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11 Badges
Dec 2, 2009
  • Commander: Conquest of the Americas
  • Hearts of Iron III
  • King Arthur II
  • Lead and Gold
  • Magicka
  • Majesty 2
  • Semper Fi
  • Sword of the Stars
  • Victoria 2
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  • Mount & Blade: Warband
King Arthur - The Role-playing Wargame Update v1.06 Released on Steam

The updates will be applied automatically when your Steam client is restarted. The major changes include:

• Hero and unit skills can be gained in a more user friendly way (withdraw/cancel option)
• Clear indication if attacking certain enemy rulers have an impact on one of the Objectives
• Autobattle balancing – losses are less significant if your army is stronger; the outcome of the previous battles will also influence the result.
• Extended deploy zone of the defender is removed (AI controls less Victory Locations in the beginning of battles from now on)
• Spell balance
• Weakened archers
• Random HP for individual soldiers (e.g. Curse of Shadow does not kill all soldiers simultaneously)
• Weakened traits for the army of Samhain
• Moving cavalry gets extra defense against ranged attacks
• Information about the difficulty of the upcoming battles is available in the text based quests
• The timing of the various Objectives appearing on the Campaign Map is now more balanced
• The new Morality icon appearing in the text based quests indicates the choices that affect Morality
• Diamond formation becomes more effective against trampling cavalry
• Diplomatic quests that affect the Morality of King Arthur will also change the Morality of the army leader hero.
• “Torture” in the prison screen reveals all provinces that belong to the king of the tortured hero (even the ones covered by the fog of war)
• Invasion of Christian armies in Chapter 4 delayed
• “Dispel” works on the spells granted by Victory Locations as well
• Magic resistance affects the Dragon’s Breath spell
• Other minor bug fixes
I see only good stuff there. Absolutely needed changes to campaign: Samhain and Christian army spams. Critical balance for cavalry getting less archer damage.
Now I have to test the new "weakened archers". I hope they're not too weak now. I enjoyed using them. At least I hope they're still good vs. other archers and spearmen/light inf.
Also very very curious about "random hp for soldiers". I've already put 150+ hours into this game. Time for more action :)

Good update

EDIT: any chance that crossbowmen will get a revamp? They're pretty weak now with all the friendly fire. At least make them not shoot each other but still damage other friendly unit types. Or make them strong so that 1 unit can still be effective and up the melee stats. Just suggestions.
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I have found that you most likely won't get answers. I have seen this game/company/publisher lean everything towards Steam, and the rest are just "forgotten." I have contacted Impulse, Paradox and NeoCore; and usually end up with no answer. The Druids has never even been released on Impulse, and I just saw they are making "King Arthur Collection."

I cannot begin to discuss my frustration at the treatment of all "non-Steam" customers. Steam had the first expansions 8 months before any one else, and I continually have asked questions and for support and often do not get any answer but, "We do not know."

NeoCore Kate is nice and will help where she can, but overall I am so frustrated by the fact that a BEST-OF COLLECTION IS NOW BEING PUT TOGETHER, yet I HAVE NEVER EVEN BEEN ABLE TO PURCHASE "THE DRUIDS." I get a strong impression that NeoCore/Paradox do not mind alienating their fans (which, to me, makes no sense; I have been begging for months to give them my money for "The Druids", and it all seems to fall on deaf ears...at least, they have told me nothing of substance except at some point it is supposed to come to Impulse, but right now is "broken" on every version but Steam...hmm, that Steam thing again!).

Before making a King Arthur II or a King Arthur "Gold", as it were, I think they should get the original game complete for those of us who would have bought the game's expansions if they could (and I put "would" instead of "will" because I am now so frustrated I do not know if I will be a customer any longer for this company). I really think all efforts to make KA2 or KA Gold should be redirected to distributing the game correctly.

Do those who own every thing but the Druids get this new collection FOR THE PRICE THE DRUIDS SHOULD COST? If it has a full price tag for ALL the versions (which I already own, except Druids) that is simply unfair; it means I would have to buy the game twice to get access to everything.

That just is not a good marketing strategy (actually, it is a bad one), and it really is unfair.
this is what all those people that were against DRM distribution companies were about,

companies come and go, publishers change policies all the time, developers suddenly only release for one and dump the rest & last but not least steam servers suddenly get hacked and are down for several days.

there is nothing like having your own CD with the game on it.....

the only people that actually don't get effected from the above are those that actually use Executable modifications which allow them to bypass the above.
that's right! pirates are actually playing the very same game with patches even when you can't for what ever reason..... anyway this is not the thread or the time for that matter...these things plus much more were shouted out many years ago.... ultimately if you buy a game from a place like impulse, steam or whatever, then you accept the risk, like parking a car in a car park, any damage or theft towards the car is at your own risk and all that pony, if you don't accept the risk then don't park there, and likewise for games.
A few questions:

1. Which version is the Collection?
2. Where do I get patces?
3. How do I register this game?

There seems to be nowhere to actually download patches. I would expect they had been moved to the paradox forum, and you need to register here, but it there no place to register or enter the forum code.

Can someone please, spend 5 minutes, putting the necessary information somewhere, or at least tell is what the status is. Right now it is hard to know if I am looking in the wrong place, or if there is nothing to find at all.
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1) Collection is v1.6, however Kate has mentioned some "silent" patches have been made to that via Steam. She stated that other customers will receive updates in the future, too.
2) Depends on where you bought the game. Steam auto-updates (and reverts to that even when you tell it not to), other places such as Gamersgate will list additional updates in the section showing your owned games under it's name.
3) As far as I can see, there's no option to register your code for the forums here (yet?).

I may be corrected on some of this by Neocore_Kate but that's what I've gathered.