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4 Badges
Nov 5, 2014
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Humble Paradox Bundle
  • Imperator: Rome Sign Up
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
As a historian who plays EU IV since the old days, was one of my favourite things always the part of the historic events in each country. Of course its just a small part and the "history" of the game is everytime new generated, but I think in such a historic game and with all the different countrys to play, It would be nice to see a lot more historcial events for the different countrys. They don't need to be super epic or something like that, but it would be a greater chance, which country I want to pick. Not just about the gameplay strategy, but also to get influenced by some of the historic events of this country. We have some for france, austria and england, but their're still so many countrys without any historic events or just with 1-2.
You add in every expansion and with every patch so many gamechangings and new stuff, but since the last 1,5 years I got the feeling that you just almost don't add any new historcial events beside the "expansion" events. It wouldn't be hard to just add some new country/culture/region based events once in a while with a normal patch? right now EU IV is complex enough I guess. And I'm not sure, if EU IV will lose some of his charme for new players while its getting more complex every patch. Some new events would be also nice for people, who just want to play the basic game later on, without getting into a DLC game more and more complex.
I hope you get my point,
I would love to see more historical country based events added again in the patches like they got added before

Thank you.
  • 12
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I would like some more events related to the countries you are playing. One event as a catholic nation that is not really represented, or even protestant, is of how populations could change their religion back from one to the other due to it being the previous religion and of neighboring countries. It could even be for all countries in general that is triggered about 50 years after you converted all of your provinces for like 25 percent at max wanting to go back to the previous religion or wanting a change in it from neighboring countries.
  • 3
As a historian who plays EU IV since the old days, was one of my favourite things always the part of the historic events in each country. Of course its just a small part and the "history" of the game is everytime new generated, but I think in such a historic game and with all the different countrys to play, It would be nice to see a lot more historcial events for the different countrys. They don't need to be super epic or something like that, but it would be a greater chance, which country I want to pick. Not just about the gameplay strategy, but also to get influenced by some of the historic events of this country. We have some for france, austria and england, but their're still so many countrys without any historic events or just with 1-2.
You add in every expansion and with every patch so many gamechangings and new stuff, but since the last 1,5 years I got the feeling that you just almost don't add any new historcial events beside the "expansion" events. It wouldn't be hard to just add some new country/culture/region based events once in a while with a normal patch? right now EU IV is complex enough I guess. And I'm not sure, if EU IV will lose some of his charme for new players while its getting more complex every patch. Some new events would be also nice for people, who just want to play the basic game later on, without getting into a DLC game more and more complex.
I hope you get my point,
I would love to see more historical country based events added again in the patches like they got added before

Thank you.
As a historian, you might have some fletched out suggestions? I also remember, pdx saying how finding the right flavour text (then for national ideas) was something they would gladly accept help from the community.
Indeed, theres nothing wrong with suggestions for specific new events for things you feel we don't cover :)
As Jake said we actually add lots of these from time to time (the free patches for el dorado and art of war probably had the biggest batches of these). No guarantees beforehand on if/when something specific will be added though.
  • 3
  • 1
Indeed, theres nothing wrong with suggestions for specific new events for things you feel we don't cover :)
As Jake said we actually add lots of these from time to time (the free patches for el dorado and art of war probably had the biggest batches of these). No guarantees beforehand on if/when something specific will be added though.

How about some events for Pegu?

Enlargement of the Shwedagon Pagoda

# Enlarge the Shwedagon Pagoda
country_event = {
   id = flavor_peg.1
   title = "flavor_peg.EVTNAME1"
   desc = "flavor_peg.EVTDESC1"
   picture = BUDDHA_eventPicture

   fire_only_once = yes

   trigger = {
     is_year = 1450
     NOT = { is_year = 1475 }
     tag = PEG
     religion_group = eastern
   mean_time_to_happen = {
     months = 120
   option = {
     name = "flavor_peg.EVTOPTA1"
     add_years_of_income = -0.25
     add_prestige = 20
     add_legitimacy = 20
     add_dip_power = 200
   option = {
     name = "flavor_peg.EVTOPTB1"
     add_prestige = -5

flavor_peg.EVTNAME1: "Enlargement of the Shwedagon Pagoda"
flavor_peg.EVTDESC1: "The Shwedagon Pagoda is among the most spiritually significant stupas in the Buddhist world, and is perhaps the finest example of Mon architecture. Queen Shin Sawbu of Hanthawaddy abandoned her political role to embrace an ascetic life near the Pagoda in Dagon. Under her guidance, the hill on which the Pagoda stands was terraced, the top terrace was paved with flag stones, and the Queen assigned land and hereditary slaves for its maintenance. Its height rose to 131ft. In her later years Shin Sawbu's health declined and she had her bed placed so that she could look upon the gilded dome of the stupa. By the 16th Century the Shwedagon Pagoda was the foremost site of Buddhist pilgrimage in what is now Burma."
flavor_peg.EVTOPTA1: "We should make these improvements."
flavor_peg.EVTOPTB1: "It is too expensive."


# Dhammazedi

country_event = {
   id = flavor_peg.2
   title = "flavor_peg.EVTNAME2"
   desc = "flavor_peg.EVTDESC2"
   picture = REFORM_eventPicture

   fire_only_once = yes

   trigger = {
     tag = PEG
     has_heir = no
     NOT = {
       is_year = 1492
   mean_time_to_happen = {
     months = 120
   option = {
     name = "flavor_peg.EVTOPTA2"
     define_heir = {
       name = "Dhammazedi"
       dynasty = "Wareru"
       birth_date = 1412.1.1
       adm = 4
       dip = 4
       mil = 3
     add_karma = 20
   option = {
     name = "flavor_peg.EVTOPTB2"
     add_prestige = 10
     define_advisor = {
       skill = 2
       type = theologian
       discount = yes

 flavor_peg.EVTNAME2: "Dhammazedi"
 flavor_peg.EVTDESC2: "As Queen Shin Sawbu had no surviving sons, she looked outside her bloodline for a suitable heir to the Hanthawaddy Kingdom. She nominated not a noble as might be expected, but a humble monk. Dhammazedi had been the Queen's loyal advisor and confidant ever since he had helped her escape from Ava, where she had been presented as a gift to their King by her brother. When Shin Sawbu retired from rulership, Dhammazedi proved himself a capable leader. He led Pegu into a short era of peace and prosperity, as well as pioneering a series of religious reforms characterised by closer adherence to Ceylonese orthodoxy. Following his death he was honoured as a saint and remember as one of Pegu's most enlightened monarchs."
 flavor_peg.EVTOPTA2: "He shall be the heir to the kingdom."
 flavor_peg.EVTOPTB2: "I'll have a true heir yet, let him continue as an advisor."
  • 3
Indeed, theres nothing wrong with suggestions for specific new events for things you feel we don't cover :)
As Jake said we actually add lots of these from time to time (the free patches for el dorado and art of war probably had the biggest batches of these). No guarantees beforehand on if/when something specific will be added though.

Do you plan to add a series of events for the Glorious Revolution of 1688 in England? I've kind of made an event in my parliamentary mod (linked in my signature but outdated; plan to update it once school is over this week) that led to a new form of constitutional monarchy where parliamentary elections became more visible and important. But I felt I wasn't doing it a justice... there is no PU formed between England and Netherlands as result, just an improved relation and alliance formed if one doesn't exist yet. I noticed you did make an event with subtle reference to Glorious Revolution called "Immortal Seven" but that's it. I feel that this revolution should at least be given more detail in vanilla. Maybe somehow tie it to the parliament mechanic implemented with Common Sense.
Well. As there are so many possible events and I'm not a modder I'll just make some suggestions. Maybe I'll start with some around the HRE (what should be called ingame after the exit of the italien provinces the HRE of german nation).

It would be nice to see some more of the philosophers in the german territorys, who spread the ideas and the conflicts about rationalism, empirism and so on and went in conflict with or for the catholic church and were effected by the (counter-)reformation in their territories. In England and France you got the biggest ones like Hobbes, Locke and Hume etc. In the HRE you got Leibniz and Kant as far as I know, but there still other important ones like: Schelling ( in Württemberg died in switzerland) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Friedrich_Wilhelm_Joseph_Schelling
As well as Hegel in Stuttgart/Württemberg: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Georg_Wilhelm_Friedrich_Hegel
Fichte in Saxony (later in prussia) https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Gottlieb_Fichte

For ireland/england by the way am I missing Berkeley https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/George_Berkeley and
Bacon: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Francis_Bacon
Also are their no events that show the different emmigration waves from ireland and also the countrys in germany because of the hunger crisis.

For the Reformation are some events for the role of the new communication possible. Beside the idea of gutenberg you have a whole new communication escpacially in the "Reichsstädte." Compared with a new understanding of school, humanism, the structure of the "Reichsstädte" and the Universitys thei're is a whole new mechanic, that made the reformation even possible. Escpacially in the South-West of Germany were a lot of new universitys who where important for the reformation and could be easy used as events for their owners. Heidelberg, Tübingen, Würzburg, Munich, Freiburg are just some of them. (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_universities_in_Germany)

While their are events about the netherlands and their uprising in the 30-year war, their're no events that show the situation of switzerland. After the peace deal 1648 switzerland was the second new nation on the ground of the former HRE, that has left the Realm. It would be good to have some events for that as the switzerland. Maybe also with the possibility to chose if you want to stay inside the HRE or not.

While their were officialy elections in the HRE the emperor was beside one event out of the house habsburg. As the platinate once had the emperor for a short time, so their should be an event with some benefits, if a player played platinate wins the elections. Besides that their should be some more events with the electors. They all had their struggle with each other and with their loyality. The platinate was also dismissed as elector (and later re-assigned) and bavaria got a new position on the elector list. So their wasn't allways just the 7 electors with their benefits. Later with 8 electors - you can imagine the possible problems. :)

As I have a lot to do, I have to stop now. But I'll will send you some more ideas if you want to, when I got more time - as I'm no native speaker, and I was born in germany my historic papers are also mostly in german - I hope, you'll still understand what I want to say.

See you next time and thank you.
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