Let me tell you what happened to the Iron Throne in my last game. I was playing Braavos, so my influence on this madness was pretty low. Well, when I think of it my indirect influence was high.
Anyway, at first there was King Viserys Targaryen. His brother, Daemon ‘the Rogue Prince’ was assassinated by a certain Braavosi Sealord to prevent him from bringing dragons to Essos. King Viserys didn’t have much luck with children until he died of severe stress in the age of 33. He had his daughter Rhaenyra, his stillborn son Baelon and his brown-haired daughter Vaella. So the King died, and Rhaenyra inherited. All well and good, right? Apparently no. Westeros wasn’t satisfied with the new Queen and a series of revolts erupted. And then Laena Velaryon, the eldest daughter of Lord Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’ of Driftmark declared her claim on the Iron Throne on the ground of why the heck no. She was aided, among others, by Braavosi and Meereenese gold (what can I say, the Braavosi Sealord likes House Velaryon. And his bride was a Velaryon, so there was a good alliance to be gotten). So, her huge host descended upon the Seven Kingdoms and after taking King’s Landing she imprisoned the new Queen and took the Throne. Former Queen Rhaenyra, by the way, is right now a blinded, old, lunatic woman with no titles or children. Who holds Blackfyre and Dark Sister and chills in King’s Landing.
Her sister Vaella, meanwhile, ended up in Seagard. And gave a bastard to the Mallister lord. Who’ll get a claim on the Throne when she dies.
So, Laena Velaryon is the new Queen! Awesome, no? Maybe not so much. Because she was so unimportant before becoming a Dragon rider and the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, she was married normally to Lord Lucan Vance ‘the Spider’ of Attarenta. And so, the Queen had three children- Princess Jyanna Vance (currently married to Lord Harben Cafferen of Fawton. Which means that the Cafferens will get a claim on the Throne too) Prince Josua Vance and Princess Rhaenyra Velaryon (a daughter of a new matrilineal husband), who’s married- sit down please- to Lord Clarence Crabb of North Crackclaw. And it’s not just a normal, kinda noble Crabb- no, it’s a new House Crabb with an ugly sigil. Founded by a peasant who lead a revolt against House Bogg. So yeah, add the son of a peasant to the list of future claimants.
Now, after a peaceful reign (a part of which was dedicated to her helping me liberate the Three Daughters) Queen Laena Velaryon died. Of a fever. In the age of 31.
Her heir was the child Josua Vance, and so House Vance became the royal house. Or did it?
Laenor ‘the Queer’, the homosexual eldest son of Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’ and Lord of Driftmark (rich Corlys disappointingly died of maiming in the age of 43), rose in rebellion with the support of many Lords after three years and took the Throne. Great! Westeros has a grown-up king, and a future Dragon Rider who owned an egg too! And then he died of suspicious circumstances. Sigh. Great job, Westeros. He died childless, so his brother Maegon inherited the Throne. For no apparent reason, King Maegon executed former King Josua and that’s how he came by his title. And then King Maegon ‘the Kinslayer’ died. Of suspicious circumstances. Someone apparently really wanted the ladder of Chaos to climb.
Fortunately for the realm, Maegon had three sons- Jaekar, Daemon (currently a dragonrider child) and Haegor. Unfortunately Jaekar was 5 when he inherited, and so the realm was plunged into a civil war again.
Now, let’s take a look on the children of Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’. There are the aforementioned two Kings and Queen, and there are two bastards- Visenya Waters (a dragon rider and currently married to Ser Roland Payne, the heir to Paynehall- her elder child, future Lord Payne, owns a dragonegg now, probably a gift from his bastard mother, so welcome to the Dragon-riding club, House Payne) and Ser Valarr Waters. Valarr is the more interesting child.
Matrilineally married to Jyanna Arryn, he declared his own claim on the Iron Throne when Prince Jaekar inherited it from his father. His revolt was supported by Dorne and many other nobles. His wife, by the way, became Lady Paramount of The Vale mid-revolt. I then saw the opportunity to trouble The Vale again after I took Gulltown from her mother and declared a war for the claim of Harrold Arryn, her grand-uncle, on The Vale. Harrold came to me years before with his brother, nephews and sons asking for money to support his claim but never started his revolt so he stayed there. I married my daughter to his son, so in the end of the day I had an alliance with the new Arryn Lord. Harrold proved even more ambitious than I thought, and somehow became an independent King of the Mountain and Vale during all those revolts.
Meanwhile, Lord Hightower declared his bid for independence and other revolts arose. King Jaekar was fighting a long and bloody war- when Lord Borros Baratheon of Storm’s End declared his claim on the Throne. Borros’ father was the half-brother of King Jaehaerys ‘the Old’, both having the same mother (Alyssa Velaryon).
So, Borros’ revolt was successful. He claimed the Throne, and after a long and bloody struggle which took years managed to defeat the rebellions of Lord Hightower and Valarr Waters. And proceeded to die of maiming. His heir was a child girl- Larra Baratheon. That is because his eldest son was captured and executed by former King Jaekar, his other son died stillborn and his brother Davos became a Kingsguard. So now, Larra is the last Baratheon pretty much. Good job building a new royal family, Borros. Larra is currently pregnant from her Volmark husband, which means a Baratheon heir, but is facing a massive rebellion from Lords Tully, Florent (who replaced the Tyrells), Lannister, Greyjoy, Martell and more and more. The questions is whether she’ll be able to whelp a child before she is dethroned, or if her heir inherits.
And her heir is… that’s right, Rhaenys Targaryen, widow of Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’, mother of THREE KINGS and a dragon rider. Quite the resume, and now she is poised to become Queen, at the age of 69, after all her children. And with all those minor Houses getting children with Targaryen and Velaryon blood, I have no idea what madness is going to ensue next. I shall have to provide an update, I think.