LIBERT3 has ended up taking over the balancing part of the mod, most if not all relevant gameplay changes will be documented in the changelogs directly.
Religion Overhaul:
My implementation of many religions needed further development and explanation... As such I present to you Numahr's epic work helping with this particular area:
Spirituality Enhanced for Lux Invicta by Numahr (Read that post. Seriously. You will see why)
Buildings Overhaul:
The new buildings system is slowly being implemented and tweaked. The basic concept behind it is that each holding represents a region that happens to have an initial military/economic/or religious center. Each region is going to be able to build "regional" buildings while retaining a degree of specialization.
In order to build things you need to first increase your "control" over the region, then build up your administration. All of the many building lines, are tied together in logical fashion and allow for continous development of your provinces. Overall counting all implemented buildings for the 3 holding types there were at one point over 2700 buildings implemented -that number might be different /cut or expanded in the current build.
The new building system promotes differentiated cultural armies in various ways, from specific traditions and regional troops to a new liege and province system to a levy->professional->cultural elite corps military tied to liege culture. A select few legendary military traditions exist in some provinces, representing the very pinnacle of elite troops. Various religions also have their own versions of warrior cults.
Building up a professional military is a costly enterprise so you'd better make sure you have the economy to back it up.
-- Shaytana
The buildings system has been further worked and refined since LIBERT3 was integrated in stages.
Currently, buildings have been polished for both rebalance and deeper integration with technology and ruler/realm attributes/stats. For example, more advanced buildings require not only the prerequisite buildings but also advances in the relevant technology. This is to simulate advances in development that would allow "buildings" to be conceived and developed.
Others require not only these, but also a minimum level of a certain attribute to unlock (for the most part these are realm-attributes, so a subpar ruler could compensate with a skilled council) to simulate the plausibility of developing the relevant "buildings" in the first place.
In any case, there's a list of notes that I made for quick reference: LIBERT3 Building Flowchart. This list is mostly updated, but Sir Kulinski and I am intermittently working on flowcharts that could serve as an easier reference.
In order to build things you need to first increase your "control" over the region, then build up your administration. All of the many building lines, are tied together in logical fashion and allow for continous development of your provinces. Overall counting all implemented buildings for the 3 holding types there were at one point over 2700 buildings implemented -that number might be different /cut or expanded in the current build.
The new building system promotes differentiated cultural armies in various ways, from specific traditions and regional troops to a new liege and province system to a levy->professional->cultural elite corps military tied to liege culture. A select few legendary military traditions exist in some provinces, representing the very pinnacle of elite troops. Various religions also have their own versions of warrior cults.
Building up a professional military is a costly enterprise so you'd better make sure you have the economy to back it up.
-- Shaytana
The buildings system has been further worked and refined since LIBERT3 was integrated in stages.
Currently, buildings have been polished for both rebalance and deeper integration with technology and ruler/realm attributes/stats. For example, more advanced buildings require not only the prerequisite buildings but also advances in the relevant technology. This is to simulate advances in development that would allow "buildings" to be conceived and developed.
Others require not only these, but also a minimum level of a certain attribute to unlock (for the most part these are realm-attributes, so a subpar ruler could compensate with a skilled council) to simulate the plausibility of developing the relevant "buildings" in the first place.
In any case, there's a list of notes that I made for quick reference: LIBERT3 Building Flowchart. This list is mostly updated, but Sir Kulinski and I am intermittently working on flowcharts that could serve as an easier reference.
Events Overhaul:
I believe that roleplaying your ruler is a very important aspect of fun gameplay. As such I will continue to add events to the game that allow you to roleplay your character. I have made (at the time of writing this) over 220 events that further this goal. They range from the infamous lunacy / possessed events (thank you Dune for inspiration) to historical flavor events, to various events that allow you to gain the new traits, to assassination events that can see your ruler killed off! Fortune favors the brave, and there is no greatness without risk!
Aside from Shaytana's original files, Lux Invicta also reinstates the vanilla files as well as incorporating and integrating applicable events from other mods, such as VIET, F&F, and a lot more. As such, you can keep track of most of the incorporated mods by checking the release changelogs directly.
Casus Bellis Overhaul:
Casus Bellis have received a significant overhaul to streamline the effect of authority as well as allow more fluid and dynamic gaming while still adhering to original design principles. For simplicity, the comprehensive index of CB's can be found in the Calibration Coordinates.
Creatable Titles:
Aside from de jure titles, there are a lot of creatable titular titles that are not only cheaper to create, but relatively significant lore-wise as well. For simplicity, the comprehensive list of Creatable Titles can be found in the Calibration Coordinates.
Bloodline Biographies and History:
I am implementing specific Bloodline Traits that provide a short biography and history of a dynasty and are meant to give you an overall feel of that particular dynasty/state. If you see a trait icon with a man on a golden/orange background hover your mouse over it to read the history in the trait tooltip. You can see an example here:
Following some design principles, the AI effects of Bloodline Traits have been rebalanced in conjunction with the originally assigned bonuses (which themselves depend on the lore behind each dynasty bloodline), as well as being given general minor bonuses as well. With this, all important dynasties in the game (all of which are found in the Interesting Characters list underneath the Bookmarks) will play a greater role in Lux Invicta.
Following some design principles, the AI effects of Bloodline Traits have been rebalanced in conjunction with the originally assigned bonuses (which themselves depend on the lore behind each dynasty bloodline), as well as being given general minor bonuses as well. With this, all important dynasties in the game (all of which are found in the Interesting Characters list underneath the Bookmarks) will play a greater role in Lux Invicta.
Notes Regarding Republics:
Following some redesign and discussion, it has been agreed upon to make the state of republics dependent on their history, geography, and appropriety. For example, the merchant archipelago of Venice is a vassal of the Aurelian Realm of Venice situated in the Italian mainland, while Carthago Nova, a survivor and offshoot of the former maritime empire of Carthage (which itself still survives in its distant homeland), is an independent republic itself, not to mention the new slaver republics...
Integrated Mods:
(Originally Integrated Mods)
BLC [now a separate optional sub-mod]
Culturally Different Cities by Velho e Bom Joe.
CK2 Heraldry by pothkan
Patrum Scuta by Keanon (via CK2 heraldry)
Syren's Nickname Mod by Syren
Better rebels by avee
Ogamod -A Revamp Traits mod by Ran Miller (partial implementation)
Culture Spread Via Ports by Meneth (partial implementation)
Culture Specific Titles mod by Amauri (partial implementation to complement my titles)
Additional Objectives mod - 15 new objectives. by JGCrusader
The Mercenary Mod by Solo? (adapted/partial implementation)
Norse Mod (various mechanics) by Aspie
Friends & Foes = 100+ Traits Mod by ash001
subparts of the Friends and Foes mod included via the above mod:
More Congenital Traits by cybrxkhan [now integrated as VIET]
NBRT+ by EOOQE [redacted as requested]
Minimap color change by kmkenpo now obsolete
Culturally Different Cities by Velho e Bom Joe.
CK2 Heraldry by pothkan
Patrum Scuta by Keanon (via CK2 heraldry)
Syren's Nickname Mod by Syren
Better rebels by avee
Ogamod -A Revamp Traits mod by Ran Miller (partial implementation)
Culture Spread Via Ports by Meneth (partial implementation)
Culture Specific Titles mod by Amauri (partial implementation to complement my titles)
Additional Objectives mod - 15 new objectives. by JGCrusader
The Mercenary Mod by Solo? (adapted/partial implementation)
Norse Mod (various mechanics) by Aspie
Friends & Foes = 100+ Traits Mod by ash001
subparts of the Friends and Foes mod included via the above mod:
- Family Relations Mini-Mod by avee (included)
- Adoption MiniMod by Korbah (included)
- Council Shuffling by The Chancellor (included)
- Council 13+ by Rendon (included)
- Dungeons and Sieges by waylit1 [now uses Meneth's PB code]
More Congenital Traits by cybrxkhan [now integrated as VIET]
[currently an inexhaustive list due to design fluctuations! please inform us if a mod wasn't listed accidentally!]
Keyboard Shortcuts and Interface Adjust by Arumba
Decorus Visum by ancestral
Armories ARKO Pack by Arko
Clouds of War by antigravity
Koeppen Climate Classification by chatnoir (now only partially implemented)
Mazdayasna Zarathushtrish by Maestro Ug
Project Balance (various) by Meneth
Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (traits and events) by cyberxkhan
CK2 Plus (various) by Wiz
Better Armies (tactics) by Six Gun South
Painterly CK2 (terrain map) by Fishman786
High Res Mountains by Fishman 786
Korbah's Minimaps (Embossed) by Korbah
Vyllis's SFX by Vyllis
MB-GOTW by Damocles
Consort Mod by Parsidius
No Hassles Vassals by twiggyt13
New Duel Engine by jordarkelf and AGOT team
Alternate Portraits for Mongol Children by AnaxXiphos
AGOT (Slavery Mechanics) by AGOT team
Various Micromods (various) by jordarkelf
LI Music, credits to the teams of 0 A.D., Europa Barbarorum, and the composers Morgan Casey, Nick Wylie, Omri Lahav, and Antti Martikainen.
Armories ARKO Pack by Arko
Koeppen Climate Classification by chatnoir (now only partially implemented)
Mazdayasna Zarathushtrish by Maestro Ug
Project Balance (various) by Meneth
Vanilla Immersion, Events, and Traits (traits and events) by cyberxkhan
CK2 Plus (various) by Wiz
Better Armies (tactics) by Six Gun South
High Res Mountains by Fishman 786
Korbah's Minimaps (Embossed) by Korbah
Vyllis's SFX by Vyllis
MB-GOTW by Damocles
Consort Mod by Parsidius
No Hassles Vassals by twiggyt13
New Duel Engine by jordarkelf and AGOT team
Alternate Portraits for Mongol Children by AnaxXiphos
AGOT (Slavery Mechanics) by AGOT team
Various Micromods (various) by jordarkelf
LI Music, credits to the teams of 0 A.D., Europa Barbarorum, and the composers Morgan Casey, Nick Wylie, Omri Lahav, and Antti Martikainen.
Numahr, Meneth, Keanon, wiz, Cesar de Quart, ash001, JGCrusader, Aspie, Arcaul, Arko, Sleight of Hand, HKK, CrackdToothGrin, idib816, Peuri, Trovador, thrashingmad, Velho e Bom Joe, pothkan, duinnin, Ofaloaf, Thure, Bloodmerchant, Bad Haggis, zeress, keytool, Solo_Adhemar, mike the knight, Syren, avee, Ran Miller, Rendon, The Chancellor, Korbah, Solo?, Orinsul, Keperry, TheConqueror, Woody Man, Tsar Monarchist, richvh, LordStark, ColonelWright, ShadowGamer42, waylit1, Aernil, jedrek, jmberry, Teutonic_Thrash, Sernista, neondt, cybrxkhan, EOOQE, kmkenpo, Darkgamma, galle, jordarkelf, Novacat, riknap, futuregary, DarkReborn, SirKulinski, Arumba07, aethel27, AnaxXiphos, Danevang, ts4, Bismarck1899, Kleiner, ziji, Hawkeye1489, Jaidal, siath70
This is a temporary historical timeline, to be expanded upon and adjusted if needed:
330 BCE: Megas Alexandros conquers Persia. Beginning of implementation of policies regarding Hellenic Colonization of the East. Parmenion appointed Satrap of Ecbatana, his son Philotas sent to Media to oversee the creation of Hellenic military colonies in the region.
319 BCE: Megas Alexandros dies, poison is suspected to be the cause of his death. He leaves behind several legitimate children by Roxana and Stateira, and several ilegitimate ones widely acknowledged to be his. His son Alexandros IV is blinded in an accident and following unrest he is taken by his mother and loyal retainers to Cyprus.
318 BCE: Diadokhoi crysis starts in earnest. Beginning of the division of the Empire.
312 BCE: Seleukos I Nikator and Ptolemy I Soter defeat Demetrius I Poliorcetes of Macedon in the Battle of Gaza. Beginning of Seleukid Era and creation of Arche Seleukeia.
305 BCE: Seleukos I Nikator founds Seleukeia on the Tigris, his new capital.
303 BCE: Seleukid Conquest of Sindhia. Chandragupta Maurya becomes a Seleukid vassal.
300 BCE: Founding of Antiocheia by Seleukos I Nikator, western capital of the Empire.
298 BCE: The Hieronid Agathocles of Syracuse unifies Sicily under his rule and marries Ptolemy's stepdaughter Theoxena. Kyrene is brought under Ptolemaic control.
292 BCE: Lysimachus, Basileus of Thrakia campaigns beyond the Danube, but he is defeated and taken prisoner by the Dacian king Dromichaetes. Lysimachus is set free after the marriage of Dromichaetes with Lysimachus' daughter. Hellenic influence over Dacia increases.
289 BCE: Agathocles of Siracusa dies and a succession struggle ensues. Mercenaries calling themselves Mamertines - The Sons of Mars, take over Messana and the Northeastern part of the Island.
287 BCE: Pyrrhus defeats Demetrius Poliorcetes and is proclaimed King of Macedon.
285 BCE: Ptolemy I Soter abdicates in favor of his son Ptolemy II Philadelphos. The Pharos of Alexandria is completed. Pyrrhus is driven out of Macedon by Lysimachus with Dacian help.
283 BCE: Antigonus, son of Demetrius Poliorcetes becomes King of Macedon in name only as Lysimachus controls the Kingdom. The Great Canal between the Red Sea and the Nile is reopened by Ptolemy II Philadelphos.
281 BCE: Battle of Corupedium: Seleukos kills Lysimachus in battle, but is assasinated by Ptolemy Keraunos. He is succeeded by his son Antiochus. Pyrrhus defeats the Romans at Heraclea and goes on to besiege Rome itself.
279 BCE: A Celtic Army under Brennus invades Greece. They defeat a Makedonian army under Ptolemy Keraunos but the Spartans temporarily hold Brennus at Thermopylae. Brennus retreats to the North only to defeat the pursuing Spartans in a battle near Mount Othrys. He then presses on and conquers Delphi, before retreating northwards. The Celtic hosts splits, and a Celtic Kingdom of Tylis is founded under Cerethrius. Part of the host moves Northwards to establish a kingdom in Pannonia, under Bolgios. Celtic Singidunum is founded. Brennus crosses the Helespont and overruns Bythinia.
Pyrrhus defeats the Romans at Asculum. Peace is negotiated, with Rome acknowledging his dominion over Magna Graecia.
278 BCE: Brennus is defeated by Antiochus Soter near Ankyra. He acknoledges Seleukid sovereignty and the majority of his Celts are settled in Galatia, many of the Celtic warriors taking up service with the Seleukid Basileus. Beginning of Seleukid policy of establishment of Celtic military colonies, from Asia minor to Bactria and Sindhia.
277 BCE: Daco-Celtic War, following Scordisci invasion of Dacia. Defeated, Bolgios King of the Scordisci marries Darava, the daughter of the Dacian King and retires to Singidunum. Beginning of the Daco-Celtic alliance.
276 BCE: Ptolemy II marries his own sister Arsinoe. They become known as Philadelphoi - Brother-Loving.
273 BCE: Ashoka the Great, Satrap of Sindhia defeats the Seleukidai in battle near Pataliputra. Following the Treaty of Taxila Eastern Sindhia becomes a quasi-independent kingdom under his direct rule. He marries the Seleukid princess Olympia as part of the peace negotiations.
272 BCE: The Spartans under Areus I defeat Pyrrhus in the Battle of Argos, and Pyrrhus is killed. Areus I is proclaimed King of the Hellenes, while Antigonos II Gonatus manages to regain the Macedonian throne. Following the Treaty of Corinth Antigonos II is acknowledged as King of Makedonia, while Sparta retains the entire Peloponesus.
270 BCE: Romans drive out the Mamertines from Rhegium and restore it to its Greek citizens. Mamertines retreat to Sicily.
269 BCE: Hieron II of Siracusa defeats the Mamertines near Mylae. The defeated Mamertines accept his sovereignty and Hieron II becomes King of the entire island.
264 BCE: Carthaginians invade Sicily. Hieron II asks for Roman support. Beginning of First Punic war. Hieron II acknowledged as King of Sicily by the Romans. Beginning of the Roman-Siracusan Alliance.
262 BCE: Supported by the Ptolemaic navy and army, Athens rebells. Antigonos tries to besiege the city but is defeated and forced to acknowledge an independent Athenian state. Eumenes I of Pergamum defeats Antiochus and founds an independent kingdom.
260 BCE: Qin overruns the state of Zhao. The Great Western Exodus follows, with several hundred thousand Zhao citizens migrating to the West, eventually making it into Central Asia and Bactria, where they become Hellenic subjects.
255 BCE: Diodotus, Satrap of Bactria rebells and establishes an independent Kingdom. His dominions are expanded with the help of Galatian and Zhao refugees military colonies.
246 BCE: Diodotus marries the sister of Seleucus II Callinicus as his dominion over Bactria is confirmed.
243 BCE: Agis IV reforms the Spartan state under a new Lycurgan model. The entire Peloponesus is turned into a militaristic state with all Hellenes gaining citizenship and with all young men being enrolled into the new Agoge system. A defensive alliance is formed with the Athenians against potential Makedonian invasion.
241 BCE: Carthage is defeated by the Roman-Siracusan alliance in the Battle of the Aegates Islands. The First Punic War ends, Carthage renouncing all of its claims on Sicily. Siracusan dominion of Sicily is confirmed. An Eternal Alliance Treaty is signed between Rome and Siracusa and a Roman legion, supported by Siracusan taxes, is stationed in Sicily.
237 BCE: The Parni King Arsaces invades and conquers the Seleukid Satrapy of Parthia. Seleukos II Callinicus is taken prisoner.
230 BCE: Attalus I Soter of Pergamum defeats the Galatian invasion of Pergamum. He marries the Galatian princess Berena and an alliance is formed between the Galatians and Pergamum.
228 BCE: Attalus I Soter and his Galatian allies defeat Antiochus Hierax near Tarsus. Anatolia and Cillicia are divided between Atallus and his allies.
227 BCE: Queen Teuta of Illyria acknowledges Roman overlordship. Illyria becomes a client kingdom of Rome.
223 BCE: Euthydemus I, Satrap of Sogdiana rebells against his Bactrian Overlord, founding a great Hellenistic kingdom centered around Marakanda. Part of his army is composed of Helleno-Zhao troops.
222 BCE: Antigonus III attacks Athens, but is defeated by a Spartan-Athenian coalition in the 2nd Battle of Marathon. Antiochus III marries Laodice the daughter of Mithridates II of Pontus and an alliance is formed against Pergamum and the Galatians.
219 BCE: Hannibal besieges Saguntum, an ally of Rome. Beginning of the 2nd Punic War.
216 BCE: Philip V of Macedon invades the Roman client state of Illyria. Beginning of the First Macedonian War. Hannibal defeats the Romans at Cannae.
215 BCE: Atallus I Soter of Pergamum occupies Antiocheia. Antiochus III sues for peace and acknowledges Atallus's conquests and regains Antiocheia in the following peace treaty. Philip V, with the help of his Dacian and Scordisci allies defeats a Roman army near Apollonia in Illyria.
213 BCE: Emperor Qin Shi Huang orders all Confucian writings destroyed. Renewed Chinese emigration to Hellenistic Central Asia, Confucian scholars find refuge in Marakanda.
212 BCE: The Celtic Kingdom of Tylis allies with Rome against Philip V of Macedon. Syphax, Numidian King of the Masaesyli allies himself with Rome against Carthage.
Antiochus III campaigns in India and establishes Seleukid control over the region. His campaigns see him reach Sri Lanka, and he is proclaimed Megas by his troops following the utter destruction of the army of a coalition of Southern Indian princes in the battle of Suvarnagiri. Meanwhile in the west, his sister Antiochia is married to King Xerxes of Armenia.
211 BCE: Sparta, Athens and Pergamum join Rome in their war against Philip V of Macedon.
209 BCE: Antiochus III conquers Hecatompylos, the Parthian capital and defeats Arsakes II in the Battle of Mount Labus. Arsakes II is forced into an alliance with Arche Seleukeia. Modu Chanyu, Emperor of the Xiongnu pushes into China, renewed Chinese emigration towards Central Asia.
208 BCE: Megas Antiochus III becomes titular Overlord of Bactria and Marakanda, receiving the submission of their kings. Seleukid princesses married to the heirs of Bactria and Marakanda.
206 BCE: Publius Cornelius Scipio defeats the Carthaginians at Ilipa and drives them out of Spain. Masinissa, the Numidian King of the Massylii joins the Roman cause, but is more concerned with fighting his fellow Roman ally Syphax.
Megas Antiochus's legendary campaign into China. Founding of Antiocheia Eschate. End of the Qin dynasty following capture of Emperor Ziying, last ruler of the Qin Dynasty, by Liu Bang, leader of a popular revolt. China is in civil war as the Seleukids enter it from the West and the Xiongnu attack it from the North.
205 BCE: First Macedonian War ends with Philip V emerging victorious in the 2nd Battle of Apollonia. Large parts of Illyria are ceded to Macedon.
Philip V conquers Crete and attacks Rhodes. Antiochus III campaigns in China.
202 BCE: Philip V conquers Rhodes but allows the local Apollonios dynasty, supposed descendants of Apollo to remain in power as his clients.
Roman victory in the Battle of Zama. Hannibal is defeated by the Roman-Siracusan-Numidian coalition lead by Scipio, now receiving the surname Africanus. End of the 2nd Punic War, marking the decline of the Carthaginian state.
Peace between Megas Antiochus and Liu Bang. Formation of the Great Seleukid Chinese Satrapy
of Antiocheia Escate.
201 BCE: Philip V conquers Chios and installs the Lysimachid prince Alexandros as a client ruler. He then invades Pergamum, in spite of a Roman ultimatum warning against it. Beginning of the Second Macedonian War.
330 BCE: Megas Alexandros conquers Persia. Beginning of implementation of policies regarding Hellenic Colonization of the East. Parmenion appointed Satrap of Ecbatana, his son Philotas sent to Media to oversee the creation of Hellenic military colonies in the region.
319 BCE: Megas Alexandros dies, poison is suspected to be the cause of his death. He leaves behind several legitimate children by Roxana and Stateira, and several ilegitimate ones widely acknowledged to be his. His son Alexandros IV is blinded in an accident and following unrest he is taken by his mother and loyal retainers to Cyprus.
318 BCE: Diadokhoi crysis starts in earnest. Beginning of the division of the Empire.
312 BCE: Seleukos I Nikator and Ptolemy I Soter defeat Demetrius I Poliorcetes of Macedon in the Battle of Gaza. Beginning of Seleukid Era and creation of Arche Seleukeia.
305 BCE: Seleukos I Nikator founds Seleukeia on the Tigris, his new capital.
303 BCE: Seleukid Conquest of Sindhia. Chandragupta Maurya becomes a Seleukid vassal.
300 BCE: Founding of Antiocheia by Seleukos I Nikator, western capital of the Empire.
298 BCE: The Hieronid Agathocles of Syracuse unifies Sicily under his rule and marries Ptolemy's stepdaughter Theoxena. Kyrene is brought under Ptolemaic control.
292 BCE: Lysimachus, Basileus of Thrakia campaigns beyond the Danube, but he is defeated and taken prisoner by the Dacian king Dromichaetes. Lysimachus is set free after the marriage of Dromichaetes with Lysimachus' daughter. Hellenic influence over Dacia increases.
289 BCE: Agathocles of Siracusa dies and a succession struggle ensues. Mercenaries calling themselves Mamertines - The Sons of Mars, take over Messana and the Northeastern part of the Island.
287 BCE: Pyrrhus defeats Demetrius Poliorcetes and is proclaimed King of Macedon.
285 BCE: Ptolemy I Soter abdicates in favor of his son Ptolemy II Philadelphos. The Pharos of Alexandria is completed. Pyrrhus is driven out of Macedon by Lysimachus with Dacian help.
283 BCE: Antigonus, son of Demetrius Poliorcetes becomes King of Macedon in name only as Lysimachus controls the Kingdom. The Great Canal between the Red Sea and the Nile is reopened by Ptolemy II Philadelphos.
281 BCE: Battle of Corupedium: Seleukos kills Lysimachus in battle, but is assasinated by Ptolemy Keraunos. He is succeeded by his son Antiochus. Pyrrhus defeats the Romans at Heraclea and goes on to besiege Rome itself.
279 BCE: A Celtic Army under Brennus invades Greece. They defeat a Makedonian army under Ptolemy Keraunos but the Spartans temporarily hold Brennus at Thermopylae. Brennus retreats to the North only to defeat the pursuing Spartans in a battle near Mount Othrys. He then presses on and conquers Delphi, before retreating northwards. The Celtic hosts splits, and a Celtic Kingdom of Tylis is founded under Cerethrius. Part of the host moves Northwards to establish a kingdom in Pannonia, under Bolgios. Celtic Singidunum is founded. Brennus crosses the Helespont and overruns Bythinia.
Pyrrhus defeats the Romans at Asculum. Peace is negotiated, with Rome acknowledging his dominion over Magna Graecia.
278 BCE: Brennus is defeated by Antiochus Soter near Ankyra. He acknoledges Seleukid sovereignty and the majority of his Celts are settled in Galatia, many of the Celtic warriors taking up service with the Seleukid Basileus. Beginning of Seleukid policy of establishment of Celtic military colonies, from Asia minor to Bactria and Sindhia.
277 BCE: Daco-Celtic War, following Scordisci invasion of Dacia. Defeated, Bolgios King of the Scordisci marries Darava, the daughter of the Dacian King and retires to Singidunum. Beginning of the Daco-Celtic alliance.
276 BCE: Ptolemy II marries his own sister Arsinoe. They become known as Philadelphoi - Brother-Loving.
273 BCE: Ashoka the Great, Satrap of Sindhia defeats the Seleukidai in battle near Pataliputra. Following the Treaty of Taxila Eastern Sindhia becomes a quasi-independent kingdom under his direct rule. He marries the Seleukid princess Olympia as part of the peace negotiations.
272 BCE: The Spartans under Areus I defeat Pyrrhus in the Battle of Argos, and Pyrrhus is killed. Areus I is proclaimed King of the Hellenes, while Antigonos II Gonatus manages to regain the Macedonian throne. Following the Treaty of Corinth Antigonos II is acknowledged as King of Makedonia, while Sparta retains the entire Peloponesus.
270 BCE: Romans drive out the Mamertines from Rhegium and restore it to its Greek citizens. Mamertines retreat to Sicily.
269 BCE: Hieron II of Siracusa defeats the Mamertines near Mylae. The defeated Mamertines accept his sovereignty and Hieron II becomes King of the entire island.
264 BCE: Carthaginians invade Sicily. Hieron II asks for Roman support. Beginning of First Punic war. Hieron II acknowledged as King of Sicily by the Romans. Beginning of the Roman-Siracusan Alliance.
262 BCE: Supported by the Ptolemaic navy and army, Athens rebells. Antigonos tries to besiege the city but is defeated and forced to acknowledge an independent Athenian state. Eumenes I of Pergamum defeats Antiochus and founds an independent kingdom.
260 BCE: Qin overruns the state of Zhao. The Great Western Exodus follows, with several hundred thousand Zhao citizens migrating to the West, eventually making it into Central Asia and Bactria, where they become Hellenic subjects.
255 BCE: Diodotus, Satrap of Bactria rebells and establishes an independent Kingdom. His dominions are expanded with the help of Galatian and Zhao refugees military colonies.
246 BCE: Diodotus marries the sister of Seleucus II Callinicus as his dominion over Bactria is confirmed.
243 BCE: Agis IV reforms the Spartan state under a new Lycurgan model. The entire Peloponesus is turned into a militaristic state with all Hellenes gaining citizenship and with all young men being enrolled into the new Agoge system. A defensive alliance is formed with the Athenians against potential Makedonian invasion.
241 BCE: Carthage is defeated by the Roman-Siracusan alliance in the Battle of the Aegates Islands. The First Punic War ends, Carthage renouncing all of its claims on Sicily. Siracusan dominion of Sicily is confirmed. An Eternal Alliance Treaty is signed between Rome and Siracusa and a Roman legion, supported by Siracusan taxes, is stationed in Sicily.
237 BCE: The Parni King Arsaces invades and conquers the Seleukid Satrapy of Parthia. Seleukos II Callinicus is taken prisoner.
230 BCE: Attalus I Soter of Pergamum defeats the Galatian invasion of Pergamum. He marries the Galatian princess Berena and an alliance is formed between the Galatians and Pergamum.
228 BCE: Attalus I Soter and his Galatian allies defeat Antiochus Hierax near Tarsus. Anatolia and Cillicia are divided between Atallus and his allies.
227 BCE: Queen Teuta of Illyria acknowledges Roman overlordship. Illyria becomes a client kingdom of Rome.
223 BCE: Euthydemus I, Satrap of Sogdiana rebells against his Bactrian Overlord, founding a great Hellenistic kingdom centered around Marakanda. Part of his army is composed of Helleno-Zhao troops.
222 BCE: Antigonus III attacks Athens, but is defeated by a Spartan-Athenian coalition in the 2nd Battle of Marathon. Antiochus III marries Laodice the daughter of Mithridates II of Pontus and an alliance is formed against Pergamum and the Galatians.
219 BCE: Hannibal besieges Saguntum, an ally of Rome. Beginning of the 2nd Punic War.
216 BCE: Philip V of Macedon invades the Roman client state of Illyria. Beginning of the First Macedonian War. Hannibal defeats the Romans at Cannae.
215 BCE: Atallus I Soter of Pergamum occupies Antiocheia. Antiochus III sues for peace and acknowledges Atallus's conquests and regains Antiocheia in the following peace treaty. Philip V, with the help of his Dacian and Scordisci allies defeats a Roman army near Apollonia in Illyria.
213 BCE: Emperor Qin Shi Huang orders all Confucian writings destroyed. Renewed Chinese emigration to Hellenistic Central Asia, Confucian scholars find refuge in Marakanda.
212 BCE: The Celtic Kingdom of Tylis allies with Rome against Philip V of Macedon. Syphax, Numidian King of the Masaesyli allies himself with Rome against Carthage.
Antiochus III campaigns in India and establishes Seleukid control over the region. His campaigns see him reach Sri Lanka, and he is proclaimed Megas by his troops following the utter destruction of the army of a coalition of Southern Indian princes in the battle of Suvarnagiri. Meanwhile in the west, his sister Antiochia is married to King Xerxes of Armenia.
211 BCE: Sparta, Athens and Pergamum join Rome in their war against Philip V of Macedon.
209 BCE: Antiochus III conquers Hecatompylos, the Parthian capital and defeats Arsakes II in the Battle of Mount Labus. Arsakes II is forced into an alliance with Arche Seleukeia. Modu Chanyu, Emperor of the Xiongnu pushes into China, renewed Chinese emigration towards Central Asia.
208 BCE: Megas Antiochus III becomes titular Overlord of Bactria and Marakanda, receiving the submission of their kings. Seleukid princesses married to the heirs of Bactria and Marakanda.
206 BCE: Publius Cornelius Scipio defeats the Carthaginians at Ilipa and drives them out of Spain. Masinissa, the Numidian King of the Massylii joins the Roman cause, but is more concerned with fighting his fellow Roman ally Syphax.
Megas Antiochus's legendary campaign into China. Founding of Antiocheia Eschate. End of the Qin dynasty following capture of Emperor Ziying, last ruler of the Qin Dynasty, by Liu Bang, leader of a popular revolt. China is in civil war as the Seleukids enter it from the West and the Xiongnu attack it from the North.
205 BCE: First Macedonian War ends with Philip V emerging victorious in the 2nd Battle of Apollonia. Large parts of Illyria are ceded to Macedon.
Philip V conquers Crete and attacks Rhodes. Antiochus III campaigns in China.
202 BCE: Philip V conquers Rhodes but allows the local Apollonios dynasty, supposed descendants of Apollo to remain in power as his clients.
Roman victory in the Battle of Zama. Hannibal is defeated by the Roman-Siracusan-Numidian coalition lead by Scipio, now receiving the surname Africanus. End of the 2nd Punic War, marking the decline of the Carthaginian state.
Peace between Megas Antiochus and Liu Bang. Formation of the Great Seleukid Chinese Satrapy
of Antiocheia Escate.
201 BCE: Philip V conquers Chios and installs the Lysimachid prince Alexandros as a client ruler. He then invades Pergamum, in spite of a Roman ultimatum warning against it. Beginning of the Second Macedonian War.
197 BCE: Philip V marginally defeated at the Battle of Cynoscephalae. A peace is signed with Rome.
196 BCE: Megas Antiochus crosses the Helespont into Europe. War with Rome. The exiled Hannibal arrives at his court. Sparta and Athens fearing Seleukid conquest ally with Rome. A vast Hellenic coalition including Philip V joins with Rome against Megas Antiochus.
191 BCE: Megas Antiochus defeats a coalition army near Amphipolis, but is forced to retreat over the Helespont in order to deal with a Galatian threat to Syria.
190 BCE: The Allies defeat the Seleukid fleet at Eurymedon and Myonessus. Galatians besiege Antiocheia. Widespread rebellion throughout the Seleukid Empire. The Eastern Satrapies declare independence.
189 BCE: Megas Antiochus defeats the Romans in the Battle of Magnesia in a pyrrhic victory. He then turns his attention East against his rebellious Satraps.
187 BCE: Megas Antiochus is assassinated while praying in the great temple of Alexandros-Ammon in Seleukeia on the Tigris, on the orders of Antialcidas Parmenion, Satrap of Ecbatana.
185 BCE: Demetrius I Aniketos of Marakanda converts to Buddhism. His conversion to Buddhism and his reliance on a Confucian bureaucracy of Zhao origin is used by King Diodotus III of Bactria as a pretext to invade Marakanda in order to restore proper Hellenic rule. Diodotus III is defeated, taken prisoner and forced to become a vassal.
184 BCE: Demetrius I Aniketos campaigns in India.
182 BCE: Demetrius I Aniketos proclaimed Megas Basileus of India. Establishment of a new Empire ruled from the newly founded city of Demetria, near Ujjain. The Buddhist Demetrius I Aniketos rules India with the help of his Zhao Confucian bureucracy and the might of his Indohellenic armies. Hellenic and Gallic military towns are established throughout his dominion in order to maintain control.
180 BCE: Demetrius I Aniketos assassinated on the orders of Apollodotus I Soter, the Satrap of Taxila. Apollodotus I Soter proclaims himself Basileus of Sindhia taking control of the Western part of the Empire. Diodotus IV of Bactria regains independence, while Marakanda acknowledges Antimachus the second born son of Demetrius I Aniketos as King. Demetrius II, the rightful heir of the Empire rules over the East from his new capital at Pataliputra.
179 BCE: Philip V of Macedon campaigns against the Galatians. He famously dies leading a Hetairoi charge against the Galatian left flank in the Battle of Ancyra. Following his death his son Perseus makes peace with the Galatians, and reconfirms the Roman-Macedonian alliance.
177 BCE: Perseus marries the Seleukid princess Laodice before embarking on a campaign against Galatia.
172 BCE: Eumenes II of Pergamum asks for Roman help against Perseus. Beginning of Third Macedonian war.
171 BCE: Perseus defeats the Roman consul Publius Licinius Crassus in the Battle of Callicinus and proclaims himself Hegemon of the Hellenes.
170 BCE: Antiochus IV Epiphanes invades Egypt but allows Ptolemy VI to continue as a puppet ruler, as he is forced to return to Judaea to deal with a large Jewish Rebellion.
Eucratides Arianos the Satrap of Aria founds an independent Kingdom centered around Alexandria Areion. He marries the daughter of Antimachus Hephaistionos, the Satrap of Gedrosia and descendant of Hephaistion, Alexandros's favored companion. Gedrosia becomes part of the newly formed Basileia of Aria.
169 BCE: Perseus defeats the Romans at Tempe, the Roman consul Quintus Marcius Phillipus is captured, treated with the highest honors, and then released by Perseus.
168 BCE: A Romano-Hellenic coalition army led by Lucius Aemilius Paulus defeats Perseus at Pydna. Perseus is wounded and captured in battle as his Hetairoi cavalry failed to break the Spartan force on the Roman right flank. In spite of grievous wounds Perseus survives and is brought to Rome to take part in Lucius Aemilius Paulus's triumphal procession. Macedon becomes a Roman client kingdom with a legion stationed at Pella.
Ptolemy VI asks for Roman help against the Seleukids and Antiochus IV invades Egypt. As his forces camp outside Alexandria, the Roman ambassador Gaius Popillius Laenas presents Antiochus IV with an ultimatum that he evacuate Egypt immediately. Popillius draws a circle around the king with his walking stick and demands a clear answer before Antiochus leaves the circle. Antiochus withdraws from Egypt.
167 BCE: Angered by Seleukid Hellenization policies, the Jews led by the High Priest Mattathias ben Johanan rise up in revolt. Antiochus IV tries to suppress the revolt in blood, half of the population of Jerusalem being butchered.
166 BCE: Antiochus IV is forced to leave Judaea in order to deal with a Parthian invasion. Mattathias, dies and his third son, Judas Maccabeus is proclaimed king. The rebels rout the Seleukid army at the Battle of Beth Horon. Following another Seleukid defeat, at the Battle of Emmaus, Judas Maccabeus gains full control of Judaea, except Jerusalem still held by a strong Seleukid garrison.
165 BCE: Antiochus IV is forced to turn West to fight an Armenian invasion. Parthians are left to continue their advance unopposed. Following a great victory outside Antiocheia, Artaxias of Armenia is captured by Antiochus IV Epiphanes and is forced to recognize Seleukid sovereignty over Armenia.
164 BCE: Ptolemy VI Philometor is exiled from Alexandria by his brother Ptolemy VIII Euergetes and flees to Rome to ask for support support. Antiochus IV is assasinated on the orders of his chancelor Lysias who becomes Regent for his son Antiochus V Eupator.
Judas Maccabeus defeats Lysias at the battle of Beth Zur. Judas Maccabeus enters Jerusalem in triumph and purifies the Temple. He destroys the idols erected there by the Seleukids and restores the sacred service in the Temple.
163 BCE: Romans intervene in Egypt and partition the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Ptolemy VIII Euergetes receives Cyrenaica and Ptolemy VI Egypt. Lysias confirms Judas Maccabeus as King of Judaea. Timarchus Epigonos leads a rebellion against Lysias and establishes an independent kingdom in Media.
162 BCE: Judas Maccabeus lays siege to Acra, a fortress within Jerusalem that faces the Temple Mount still held by a Seleukid garisson. Lysias invades Judaea and defeats Judas Maccabeus at the battle of Beth-zechariah, and Judas is forced to withdraw to Jerusalem.
Lysias lays siege to the city but is forced to withdraw as the Seleukid prince Demetrius arrives in Antiocheia and claims the Seleukid throne with Roman support.
161 BCE: Timarchus occupies Babylonia. Demetrius defeats Lysias and sends an army under Nicanor to deal with Judas Maccabeus, but Nicanor is defeated in the battle of Adasa, near Beth-horon. Judas Maccabeus sends envoys to Rome asking for support.
160 BCE: Demetrius accepts the submission of Timarchus who is confirmed as Satrap of Babylonia, while the Parthian King Mithradates I invades Media. Judas Maccabeus defeats a Seleukid army in the Battle of Elasa. Rome intervenes on behalf of the Judaean King and Demetrius is forced to accept Judas Maccabeus as King of Judaea.
158 BCE: Demetrius invades Kapadokia and removes Ariarathes V from power who flees to Rome and asks for Roman support.
157 BCE: Demetrius rejects a Roman ultimatum to restore Ariarathes V on his throne. A Roman-Galatian coallition forces Demetrius to retreat from Kapadokia, and Ariarathes is reinstated.
155 BCE: Punicus the King of the Lusitani defeated in battle by Lucius Mummius accepts Roman sovereignty and Lusitania becomes a vassal kingdom. Menander, Megas Basileus of India completes the conquest of Lanka.
154 BCE: Menander campaigns into China and enters Antiocheia Eschate in triumph. His brother Alexandros is made Satrap of the Great Chinese Satrapy of Antiocheia Eschate. Capitalizing on the Rebellion of the Seven States, a Treaty of Eternal Friendship is signed with Emperor Jing of Han, confirming the borders of the Hellenic Satrapy of Antiocheia Eschate.
153 BCE: Romans try to install Alexandros Balas Seleukos, a bastard son of Antiochus IV by the Argeadai princess Olympia, as Seleukid Basileus. Demetrius is forced to withdraw from Antiocheia as Alexandros Balas is installed Basileus by a Romano-Galatian-Judaean coalition.
150 BCE: Cato urges the Destruction of Carthage following its war with Rome's ally Numidia. Demetrius defeats Alexandros Balas in battle outside Antiocheia, only to be assassinated by a Jewish mercenary upon entering the city in triumph. Alexandros Balas is restored as Basileus of Arche Seleukeia.
149 BCE: Third Punic War begins. Viriathus, King of the Lusitani proclaims himself independent from Rome.
147 BCE: War for Arche Seleukeia between Demetrius II and Alexandros Balas.
146 BCE: Carthage conquered by Scipio Aemilianus.
145 BCE: Demetrius II and Ptolemy VI Philometor defeat Alexandros Balas in the Battle of Antioch. Ptolemy VI dies in battle, while Alexandros Balas flees to Nabatea.
144 BCE: Parthians take control of Babylonia. Viriathus fights the Romans to a draw near Numantia. Following the Treaty of Saguntum Viriathus is confirmed as client king of Lusitania.
141 BCE: Beginning of Tocharian Exodus to Bactria. Demetrius II defeated in battle by Mithridates, King of the Parthians becomes his prisoner. Beginning of Seleukid Anarchy with several Seleukid princes proclaiming themselves Basileus.
134 BCE: Epander, Megas Basileus of India conquers Burma and establishes the Satrapy of Epanderia Eschate. Atallus IV of Pergamum becomes a Roman vassal.
129 BCE: Antiochus VII Sidetes killed in the battle of Ecbatana by Menander Parmenion, now a vassal of Phraates II. Seleukid control over the East collapses entirely. Demetrius II recovers the throne of Syria with the support of Phraates II of Parthia.
128 BCE: Tocharians defeated by a Hellenic Coalition led by Alexandros Soter of Marakanda. Defeated Tocharians resettled throughout the Indohellenic states.
126 BCE: Seleukos V Philometor succeeds his father Demetrius II, asssasinated on the orders of Cleopatra Thea who acts as regent before having Seleukos V assassinated in turn. Cleopatra Thea and her son by Demetrius II, Antiochus VIII rule jointly.
124 BCE: Artabanus I of Parthia killed in battle against the Saka, after the Hellenic Kings of Marakanda, Bactria and Aria had allowed a new wave of Saka to pass through their lands into Persia. Kingdom of Sakastan founded in Eastern Persia.
118 BCE: Jugurtha becomes King of Numidia and begins expanding his kingdom throughout North Africa.
112 BCE: Roman-Numidian War begins. Jugurtha establishes a vast North African Empire.
111 BCE: Nam Viet collapses under a joint invasion by Epander of India and the Han Empire.
105 BCE: Jugurtha defeated in battle by a Roman led coalition, featuring Siracusan and Ptolemaic troops. Together with his vassal Bocchus of Mauretania Jugurtha acknowledges the sovereignty of Rome and Numidia and Mauretania become client states.
104 BCE: Alexandros II Aniketos of Marakanda establishes a vast Empire in Central Asia. His Empire stretches from Marakanda to China. Tocharians and Sakas play an important role within the military of Marakanda.
103 BCE: Tigranes II of Armenia proclaims himself King of Kings and establishes the Armenian Empire following his conquest of Atropatene.
100 BCE: Following Peasant Rebellions against Emperor Wu of Han, Alexandros II Aniketos of Marakanda invades China from the West and Epander II of India from the South West. Beginning of the legendary Katabasis of Alexandros II Aniketos to the Pacific.
196 BCE: Megas Antiochus crosses the Helespont into Europe. War with Rome. The exiled Hannibal arrives at his court. Sparta and Athens fearing Seleukid conquest ally with Rome. A vast Hellenic coalition including Philip V joins with Rome against Megas Antiochus.
191 BCE: Megas Antiochus defeats a coalition army near Amphipolis, but is forced to retreat over the Helespont in order to deal with a Galatian threat to Syria.
190 BCE: The Allies defeat the Seleukid fleet at Eurymedon and Myonessus. Galatians besiege Antiocheia. Widespread rebellion throughout the Seleukid Empire. The Eastern Satrapies declare independence.
189 BCE: Megas Antiochus defeats the Romans in the Battle of Magnesia in a pyrrhic victory. He then turns his attention East against his rebellious Satraps.
187 BCE: Megas Antiochus is assassinated while praying in the great temple of Alexandros-Ammon in Seleukeia on the Tigris, on the orders of Antialcidas Parmenion, Satrap of Ecbatana.
185 BCE: Demetrius I Aniketos of Marakanda converts to Buddhism. His conversion to Buddhism and his reliance on a Confucian bureaucracy of Zhao origin is used by King Diodotus III of Bactria as a pretext to invade Marakanda in order to restore proper Hellenic rule. Diodotus III is defeated, taken prisoner and forced to become a vassal.
184 BCE: Demetrius I Aniketos campaigns in India.
182 BCE: Demetrius I Aniketos proclaimed Megas Basileus of India. Establishment of a new Empire ruled from the newly founded city of Demetria, near Ujjain. The Buddhist Demetrius I Aniketos rules India with the help of his Zhao Confucian bureucracy and the might of his Indohellenic armies. Hellenic and Gallic military towns are established throughout his dominion in order to maintain control.
180 BCE: Demetrius I Aniketos assassinated on the orders of Apollodotus I Soter, the Satrap of Taxila. Apollodotus I Soter proclaims himself Basileus of Sindhia taking control of the Western part of the Empire. Diodotus IV of Bactria regains independence, while Marakanda acknowledges Antimachus the second born son of Demetrius I Aniketos as King. Demetrius II, the rightful heir of the Empire rules over the East from his new capital at Pataliputra.
179 BCE: Philip V of Macedon campaigns against the Galatians. He famously dies leading a Hetairoi charge against the Galatian left flank in the Battle of Ancyra. Following his death his son Perseus makes peace with the Galatians, and reconfirms the Roman-Macedonian alliance.
177 BCE: Perseus marries the Seleukid princess Laodice before embarking on a campaign against Galatia.
172 BCE: Eumenes II of Pergamum asks for Roman help against Perseus. Beginning of Third Macedonian war.
171 BCE: Perseus defeats the Roman consul Publius Licinius Crassus in the Battle of Callicinus and proclaims himself Hegemon of the Hellenes.
170 BCE: Antiochus IV Epiphanes invades Egypt but allows Ptolemy VI to continue as a puppet ruler, as he is forced to return to Judaea to deal with a large Jewish Rebellion.
Eucratides Arianos the Satrap of Aria founds an independent Kingdom centered around Alexandria Areion. He marries the daughter of Antimachus Hephaistionos, the Satrap of Gedrosia and descendant of Hephaistion, Alexandros's favored companion. Gedrosia becomes part of the newly formed Basileia of Aria.
169 BCE: Perseus defeats the Romans at Tempe, the Roman consul Quintus Marcius Phillipus is captured, treated with the highest honors, and then released by Perseus.
168 BCE: A Romano-Hellenic coalition army led by Lucius Aemilius Paulus defeats Perseus at Pydna. Perseus is wounded and captured in battle as his Hetairoi cavalry failed to break the Spartan force on the Roman right flank. In spite of grievous wounds Perseus survives and is brought to Rome to take part in Lucius Aemilius Paulus's triumphal procession. Macedon becomes a Roman client kingdom with a legion stationed at Pella.
Ptolemy VI asks for Roman help against the Seleukids and Antiochus IV invades Egypt. As his forces camp outside Alexandria, the Roman ambassador Gaius Popillius Laenas presents Antiochus IV with an ultimatum that he evacuate Egypt immediately. Popillius draws a circle around the king with his walking stick and demands a clear answer before Antiochus leaves the circle. Antiochus withdraws from Egypt.
167 BCE: Angered by Seleukid Hellenization policies, the Jews led by the High Priest Mattathias ben Johanan rise up in revolt. Antiochus IV tries to suppress the revolt in blood, half of the population of Jerusalem being butchered.
166 BCE: Antiochus IV is forced to leave Judaea in order to deal with a Parthian invasion. Mattathias, dies and his third son, Judas Maccabeus is proclaimed king. The rebels rout the Seleukid army at the Battle of Beth Horon. Following another Seleukid defeat, at the Battle of Emmaus, Judas Maccabeus gains full control of Judaea, except Jerusalem still held by a strong Seleukid garrison.
165 BCE: Antiochus IV is forced to turn West to fight an Armenian invasion. Parthians are left to continue their advance unopposed. Following a great victory outside Antiocheia, Artaxias of Armenia is captured by Antiochus IV Epiphanes and is forced to recognize Seleukid sovereignty over Armenia.
164 BCE: Ptolemy VI Philometor is exiled from Alexandria by his brother Ptolemy VIII Euergetes and flees to Rome to ask for support support. Antiochus IV is assasinated on the orders of his chancelor Lysias who becomes Regent for his son Antiochus V Eupator.
Judas Maccabeus defeats Lysias at the battle of Beth Zur. Judas Maccabeus enters Jerusalem in triumph and purifies the Temple. He destroys the idols erected there by the Seleukids and restores the sacred service in the Temple.
163 BCE: Romans intervene in Egypt and partition the Ptolemaic Kingdom. Ptolemy VIII Euergetes receives Cyrenaica and Ptolemy VI Egypt. Lysias confirms Judas Maccabeus as King of Judaea. Timarchus Epigonos leads a rebellion against Lysias and establishes an independent kingdom in Media.
162 BCE: Judas Maccabeus lays siege to Acra, a fortress within Jerusalem that faces the Temple Mount still held by a Seleukid garisson. Lysias invades Judaea and defeats Judas Maccabeus at the battle of Beth-zechariah, and Judas is forced to withdraw to Jerusalem.
Lysias lays siege to the city but is forced to withdraw as the Seleukid prince Demetrius arrives in Antiocheia and claims the Seleukid throne with Roman support.
161 BCE: Timarchus occupies Babylonia. Demetrius defeats Lysias and sends an army under Nicanor to deal with Judas Maccabeus, but Nicanor is defeated in the battle of Adasa, near Beth-horon. Judas Maccabeus sends envoys to Rome asking for support.
160 BCE: Demetrius accepts the submission of Timarchus who is confirmed as Satrap of Babylonia, while the Parthian King Mithradates I invades Media. Judas Maccabeus defeats a Seleukid army in the Battle of Elasa. Rome intervenes on behalf of the Judaean King and Demetrius is forced to accept Judas Maccabeus as King of Judaea.
158 BCE: Demetrius invades Kapadokia and removes Ariarathes V from power who flees to Rome and asks for Roman support.
157 BCE: Demetrius rejects a Roman ultimatum to restore Ariarathes V on his throne. A Roman-Galatian coallition forces Demetrius to retreat from Kapadokia, and Ariarathes is reinstated.
155 BCE: Punicus the King of the Lusitani defeated in battle by Lucius Mummius accepts Roman sovereignty and Lusitania becomes a vassal kingdom. Menander, Megas Basileus of India completes the conquest of Lanka.
154 BCE: Menander campaigns into China and enters Antiocheia Eschate in triumph. His brother Alexandros is made Satrap of the Great Chinese Satrapy of Antiocheia Eschate. Capitalizing on the Rebellion of the Seven States, a Treaty of Eternal Friendship is signed with Emperor Jing of Han, confirming the borders of the Hellenic Satrapy of Antiocheia Eschate.
153 BCE: Romans try to install Alexandros Balas Seleukos, a bastard son of Antiochus IV by the Argeadai princess Olympia, as Seleukid Basileus. Demetrius is forced to withdraw from Antiocheia as Alexandros Balas is installed Basileus by a Romano-Galatian-Judaean coalition.
150 BCE: Cato urges the Destruction of Carthage following its war with Rome's ally Numidia. Demetrius defeats Alexandros Balas in battle outside Antiocheia, only to be assassinated by a Jewish mercenary upon entering the city in triumph. Alexandros Balas is restored as Basileus of Arche Seleukeia.
149 BCE: Third Punic War begins. Viriathus, King of the Lusitani proclaims himself independent from Rome.
147 BCE: War for Arche Seleukeia between Demetrius II and Alexandros Balas.
146 BCE: Carthage conquered by Scipio Aemilianus.
145 BCE: Demetrius II and Ptolemy VI Philometor defeat Alexandros Balas in the Battle of Antioch. Ptolemy VI dies in battle, while Alexandros Balas flees to Nabatea.
144 BCE: Parthians take control of Babylonia. Viriathus fights the Romans to a draw near Numantia. Following the Treaty of Saguntum Viriathus is confirmed as client king of Lusitania.
141 BCE: Beginning of Tocharian Exodus to Bactria. Demetrius II defeated in battle by Mithridates, King of the Parthians becomes his prisoner. Beginning of Seleukid Anarchy with several Seleukid princes proclaiming themselves Basileus.
134 BCE: Epander, Megas Basileus of India conquers Burma and establishes the Satrapy of Epanderia Eschate. Atallus IV of Pergamum becomes a Roman vassal.
129 BCE: Antiochus VII Sidetes killed in the battle of Ecbatana by Menander Parmenion, now a vassal of Phraates II. Seleukid control over the East collapses entirely. Demetrius II recovers the throne of Syria with the support of Phraates II of Parthia.
128 BCE: Tocharians defeated by a Hellenic Coalition led by Alexandros Soter of Marakanda. Defeated Tocharians resettled throughout the Indohellenic states.
126 BCE: Seleukos V Philometor succeeds his father Demetrius II, asssasinated on the orders of Cleopatra Thea who acts as regent before having Seleukos V assassinated in turn. Cleopatra Thea and her son by Demetrius II, Antiochus VIII rule jointly.
124 BCE: Artabanus I of Parthia killed in battle against the Saka, after the Hellenic Kings of Marakanda, Bactria and Aria had allowed a new wave of Saka to pass through their lands into Persia. Kingdom of Sakastan founded in Eastern Persia.
118 BCE: Jugurtha becomes King of Numidia and begins expanding his kingdom throughout North Africa.
112 BCE: Roman-Numidian War begins. Jugurtha establishes a vast North African Empire.
111 BCE: Nam Viet collapses under a joint invasion by Epander of India and the Han Empire.
105 BCE: Jugurtha defeated in battle by a Roman led coalition, featuring Siracusan and Ptolemaic troops. Together with his vassal Bocchus of Mauretania Jugurtha acknowledges the sovereignty of Rome and Numidia and Mauretania become client states.
104 BCE: Alexandros II Aniketos of Marakanda establishes a vast Empire in Central Asia. His Empire stretches from Marakanda to China. Tocharians and Sakas play an important role within the military of Marakanda.
103 BCE: Tigranes II of Armenia proclaims himself King of Kings and establishes the Armenian Empire following his conquest of Atropatene.
100 BCE: Following Peasant Rebellions against Emperor Wu of Han, Alexandros II Aniketos of Marakanda invades China from the West and Epander II of India from the South West. Beginning of the legendary Katabasis of Alexandros II Aniketos to the Pacific.
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