After the council meeting we got the claim for Euboea and time was here to push for first military goal .
In the meantime troops from Anatolia ware ready and landed in Athens which means we can proceed with the plan. War effort was quite easy since no one joined Macedon to defend that client state and war was finished within 2 years, there was no a single greek city state which gave them military access and we had bigger numbers in ships so basically everything was in control.
Except in last few months of the war, Egypt saw this as a opportunity and have declared war for some region next to Judea, we ware ready for that and since that war was a defensive one, all my subject states had to join and my appeasing stance had a effect and will decrease the additional AE. Win win scenario .
Opening of the war with Egypt forced us to finish the war for Korinthos and do the peace treaty . Result of the negotiations was Korinthos, Euboea to Phrygia + all the Macedon regions except macedon secunda are to be transferred to Phrygia. war score issues
Basically this war have pushed Macedons out of the game and it was just question of time when someone will take that last region.
Additional planing was required cause i wanted Antipatrid family in my arsenal. they always give OP generals. In the war time with Egypt i did pay attention who Macedons will ally so that i can finish them before some other regional power and have conserved my PI to make a claim on that city state, not sure what was the name. don't have screens of early stage campaign :S
Also its time to pay attention on ally of Thrace cause wee need that area, and one country just reached the black see area, perfect for us , its time for another claim to avoid triggering the big alliance and secure that area. All our wars need to be controlled, otherwise ....
Since our north flank was secured we started to transfer greek mainland troops from macedonia to byzanthium area, ,4 small states with our culture group which need to be liberated asap are waiting and claim is ready. There is no time to waste and timing is crucial. Again early stage of the game helped us a lot with Egyptian aggression. We don't have a lot of money and also they don't have, so merc spam is still far far away from happening , one more easy conquest for Phrygia but tbh i have been carried by my allies. Except my 2 stacks which ware more like garrison force i was out of offensive capability in that area.
In the time of defensive war against Egypt which was in control now and we did reach Alexandria time has come to secure those 4 states in Byzanthium area and prepare some troops for Seleucid campaign since we noticed they are engaged in Muryan war, free states again

Push ,push and yet again one more swift victory against minors , within a 2 years our overwhelming force was able to finish that minor campaign and time has come to man the Seleucid border. One more frontline less and troops are on the way to the great blue blob borders. In the time of troop transfer my Antigonos just passed away but we still have the claims over hes son Demetrios . For now everything goes as planed, goal of reforming Alexanders empire within first 100 years is possible ,i was sure a this point.
Our war effort against egypt is almost finished we have 99 warscore , but one more thing is left. Before peace negotiation we need to declare on seleucids to avoid 2 front wars, time for that was yesterday

. Push,push !
War on seleucids was on, time to deprive egypt of our land is here and time to prepare for Thrace has come.
In the meantime Athens and some useless allies ware annexed ,so one more thing to care less about since greek mainland is mostly secured, there was no point to keep client states there. We need to increase our culture percentage .
In peace negotiation i was switching the stance to bellicose to reduce the war score cost and after switching back to appeasing stance, that was the reason of governor shuffling and conserving the PI in the first days, still didnt have bonus on all ideas

. Just wanted to use born right claims as much is it possible. and yes, to increase the culture rating i had to use some for relations with my client states.
Im reaching the point when i will have some SS to back the progress up and use them to refresh my memory. Basically all the campaign was just push push push and push and it involved a lot and i mean a lot of slave movement to increase the assimilation speed and AE impact. Some wars ware lasting for 3 hours , game was paused so that i can micro the culture stuff.