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Second Lieutenant
71 Badges
Jan 31, 2016
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So, as an insider joke between a friend and me I've decided to add a religion to the game.
From the wiki I got the following script (which I've edited to my preference):

aggression = 1.5
ai_convert_other_group = 2
ai_convert_same_group = 2
allow_in_ruler_designer = yes
allow_looting = yes
allow_rivermovement = yes
allow_viking_invasion = no
attacking_same_religion_piety_loss = yes
autocephaly = no
bs_marriage = no
can_call_crusade = yes
can_excommunicate = yes
can_grant_claim = yes
can_grant_divorce = yes
can_grant_invasion_cb = invasion
can_have_antipopes = yes
can_hold_temples = yes
can_retire_to_monastery = yes
character_modifier = { stewardship = 4 }
color = { 1 0.64 0.89 }
cousin_marriage = yes
crusade_name = "CRUSADE"
defensive_attrition = yes
dislike_tribal_organization = no
divine_blood = no
expel_modifier = expelled_jewish
female_temple_holders = not
feminist = yes
graphical_culture = westerngfx
has_heir_designation = no
heresy_icon = 7
high_god_name = PIG_PIG
icon = 54
ignores_defensive_attrition = yes
independence_war_score_bonus = 30
intermarry = christian_catholic
investiture = yes
landed_kin_prestige_bonus = yes
matrilineal_marriages = no
max_consorts = 0
max_wives = 1
pacifist = no
pc_marriage = no
peace_piety_gain = 1.0
peace_prestige_loss = no
piety_name = PIGLETS
pre_reformed = no
priest_title = PIGST
priests_can_inherit = no
priests_can_marry = yes
psc_marriage = no
raised_vassal_opinion_loss = no
religious_clothing_head = 3
religious_clothing_priest = 3
scripture_name = THE_PIG_CODE
seafarer = yes
secondary_event_pictures = norse_pagan
short_reign_opinion_year_mult = 2
uses_decadence = yes
uses_jizya_tax = yes

As I am a total noob in modding I was hoping someone experienced would take a look.

I've removed a few entries related to paganism and parent religions, did I accidentally remove anything neccesary or important?

Also, how do I turn this into an in-game religion and give it a few provinces?
plz hlp aam n00b
I could possibly get something out of that in a couple of hours after I'm done with my own work(though by looking at your list, you have things that arent required to be mentioned or are double written down/confliction)

I'd advise you to go to my documents/paradox interactive/crusader kings II/mod/A game of thrones/common/religion and look how those are lined out
A lot of the things you have put in are not needed as in general with a religion most things default to not being enabled so specifying not to enable them is pointless eg: allow_viking_invasion, autocephaly and divine_blood all default to no whilst something like allow_in_ruler_designer defaults to yes. Specifying them again is not needed.

Also you have enabled some things in that religion which are not at all supported in the actual mod and I am not sure how well (if at all) they will work. For example can_call_crusade, can_grant_invasion_cb, can_have_antipopes, uses_decadence and uses_jizya_tax are not used by us at all and likely will not have support in the mod.

Also some which are not correctly used like expel_modifier and intermarry are not done in the way you have used them, expel modifier is only used if the religion can be expelled and it is a modifier about that religion not a different one and intermarry defines a religion or religion group with christian_catholic being a weird combination you have made of one of each from vanilla, not even this mod.

As Zerofighter said check out some of our religions to see examples :)