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House Saul in starts... I think from Robert's Rebellion onwards, but I'm not sure.
House Osgrey some years after the Dance of Dragons.
House Sarwyck from the Westerlands (from the game)
And there are few AAR winner houses, mostly at barony level (Darkholme, Grammaton and a few others I think)
None of the houses possess cannon, sadly, though quite a few of them are part of the canon.
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What? A member of house Osgrey appears in The Sworn Sword and the history of the house is revealed in the same book.
Yes, but according to the books he's the last member, so we can safely assume that anyone after Eustace is non-canon.
Where is Darkholme, and Grammaton?
You can't play as them, they are barony-level.
Thank you guys! Now its just a matter of finding them on the map.
House Saul resides in the northern part of The Vale, next to the Sisters.
Osgreys live in Standfast in northern Reach.
House Sarwyck is in eastern Westerlands.