I tried to kill a dragon as a 20 martial brilliant commander formidable fighter guy and every time i try he dies (keep reloading to see if i could do it). What are my chances of killing the dragon with this kind of character
Being a targaryan: *2.5 (so 2.5 against 100 without any additional modifiers)
Being of the valyrian culture group: *3
Being high valyrian: *30 (*10 for high valyrian, and *3 for valyrian culture group)
Being of the valyrian religion: *5
Being an abomination of incest: *5
Being a grandchild of incest: *2.5
Being Dany: *5
So, a random west valyrian, valyrian religion, non child of incest targaryan would have 37.5 (2.5*3*5) agains 100 chances of taming a dragon; And a west valyrian one 375 against 100
Being a chosen of rhllor: *10
Being favored by rhllor: *1.5
Having the rhllor religion: *1.5
Authoritative: *2
Strong: *2
Brave: *2
Genius: *3
Quick: *1.5
Got the dragon pits: *5
You inherit the dragon: *10
Somebody in your family has a tamed dragon: *5
You do not get the citadel intel: *3 (so if you had a 250 against 100 chance of taming the dragon, it becomes 250 against 300)
Weak: *2
Craven: *2
Imbecile: *3
Slow: *1.5
The dragon is a wild dragon: *1.5
To get the intel, you need to have an egg, and NOT a dragon
Dragonpit intel:You are in king's landing (and the dragonpit has been built)
Dragonstone intel: You are in dragonstone
Citadel intel: you are in oldtown
Field of fire intel: you are in hammerhal
Harrenhall intel: you are in harrenhal
Summerhall intel: you are in summerhal (and summerhal has been destroyed/built)
Dragon egg intel: you have an egg, happens after about 8 years
Smoking sea intel: you are in the smoking sea
Old ghis intel: you are in Old ghis
Volantis intel: you are in Volantis