You forgot Stellaris and the brief time some people tried to brand alloys as "soap mana". That one always took the cake for me as an example of how reductive the "mana debate" can become.The whole mana debate is kinda self-defeating. There's no remotely consistent definition of mana (people are calling construction in Vic3 mana, people have called piety and prestige from CK3 mana, people have called HOI4's political points mana, etc) so it just ends up being "mana is whatever I don't like" which is obviously an unusable standard.
Anyways, I disagree with the premise of the OP. Monarch Points isn't my favourite mechanic, but it's far from a crippling be-all-end-all. You can bounce back from setbacks, manage bad rulers, and outside of Europe, pretty significantly leverage institutions to gain a HUGE tech advantage, even as a large nation. The only instance where I can see bad rulers crippling a game is if you get a long string of low-stat rulers - and I don't mean 2-3-3 or something here, but a string of <4 total - or if you're doing some edge-case run where you need everything to go perfectly and for some reason a string of 5-5-5's or better is neccessary for your strategy to work out. I struggle to think of the latter, and the former can be mitigated by slower pacing and good diplomacy.
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