beregic said:
soon will we have a playable poland here in aberation as well; if i may make a small sugestion:
Someone is also working on Aberration?
since abberation or interegnum makes an alternate history overall( countries that by 1820 are gone) how about make poland not be so good in first 200 years and reverse it to the vanila regarding the fact it was divided 3 TIMES in real history by ww2; what i mean how about poland gets events in the partition of bavaria , or teutonics, or hungary towards the end game ( last 100 years)
that should give a kick to play it to some polish hard core fans
You always have crazy creative ideas, beregic, and this time I think you have come up with a great one for this mod.
Allow me to extend it a little.
Let us remember that in all likelihood, Poland will be consumed in the first 120 years, though conquest or the hated DA process. And the storyline you suggest will probably need to form around a rebellion, so we need to include that in our calculations.
It would be great to tie this to a historical figure, either a political one or a general, or both. Function has to take first place, but flavour is also important.
The right timing for all of this is the latter part of the religious uheaval of the reformation. Game-wise, it is much better to have one sequence that shakes up Europe followed by another, rather than have them layered on one another.
So, from about 1630 onwards.
Poland would break out from the yoke of another and get a number of great generals and a good monarch and go a bit hog-wild for a while, in the fashion of France under Napoleon, or Sweden under Gustav.
This would be mostly a central/eastern European event, while in the west the unsettling (and a more-than-coincidental reason for Poland's succeess) would be the arrival of the long-considered plague events - a plague that comes from the New World.)
Eventually, the fire will need to burn itself out, but a solid Poland would be the remains, either through success or, if it fails, through a conservative restoration process similar to post-Napoleonic France.