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57 Badges
Nov 28, 2013
  • Crusader Kings II
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rights of Man
  • Europa Universalis IV: Pre-order
  • Crusader Kings II: Way of Life
  • Pillars of Eternity
  • Europa Universalis IV: Common Sense
  • Crusader Kings II: Horse Lords
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cossacks
  • Crusader Kings II: Conclave
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mare Nostrum
  • Stellaris
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Cadet
  • Crusader Kings II: Reapers Due
  • War of the Roses
  • Stellaris: Leviathans Story Pack
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Together for Victory
  • Crusader Kings II: Monks and Mystics
  • Stellaris - Path to Destruction bundle
  • Europa Universalis IV: Mandate of Heaven
  • Europa Universalis 4: Emperor
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Death or Dishonor
  • Europa Universalis IV: Cradle of Civilization
  • Crusader Kings II: Jade Dragon
  • Hearts of Iron IV: Expansion Pass
  • Stellaris: Humanoids Species Pack
  • Europa Universalis IV: Rule Britannia
  • Europa Universalis IV: Call to arms event
  • Crusader Kings II: Charlemagne
  • Crusader Kings II: Legacy of Rome
  • Crusader Kings II: The Old Gods
  • Crusader Kings II: Rajas of India
  • Crusader Kings II: The Republic
  • Crusader Kings II: Sons of Abraham
  • Crusader Kings II: Sunset Invasion
  • Crusader Kings II: Sword of Islam
  • Europa Universalis IV
  • Europa Universalis IV: Art of War
  • Europa Universalis IV: Conquest of Paradise
  • Europa Universalis IV: Wealth of Nations
  • Europa Universalis IV: El Dorado
  • For the Motherland
  • Hearts of Iron III
  • Hearts of Iron III: Their Finest Hour
  • Hearts of Iron III Collection
  • March of the Eagles
  • Europa Universalis IV: Res Publica
  • Victoria: Revolutions
  • Semper Fi
  • Victoria 2
  • Victoria 2: A House Divided
i remember once upon a time people would always tell these grand stories they had during the game, i miss reading those stories, and would like to once again hear more
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...the other day I saw Ramsay Bolton (Who inherited the Dreadfort after Roose was executed by Ned for treason) with the traits kind, honorable, family-person and charitable, all the while being best-bud with Black Walder Frey, Joffrey Baratheon and Jon Snow (All of them were nice-guys in this AU) and married to Arya Stark (Both of them being maddly in love with each-other). If that's not fanfiction worthy I don't know what is...
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...the other day I saw Ramsay Bolton (Who inherited the Dreadfort after Roose was executed by Ned for treason) with the traits kind, honorable, family-person and charitable, all the while being best-bud with Black Walder Frey, Joffrey Baratheon and Jon Snow (All of them were nice-guys in this AU) and married to Arya Stark (Both of them being maddly in love with each-other). If that's not fanfiction worthy I don't know what is...
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I was playing Dorne once and the King called up a massive 80K liege levy from my realm to fight a rebellious duke in The North. Most of the troops died from attrition before even getting close to the Riverlands.

I once played in the Iron Islands and attacked Rob Stark for The North. I won after a really lucky siege for Winterfell that ended with Rob being imprisoned and me getting an automatic 100% war score. Of course, immediately after the war ended, all of the northern vassals joined an independence faction. I had control of The North for about 3 months.
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Once when I was playing as Doran and for some reason declared war on Westerlands, I captured Cersei and she chose Jaime Lannister as her champion in trial by combat. To fight him, I chose Jaime Lannister.
Sadly, Jaime didn't kill Jaime and Cersei went free.
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i once played a game maybe last year, where the most devout ended up taking power from cersie, the iron throne went out the window the reach called for independence and the high septon became the man in the crownlands, thus leading all LP's to demand independence, meanwhile i was just some lowly lord in the north watching it all unfold.
I played a game as the Arryns at the Feast of Crows start. Aegon actually managed to win the Iron Throne from Tommen by capturing him during a battle and spent about a decade putting down rebellions. Just when it looked as though he had won, Dany appeared out of nowhere. Not only that but she was both insane and had shyphilis. Soon after she roasted him and Kings Landing alive and assumed power as a mad Queen. She spent deacdes burning half of Westeros fighting rebelllion after rebellion and kept torturing her prisoners the whole time. I imagine the Mad King didn't look so bad in comparison to his daughter at that point.
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  • 2
I played a game as the Aryans at the Feast of Crows start. Aegon actually managed to win the Iron Throne from Tommon by capturing him during a battle and spent about a decade putting down rebellions. Just when it looked as though he had won, Dany appeared out of nowhere. Not only that but she was both insane and had shyphilis. Soon after she roasted him and Kings Landing alive and assumed power as a mad Queen. She spent deacdes burning half of Westeros fighting rebelllion after rebellion and kept torturing her prisoners the whole time. I imagine the Mad King didn't look so bad in comparison to his daughter at that point.
Aryans? Don't you mean Andals? Aryans are real-world white people.
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I've gone back to my save where Ramsay's a nice guy to see what would happen; I wasn't disappointed :
After marrying Arya, Ramsay, now 25 years old, had his first child with her (A weak but quick son named Rickard) and invited Jon Snow to his court where he became Marshal of the Dreadfort. Years passed, uneventful, until Robert died of syphilis (Why am i not surprised?...) and nice-guy Joffrey (Inviting his and Ramsay's mutual friend Black Walder Frey to serve as hand, his generally shitty stats be damned!) inherited the throne of his Father. Apparently thinking that the new (Kind, temperate, just, loved by almost everyone, trained in personal combat by the Kingslayer...) King would be a pushover, Viserys (Who had become a Pirate Lords in the Stepstones by then, for some obscure reason...) declared war on the Iron throne, invading through Dorne with an army of about 900 men (Which is underwhelming, to say the least...) and 0 dragon. Viserys was killed in personal combat 3 weeks into the invasion by Doran Martell, after he tried sieging Sunspear (I think Viserys was actually trying to raid the place, as Dorne hadn't joined Joffrey's side yet), thus ending the Targaryen line (Daenerys having died a few years back, from the Greyscales). Maybe I'll write another "chapter" (Hopefully this time I'll remember to take screenshots) if I find something else interesting on this save...

By the way, does anyone else thinks Daenerys' surname is better in french than in english? Stormborn is nice and all, but "du Typhon", which can be direclty translated to "Of the Typhoon", sounds way more badass to me for some reason...
  • 3
assumed power as a mad Queen. She spent deacdes burning half of Westeros fighting rebelllion after rebellion and kept torturing her prisoners the whole time. I imagine the Mad King didn't look so bad in comparison to his daughter at that point.

this is pretty much what i imagine her reign will really be like if she ever makes it to westeros, i truly believe shes going mad and will be a tyrant
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I have another one from the Bleeding Years start. The Haore dynasty was otherthrown by a septon from the Riverlands who turned the kingdom into a theocracy and ruled both the Iron Isles and the Riverlands as a priest king. In this same playthrough the Boltons ended up the Starks closest allies through marriage and friendship from parties. They always sided with the Starks on everything from that point on. The weirdest thing to happen was a Tarly becoming the King Beyond the Wall after deserting the Night's Watch, his name was Samwell. He eventually attacked the wall and was nearly successfull before the Starks backed them up. Wilding Tarlys continued to exist beyond the wall for the rest of the playthrough.
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I had this amazing game not too long ago. I was playing as Ronald Connington, starting just after Robert was crowned. More precisely I played him as a diehard Targaryen loyalist, determined to bring them into power no matter what. So he assassinated Robert, Stannis, Renly... Renly somehow was the hardest one, despite being a child, surviving several attempts and putting the whole thing on the brink of catastrophe. Stannis also had a daughter before he died so she had to be bumped off too. It was neither honourable nor good, but the Baratheons were extinct, and the one true king was free to take his place. Old Ronald could just cry for joy.

King Viserys III went over about as well as anyone but Ronald might have expected. Bad enough that he was, well, Viserys. He was also a Moonsinger. Within a few years every single kingdom in Westeros seceded, as did a few smaller lordships and the High Septon. It was like the Years of Blood all over again, made more ridiculous by the fact that Viserys, and his descendants, managed to cling on to one half of the Crownlands for decades after that, despite being in a near constant civil war with their few remaining vassals. The Targaryens were too weak to push them out of "their" countryside. The rebels probably didn't even have enough manpower to really besiege King's Landing.

Ronald was crestfallen and contrite, but he also had other problems. The Baratheons, before going extinct, put House Buckler in charge of the Stormlands. Now I have an irrational out-of-game hatred for House Buckler because Baratheons always leave this no-name dull boring House in charge of the Stormlands. I can't imagine a Connington was thrilled with it either - or the way they helped stab the Dragon in the back during the King Wars. Ronald tried to scheme against them from within (he actually was trusted and liked by them and granted a position on the council - not sure what it was, I think Master of Laws?), but had no success due to Storm King Ralph Buckler, the Old Buckler as I ended up calling him, being staggeringly popular with most everyone else in the realm. However, he was weakened by a failed war with the unquestionable post-Targaryen superpower: Willas Tyrell; and his enemies overthrew him, only to replace him with his son Selmyr, the Young Buckler. He was killed. Then his son Arstan became the Younger Buckler.

There were too many Bucklers to assassinate them all, and not enough takers for the assassination plan either. Attempts to fabricate a claim to the Stormlands and turn them into a force for law, order and the Targaryen way did not bear fruit either. And so Ronald fell upon a desperate gamble. One more attempt to fix at least some of the damage he unleashed and put the Stormlands under less despicable, more legitimate leadership. He declared for the Republic. And surprisingly, some of the other lords - namely Imry Wylde, the Old Buckler's left hand man, Master of Whisperers and High Lord of the Rainwood and Endrew Estermont, distantly related to the Conningtons - went for it too. At first the rebellion seemed sure to fail. Twice did Ronald's nephew, Quentyn Connington, a genius of warfare (Brilliant Strategist, Formidable Fighter, Organiser but still outnumbered and outmatched, march upon Storm's End. Twice did he fail to break the enemy - but he bled him and kept him occupied. And in the meantime, reinforcements kept arriving. Money was raised and sellswords hired. And even volunteers came forth. What's more, Arstan also found himself having to deal with an unrelated peasant rebellion and a Reachman invasion. He was beaten. The Free State (really City) of the Stormlands was declared. Ronald did not live to see this, though; towards the end of the war, he died and was replaced by his unpopular, syphilitic lunatic of a grandson, Devin (incidentally his father Ronnet Connington had a brief time at the tilt of the rebellion; before Ronald died, he was captured during one of the failed marches on Storm's End, and had to be rescued in a daring mission to prevent the Conningtons being forced to surrender).

Devin became the first Republican Storm King. Bucklers, Estermonts, Wyldes and Swanns shared power with the Conningtons. Soon back under the Old Buckler's leadership and still holding many of the borderlands they took durign their reign as well as Storm's End itself, the Bucklers schemed against the Republic with the assistance of Imry Wylde, who came very close to restoring his friend as an absolute Storm King (read: I savescummed there, just because I wanted to see if I could save the Republic; in the original timeline that magnificent bastard plus some bad luck completely ruined me beyond all hope of return). But the Conningtons schemed back and managed to hold on for long enough for Imry and Ralph to die of old age, after which point the Counter-Revolution fizzled out. As with all young republics, the feudal relics of nearby have tried to put it down or at least take advantage of its weakness to eat at its borders - especially the Reachmen. But Quentyn Connington, Commander of the Republic, had denied them quick and decisive victories to preserve the fighting strength of his forces for when it will really matter. They won those wars but they could not crush the Republic. The lesser Bucklers also were not subtle enough in their scheming and allowed the Storm King, in cooperation with High Judge Guliann Swann, to exile several of them to the Wall. Quentyn distinguished himself further by crushing Buckler uprisings and defeating a Tyroshi invasion.

In time the Republic became strong enough to fight, diplomacy and espionage having won over most of the Stormlords to its support. Willas Tyrell, fresh from crushing Garlan in a civil war, decided to feast on the Stormlands some more. But this time Quentyn actually faced him in battle - and since Willas underestimated him, the Reachmen came to rue the day they attacked us. Their armies were beaten separately time and again, before they could unite. Amazingly, the Tyrells were actually beaten and forced to pay reparations for their trespass. While Endrew Estermont (who has taken very well to the merchant prince life, one might add) succeeded Devin as the new Storm King, Quentyn became both Chief General and Head of House Connington. Popular and having many friends among the Republic's lords, once Endrew died Quentyn was the unstoppable candidate to succeed him. And he did more than that. He saw the chaos in the Crownlands and put a stop to it by conquering King's Landing (by then fianlly seized by House Throne who finished off the Targaryens). It was time for the Republic of the Iron Throne. And from there...

Well, as it happens, Quentyn finally died of old age not long after a closely-fought but ultimately failed campaign to conquer the North. But not before the Mallisters of the Riverlands were forced to bend the knee, and the Arryns in the Vale. The way was open for Westeros to be united again... even if, as it happened, it would be under an elected Buckler King. Biding his time like the old Ronald, Quentyn's son the young Ronald killed Ralph II Buckler and then seized control over the Republic. Justice, though crookedly, had prevailed.

Also while all of this was happening Lotho Antaryon, Daenerys' husband, and their assorted spawn, had worked to transform Braavos into a slaveholding monarchy, while occasionally trying to conquer parts of Westeros. And the High Septon relocated to Bramfort. The now-independent Faith of the Seven found the Faith Militant could be a double-edged sword when the cynical old bastard that set them free was overthrown by the Poor Fellows and replaced with a zealous simpleton after their own heart. Lastly, the Tullys didn't last long as Trident Kings; they were overthrown by Patrek Mallister, who went on to conquer the North as well and establish himself as the northern half of Westeros' answer to Willas Tyrell.
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I played in Robert´s rebellion as Aerys. I won, commited suicide, because I became depressed, so I ruled as Rhaegar. I settled Summerhal, got egg in first decade, became dragonrider, pretty amazing stuff. I didn´t have any other children besides Aegon and Rhaenys, so I married them to each other. They had 3 sons together. First one died childless and his brother inherited. Because they were my heirs and thus Princes of Dragonstone, controlled by AI, they didn´t get married, for reasons. I am not sure if I had daughter too, so I might have married third one to her, but he was the only Valyrian looking son out of those 3, he had wife, heirs, so I figured out: Why should I even get married as his older brother? Let him inherit.
So, he had dragons, kids, normal stuff. He was also lunatic.
Then he became Fire Obsessed, which made him even more awesome.
Then he drank wildifire and became "dragon".
And then, he got egg. Maybe there are events for "dragons" including eggs. I am not sure, if he was dragonrider, he could have had ambition to get an egg. There is real chance my brother actually bought egg from Yi Ti. All that I know is that egg hatched and dragon was of new dynasty. Well, this is ordinary bug, if parent dies before egg hatches, game doesn´t allow him to be parent (dragons are mothers, so apparently, they can´t have kids after their death...you can solve this only by modding, otherwise, you have dragons which aren´t part of your dragon dynasty).
But neither of our dragons died until then.

I honestly felt jealous, because while I was whoring and ruling Westeros, my brother in Dragonstone became the most extraordinary Targaryen in history of Westeros.
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I decided to give the latest version a test run as Robb Stark in A Clash of Kings. Robb got gonorrhea and died, but not before he set the North free (and the South under Stannis). Brandon inherited and, despite still being crippled, turned out to be a surprisingly good warrior king, leading his armies to victory against rebellious vassals and Ironborn raiders alike.

Meanwhile, the Westerlands passed to Jaime Lannister and the Iron Throne ended up under Shireen (supposedly - she was in hiding throughout). Jaime, ludicrously, decided to declare war to take the White Sword Tower. Owing to civil war wackiness, the High Lordship of Harrenhal ended up swearing allegiance to the Westerlands too. Seeing that Jaime's back was turned, Brandon decided to use this opportunity to restore full control over the Riverlands and get some revenge in the package.

It was going as well as could be expected. There were victories and defeats, as both sides moved more of their forces to focus on the fight. At last, the decisive confrontation of all armies on both sides came at Butterhall. Jaime was there - and so was Brandon. Jaime, naturally, easily cut through Brandon's bodyguard and loomed over the young king, ready to live up to his epithet once more. Brandon could not escape and had no choice but to face the man responsible for his crippling head on. It was all over...

...except somehow, Brandon was able to go on the offensive. Having Ice and a Direwolf must have helped, but his Duel Skill Multiplier was still -997. Perhaps that thing truly didn't matter, or maybe he was just lucky, or favoured by the Old Gods. Time and again, he attacked, not letting the Kngslayer rally and overwhelm him. Then, at last, Jaime slipped up. The Kingslayer was slain by the King in the North Brandon XII Stark. Tyrion, who inherited the Westerlands at the cost of one brother (and Cersei being the next in line), must've been kicking himself for making that saddle now.
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I was seduced repeteadly by my own gay son. I was the enabler, he was just so charming, with 25+ intrigue, attractive and poet. But I felt guilty so I send him away to scheme in Tyrosh (he was my Spymaster), and then I cried IRL when he died under suspicious circumstances there. How young, how tragic.
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Rhaegar was the one to make the Targaryans win, he personally rode to Castely Rock, convincing Tywin to join, making him chrush the Reach, and after that him and Rhaegar finished the Northen army together. They seiged Stormsend, having trapped Robbert inside. Tywin and Rhaegar became best friends during those days.
After the war was won, he went to The Tower of Joy and found Lyanna with a child at her breast, deciding to name the child Aemond. His first born son Aegon was killed in Trial by Combat, where he himself was the fighter. Leaving the heir to be Aemond, later to become Lord Commander of The Nights Watch. Prince Daeron was the next in line, and later became king. Rhaegar birthed a dragon into the world once again, but the joy if it was cut short, as his wife Lyanna died a mere month after. In the end he became so depressed, that on his son Daerons 15th birthday, he commited suicide. Making Daeron III 'The Awesome' King of the Iron Throne.