I completely understand your feelings about this issue, but I could not answer to your question with any speceific details; all I know is that it is being worked on.
Neocore_Kate, I just want to make sure I understand this, I am just so confused by not knowing.
Does this mean that the game "The Druids" has some type of bug (or something) and is currently being worked on and the plan is to reissue it at some point?
I do not need to know specifics, but if that is the case, I can wait. I guess I am just so frustrated because I keep asking and cannot get any solid information.
At this point it was never on IMPULSE, and Gamer'sGate pulled all of them (King Arthur AND the 2 expansions), but STEAM and some others still offer it.
Is this what is going on; the game is being "reworked/fixed"? If you do have any other kind of updates they would be well appreciated, but if plans are to reissue it at some point and I just need to sit back and wait, I can and will. I just would like to know for sure.