Spilling over from another thread ...
The Burgundian event file is fairly sparse, strange for a country which is in the centre of all the action in the rich and powerful Western Europe. I'm mostly working on my New World extension, but I'd like to see whose interested in generting some additional ideas for Burgundy.
I'm going to get the ball rolling with a concept of Burgundy for Aberrated, then suggest some key events to express the theme.
Being located in the centre of Europe and straddling divergeant cultural groups (Alsacians, French, Flems, Germans and others) has always placed Burgundy in a challenging position. Being surrounded is rarely a good strategic position. To ensure stability, it has demanded of Burgundy to respond in one of two ways. The first is expand and to try to dominate the polical scene to force stability on the landscape. The second has been to deftly ensure a balance of power through diplomacy and war only when necessary. Burgundy has used both approaches over the years to survive, sometime being the warmonger, sometimes the peace maker.
As 1419 opens the scene in Europe is anything but stable. Recent expansionist ideas have gained territory for Burgundy, but at the expense of regional stability. The new king, Phillipe (eventually to be known as "The Good") has determined that his father's approach will not serve him well and moves Burgundy once again into the role of powerbroker and peace maker. It is a role he will be ultimately successful in, and at his death in 1467, he is mounred throughout Europe. Even his adversaries miss him.
How do we represent this with the tools EU2 provides? For an ai Burgundy, this will reuire a peaceful ai and many carefully scripted ai events in which it uses war to repond to aggression by its neighbours. For players, I suggest that many of the events are reactive ones, that permit the player to more easy maintain a balance and which reward her or him for ensuring that neither Brittany, Savoy, Hansa or Bavaria grow too large.
event = {
id = 111111
trigger = {
owned = { province = Guyenne data = Brittany}
random = no
country = BUR
name = "Brittany annexes Guyenne"
desc = "Blah blah nice piece of text"
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 15 month = june year = 1467 }
action_a = {
name = "Express outrage and demand release of Guyenne"
command = { type = casusbelli which = Brittany for 60 months }
command = { type = cash value -25 }
command = { type = BB value = -1 }
command = { type = relation with Brittany - 100 }
command = { type = relation with Savoy = +25 }
command = { type = relations with minor X = +50 }
(repeat that command for all minors close to Guyenne)
command = { type = diplomats which = 2 }
action_b = {
name = " Allow this to happen in silence"
command = { type = BB value 1 }
command = { type = vp = -20 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 222222 }
event = {
id = 222222
trigger = { event = 1111111 }
random = no
country = Brittany
name = "Demands for the Restoration of Princes of Guyenne"
desc = "Nice text"
action_a = {
name = "It was all a big misunderstanding ...."
command = { type = create as vassal Guyenne }
command = { type = cash value = +50 } # but plunder first ....
command = { sleepevent which = 333333 }
action_b = {
name = "We recognize only our historical right to Guyenne"
command = { type = BB value = +1 }
command = { type = relations with various minors = -20 }
event = {
id = 333333
random = no
country = Burgundy
name = "Brittany Refuses to Acknowledge Guyenne"
desc = "Gosh, more well-written text"
action_a = {
name = "Back down, but continue to speak again Brittany"
command = { type = DIP which = -1 for 24 months }
command = { type = relations with various minor = -10 }
command = { type = vp = -20 }
action_b = {
name = "Then we shall have to force them"
command = { type = war betweeb Burdundy and Brittany }
command = { type = cash value = 100 } #contributions from others
command = { type = inf vale = 10000 in Burgogne } #troops from others
command = { type = BB value = -1 }
In addition, whenever Burgundy has the opportunity to release vassals, there will be ai events which automatically do this.
event = {
id = 444444
trigger = {
ai = yes
owned = { province = Wurtemburg data = Burgundy}
random = no
country = BUR
name = "Restore the Prince of Burgundy"
desc = "Blah blah nice piece of text"
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 15 month = june year = 1467 }
action_a = {
name = "Return this great family to its proper station"
command = { type = create Wurtemburg as a vassal }
command = { type = cash value = 50 }
command = { type = BB value = -3 }
command = { type = relations with various minors= +50 }
command = { type = diplomats which = 1 }
action_b = {
name = "We must maintain control only for the good of all"
command = { type = BB value = +2 }
command = { type = relations with various minors= -50 }
Essentially, Burgundy gets the opportunity to get involved everywhere in Western Europe and has a exaggerated version of BadBoy.
Like father, like son, and another generation rejects the apporach of is predecessors. Charles (one day to be called "The Bold") sees the advantageous position his father has secured and the weakening of theold order of minor princes as a time to strengthen Burgundy's place alongside the growing powers of Brittany, Savoy and Bavaria.
The events his fathers gets continue, but instead of "Backing down" being the Action A in response to other contries tansgressions, Charles has "War" as his option A and spends 20 years attacking anybody who controls select stretegic provinces. In addition, he will have vassal ceation as his Action B, being more of an empire builder.
This represents a lot of scripting, but it will make for great roleplaying and a much more intriguing Burgundian ai.
Following the death of Charles le Temeraire, the Burgundian kings became less active in the politics of Europe and focused on explorations of the new world and in creating successful trade routes from their ports in the low countries. The religious fervour and revolts that erupt across much of Europe are avoided by the Burgundian kings, intent as ever on stability.
This period takes us through to Jean II Roi de Lune. The reformation is greated by the Burgundians less as a threat to religion as a threat to state stability. Their response is to risk war but permit limited religious freedom. The event cycle takes provides options for suppression, but the ai will take the moderate path, which lowers their standing with the other Catholic states and raises RR across the country, but which with the ascencion of Jean II bears fruit in the calming of religious tension, while battles still rage around it. However, if the ai is playing Bavaria, Brittany, Savoy or others, there will no doubt be wars.
A few years in Jean II and theplayer and ai will get to make the big decision for Burgundy. Whether to continue to be a power broker or to move Burgundy into and new mode and simply expand and conquer in Europe and abroad. Either way, Jean II proves successful at his endeavours.
This event cycle also presumes that we create a 'Burgundian' culture which represents the provinces of very mixed cultural background which are largely accepting of one another. Burgundy will not get shields throughout France and will never get German or French culture.
OK, so thats the start of the concept. What do people think?
The Burgundian event file is fairly sparse, strange for a country which is in the centre of all the action in the rich and powerful Western Europe. I'm mostly working on my New World extension, but I'd like to see whose interested in generting some additional ideas for Burgundy.
I'm going to get the ball rolling with a concept of Burgundy for Aberrated, then suggest some key events to express the theme.
Being located in the centre of Europe and straddling divergeant cultural groups (Alsacians, French, Flems, Germans and others) has always placed Burgundy in a challenging position. Being surrounded is rarely a good strategic position. To ensure stability, it has demanded of Burgundy to respond in one of two ways. The first is expand and to try to dominate the polical scene to force stability on the landscape. The second has been to deftly ensure a balance of power through diplomacy and war only when necessary. Burgundy has used both approaches over the years to survive, sometime being the warmonger, sometimes the peace maker.
As 1419 opens the scene in Europe is anything but stable. Recent expansionist ideas have gained territory for Burgundy, but at the expense of regional stability. The new king, Phillipe (eventually to be known as "The Good") has determined that his father's approach will not serve him well and moves Burgundy once again into the role of powerbroker and peace maker. It is a role he will be ultimately successful in, and at his death in 1467, he is mounred throughout Europe. Even his adversaries miss him.
How do we represent this with the tools EU2 provides? For an ai Burgundy, this will reuire a peaceful ai and many carefully scripted ai events in which it uses war to repond to aggression by its neighbours. For players, I suggest that many of the events are reactive ones, that permit the player to more easy maintain a balance and which reward her or him for ensuring that neither Brittany, Savoy, Hansa or Bavaria grow too large.
event = {
id = 111111
trigger = {
owned = { province = Guyenne data = Brittany}
random = no
country = BUR
name = "Brittany annexes Guyenne"
desc = "Blah blah nice piece of text"
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 15 month = june year = 1467 }
action_a = {
name = "Express outrage and demand release of Guyenne"
command = { type = casusbelli which = Brittany for 60 months }
command = { type = cash value -25 }
command = { type = BB value = -1 }
command = { type = relation with Brittany - 100 }
command = { type = relation with Savoy = +25 }
command = { type = relations with minor X = +50 }
(repeat that command for all minors close to Guyenne)
command = { type = diplomats which = 2 }
action_b = {
name = " Allow this to happen in silence"
command = { type = BB value 1 }
command = { type = vp = -20 }
command = { type = sleepevent which = 222222 }
event = {
id = 222222
trigger = { event = 1111111 }
random = no
country = Brittany
name = "Demands for the Restoration of Princes of Guyenne"
desc = "Nice text"
action_a = {
name = "It was all a big misunderstanding ...."
command = { type = create as vassal Guyenne }
command = { type = cash value = +50 } # but plunder first ....
command = { sleepevent which = 333333 }
action_b = {
name = "We recognize only our historical right to Guyenne"
command = { type = BB value = +1 }
command = { type = relations with various minors = -20 }
event = {
id = 333333
random = no
country = Burgundy
name = "Brittany Refuses to Acknowledge Guyenne"
desc = "Gosh, more well-written text"
action_a = {
name = "Back down, but continue to speak again Brittany"
command = { type = DIP which = -1 for 24 months }
command = { type = relations with various minor = -10 }
command = { type = vp = -20 }
action_b = {
name = "Then we shall have to force them"
command = { type = war betweeb Burdundy and Brittany }
command = { type = cash value = 100 } #contributions from others
command = { type = inf vale = 10000 in Burgogne } #troops from others
command = { type = BB value = -1 }
In addition, whenever Burgundy has the opportunity to release vassals, there will be ai events which automatically do this.
event = {
id = 444444
trigger = {
ai = yes
owned = { province = Wurtemburg data = Burgundy}
random = no
country = BUR
name = "Restore the Prince of Burgundy"
desc = "Blah blah nice piece of text"
date = { day = 1 month = january year = 1419 }
offset = 30
deathdate = { day = 15 month = june year = 1467 }
action_a = {
name = "Return this great family to its proper station"
command = { type = create Wurtemburg as a vassal }
command = { type = cash value = 50 }
command = { type = BB value = -3 }
command = { type = relations with various minors= +50 }
command = { type = diplomats which = 1 }
action_b = {
name = "We must maintain control only for the good of all"
command = { type = BB value = +2 }
command = { type = relations with various minors= -50 }
Essentially, Burgundy gets the opportunity to get involved everywhere in Western Europe and has a exaggerated version of BadBoy.
Like father, like son, and another generation rejects the apporach of is predecessors. Charles (one day to be called "The Bold") sees the advantageous position his father has secured and the weakening of theold order of minor princes as a time to strengthen Burgundy's place alongside the growing powers of Brittany, Savoy and Bavaria.
The events his fathers gets continue, but instead of "Backing down" being the Action A in response to other contries tansgressions, Charles has "War" as his option A and spends 20 years attacking anybody who controls select stretegic provinces. In addition, he will have vassal ceation as his Action B, being more of an empire builder.
This represents a lot of scripting, but it will make for great roleplaying and a much more intriguing Burgundian ai.
Following the death of Charles le Temeraire, the Burgundian kings became less active in the politics of Europe and focused on explorations of the new world and in creating successful trade routes from their ports in the low countries. The religious fervour and revolts that erupt across much of Europe are avoided by the Burgundian kings, intent as ever on stability.
This period takes us through to Jean II Roi de Lune. The reformation is greated by the Burgundians less as a threat to religion as a threat to state stability. Their response is to risk war but permit limited religious freedom. The event cycle takes provides options for suppression, but the ai will take the moderate path, which lowers their standing with the other Catholic states and raises RR across the country, but which with the ascencion of Jean II bears fruit in the calming of religious tension, while battles still rage around it. However, if the ai is playing Bavaria, Brittany, Savoy or others, there will no doubt be wars.
A few years in Jean II and theplayer and ai will get to make the big decision for Burgundy. Whether to continue to be a power broker or to move Burgundy into and new mode and simply expand and conquer in Europe and abroad. Either way, Jean II proves successful at his endeavours.
This event cycle also presumes that we create a 'Burgundian' culture which represents the provinces of very mixed cultural background which are largely accepting of one another. Burgundy will not get shields throughout France and will never get German or French culture.
OK, so thats the start of the concept. What do people think?