What are all the non cannon houses in Westeros? I am looking to create a house without replacing a cannon house. Thanks!
Yes, but according to the books he's the last member, so we can safely assume that anyone after Eustace is non-canon.What? A member of house Osgrey appears in The Sworn Sword and the history of the house is revealed in the same book.
http://awoiaf.westeros.org/index.php/House_OsgreyYes, but according to the books he's the last member, so we can safely assume that anyone after Eustace is non-canon.
I don't really see anything about any members past Eustace.
House Sarwyck from the Westerlands (from the game)
And there are few AAR winner houses, mostly at barony level (Darkholme, Grammaton and a few others I think)
You can't play as them, they are barony-level.Where is Darkholme, and Grammaton?
House Saul resides in the northern part of The Vale, next to the Sisters.Thank you guys! Now its just a matter of finding them on the map.