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Opinion Values in Trigger in story_peasant_affair Should be FlippedDescription
The trigger on lines 53 to 82 in story_cycle_peasant_affair.txt determines whether the story ends early. But weirdly this can only happen if you like the beautiful peasant (and dislike your spouse if you have one). This is counter intuitive as the story is about finding the beautiful peasant again which makes the most sense under those conditions. The code also does not match with the comment which says it should be less likely if you like the beautiful peasant and dislike your spouse.Potentially this could instead be reworked to modify the chance based on the opinions of those involved (as per what the comment suggests).
#Chance that the cycle ends if nothing has happened (less likely if you really like them/don't like spouse)
effect_group = {
days = { 300 400 }
chance = 5
triggered_effect = {
trigger = {
story_owner = {
NOR = {
has_character_flag = is_looking_for_peasant
has_character_flag = peasant_appeared_at_court
OR = {
AND = {
is_married = no
opinion = {
target = scope:story.var:peasant_character
value >= 40
AND = {
is_married = yes
opinion = {
target = scope:story.var:peasant_character
value >= 30
any_spouse = {
reverse_opinion = {
target = scope:story.story_owner
value <= 0
effect = {
story_owner = { remove_character_flag = had_story_cycle_peasant_affair } # Reenable it to possible fire later
end_story = yes
Steps to reproduce
Check out lines 47 to 88 in story_cycle_peasant_affair.txt and pay special attention to the opinion values in the triggerGame Version
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