Thanks, this worked perfectly.
Another side effect I notice, of the second case, is that minor titles no longer show up. Apparently the default GetHighestTitles also includes minor titles, so for GetHighestTitlesSummary they're not included. I don't see a localisation command for getting minor titles, is there one? It's a worthwhile tradeoff to me, but if there is a way to work minor titles into my new GetHighestTitlesSummary, that'd be good.
It'd not cover someone with multiple titles, but you could add a custom GetMinorTitle loc called from the summary which checks for all titles and picks the first valid (and you could perhaps have a secondary custom_loc handle council positions and/or regents, since that's usually more important than "Court Dwarf" or the like).
Edit: And now I can't unsee my "Hightest" typo...
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