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I am doing a Ninepenny Kings game as Maelys the Monstrous.

Quite entertaining so far. After a long time (less than 15 years but more than 8 I think) I managed to take the Iron Throne, thanks to the Reyne's of Castamere who joined my side under Roger the Red Lion (or whoever had the very high martial score and beard) who took the Westerlands and killed Tywin in the process, as well as Barristan Selmy.

I imprisoned all of the Targs, except Rhaegar's (yes, that one) sister whom I married. Aerion Brightflame's son (who was passed over) also had 2 daughters, so I'm looking to unite the bloodlines through them as well. Soon after my conquest, Illyrio Mopatis became a vassal of my in the Disputed Forest, which was really strange. His stats are insanely good though.

Sunspear was conquered by a peasant.

Jeor Mormont lost his land on Bear Isle as well, so I invited Jorah to chill at Kings Landing

Note: Aerion Brightflame's son actually joined my court as Maelys by invitation quite early on in the game. Apparently "Blood Feud" just wasn't enough to keep him from visiting the Stepstones.
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My favorite story is from quite a few versions ago (might still have some of those screens somewhere...) where I was playing the After the Spring bookmark as a custom dynasty in the Riverlands in control of the duchy of Seagard. Eventually became the LP of the area, and with my giant skilled swordsman fought against King Vaelor (I think his name was) the "Fire-Knight" for independence. Once we won and broke away from the IT his son Edmure, who was blonde, skilled with a sword, and well liked by all, left to join a merc company and of course came back as a dashing swashbuckler while his other brother Jason was a mean looking and ruthless guy who helped plot the death of the current Lord Frey. Even though he was my son at the time I had to arrest him.

For possibly related reasons I died from depression and played as Edmure for a few good years before the bro I left in prison finally demanded trial by combat, representing himself. Since Edmure was a bit prideful, and since who doesn't love a good Cain and Able story, I decided to fight it personally. He was ruthless, but was only a two star swordsman while I was a three star so I thought it would still balance out in my favor. King Edmure was killed by his bro that day, and since he didn't have any kids yet the only person who could inherit was of course his brother. King Jason the Kingslayer took the throne that day, and after an obviously troubled start actually went on to have a pretty eventful reign and leave the realm in a much better place than when he started.

Ever playthrough since has failed to have the same magic as that overall playthrough XD
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I played as Aegon, captured the lannister queen, called her for trial and the Judge was
her husband and she was guilty
EDIT: fixed grammer
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Let me tell you what happened to the Iron Throne in my last game. I was playing Braavos, so my influence on this madness was pretty low. Well, when I think of it my indirect influence was high.

Anyway, at first there was King Viserys Targaryen. His brother, Daemon ‘the Rogue Prince’ was assassinated by a certain Braavosi Sealord to prevent him from bringing dragons to Essos. King Viserys didn’t have much luck with children until he died of severe stress in the age of 33. He had his daughter Rhaenyra, his stillborn son Baelon and his brown-haired daughter Vaella. So the King died, and Rhaenyra inherited. All well and good, right? Apparently no. Westeros wasn’t satisfied with the new Queen and a series of revolts erupted. And then Laena Velaryon, the eldest daughter of Lord Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’ of Driftmark declared her claim on the Iron Throne on the ground of why the heck no. She was aided, among others, by Braavosi and Meereenese gold (what can I say, the Braavosi Sealord likes House Velaryon. And his bride was a Velaryon, so there was a good alliance to be gotten). So, her huge host descended upon the Seven Kingdoms and after taking King’s Landing she imprisoned the new Queen and took the Throne. Former Queen Rhaenyra, by the way, is right now a blinded, old, lunatic woman with no titles or children. Who holds Blackfyre and Dark Sister and chills in King’s Landing.

Her sister Vaella, meanwhile, ended up in Seagard. And gave a bastard to the Mallister lord. Who’ll get a claim on the Throne when she dies.

So, Laena Velaryon is the new Queen! Awesome, no? Maybe not so much. Because she was so unimportant before becoming a Dragon rider and the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, she was married normally to Lord Lucan Vance ‘the Spider’ of Attarenta. And so, the Queen had three children- Princess Jyanna Vance (currently married to Lord Harben Cafferen of Fawton. Which means that the Cafferens will get a claim on the Throne too) Prince Josua Vance and Princess Rhaenyra Velaryon (a daughter of a new matrilineal husband), who’s married- sit down please- to Lord Clarence Crabb of North Crackclaw. And it’s not just a normal, kinda noble Crabb- no, it’s a new House Crabb with an ugly sigil. Founded by a peasant who lead a revolt against House Bogg. So yeah, add the son of a peasant to the list of future claimants.

Now, after a peaceful reign (a part of which was dedicated to her helping me liberate the Three Daughters) Queen Laena Velaryon died. Of a fever. In the age of 31.

Her heir was the child Josua Vance, and so House Vance became the royal house. Or did it?

Laenor ‘the Queer’, the homosexual eldest son of Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’ and Lord of Driftmark (rich Corlys disappointingly died of maiming in the age of 43), rose in rebellion with the support of many Lords after three years and took the Throne. Great! Westeros has a grown-up king, and a future Dragon Rider who owned an egg too! And then he died of suspicious circumstances. Sigh. Great job, Westeros. He died childless, so his brother Maegon inherited the Throne. For no apparent reason, King Maegon executed former King Josua and that’s how he came by his title. And then King Maegon ‘the Kinslayer’ died. Of suspicious circumstances. Someone apparently really wanted the ladder of Chaos to climb.

Fortunately for the realm, Maegon had three sons- Jaekar, Daemon (currently a dragonrider child) and Haegor. Unfortunately Jaekar was 5 when he inherited, and so the realm was plunged into a civil war again.

Now, let’s take a look on the children of Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’. There are the aforementioned two Kings and Queen, and there are two bastards- Visenya Waters (a dragon rider and currently married to Ser Roland Payne, the heir to Paynehall- her elder child, future Lord Payne, owns a dragonegg now, probably a gift from his bastard mother, so welcome to the Dragon-riding club, House Payne) and Ser Valarr Waters. Valarr is the more interesting child.

Matrilineally married to Jyanna Arryn, he declared his own claim on the Iron Throne when Prince Jaekar inherited it from his father. His revolt was supported by Dorne and many other nobles. His wife, by the way, became Lady Paramount of The Vale mid-revolt. I then saw the opportunity to trouble The Vale again after I took Gulltown from her mother and declared a war for the claim of Harrold Arryn, her grand-uncle, on The Vale. Harrold came to me years before with his brother, nephews and sons asking for money to support his claim but never started his revolt so he stayed there. I married my daughter to his son, so in the end of the day I had an alliance with the new Arryn Lord. Harrold proved even more ambitious than I thought, and somehow became an independent King of the Mountain and Vale during all those revolts.

Meanwhile, Lord Hightower declared his bid for independence and other revolts arose. King Jaekar was fighting a long and bloody war- when Lord Borros Baratheon of Storm’s End declared his claim on the Throne. Borros’ father was the half-brother of King Jaehaerys ‘the Old’, both having the same mother (Alyssa Velaryon).

So, Borros’ revolt was successful. He claimed the Throne, and after a long and bloody struggle which took years managed to defeat the rebellions of Lord Hightower and Valarr Waters. And proceeded to die of maiming. His heir was a child girl- Larra Baratheon. That is because his eldest son was captured and executed by former King Jaekar, his other son died stillborn and his brother Davos became a Kingsguard. So now, Larra is the last Baratheon pretty much. Good job building a new royal family, Borros. Larra is currently pregnant from her Volmark husband, which means a Baratheon heir, but is facing a massive rebellion from Lords Tully, Florent (who replaced the Tyrells), Lannister, Greyjoy, Martell and more and more. The questions is whether she’ll be able to whelp a child before she is dethroned, or if her heir inherits.

And her heir is… that’s right, Rhaenys Targaryen, widow of Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’, mother of THREE KINGS and a dragon rider. Quite the resume, and now she is poised to become Queen, at the age of 69, after all her children. And with all those minor Houses getting children with Targaryen and Velaryon blood, I have no idea what madness is going to ensue next. I shall have to provide an update, I think.
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Let me tell you what happened to the Iron Throne in my last game. I was playing Braavos, so my influence on this madness was pretty low. Well, when I think of it my indirect influence was high.

Anyway, at first there was King Viserys Targaryen. His brother, Daemon ‘the Rogue Prince’ was assassinated by a certain Braavosi Sealord to prevent him from bringing dragons to Essos. King Viserys didn’t have much luck with children until he died of severe stress in the age of 33. He had his daughter Rhaenyra, his stillborn son Baelon and his brown-haired daughter Vaella. So the King died, and Rhaenyra inherited. All well and good, right? Apparently no. Westeros wasn’t satisfied with the new Queen and a series of revolts erupted. And then Laena Velaryon, the eldest daughter of Lord Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’ of Driftmark declared her claim on the Iron Throne on the ground of why the heck no. She was aided, among others, by Braavosi and Meereenese gold (what can I say, the Braavosi Sealord likes House Velaryon. And his bride was a Velaryon, so there was a good alliance to be gotten). So, her huge host descended upon the Seven Kingdoms and after taking King’s Landing she imprisoned the new Queen and took the Throne. Former Queen Rhaenyra, by the way, is right now a blinded, old, lunatic woman with no titles or children. Who holds Blackfyre and Dark Sister and chills in King’s Landing.

Her sister Vaella, meanwhile, ended up in Seagard. And gave a bastard to the Mallister lord. Who’ll get a claim on the Throne when she dies.

So, Laena Velaryon is the new Queen! Awesome, no? Maybe not so much. Because she was so unimportant before becoming a Dragon rider and the Queen of the Seven Kingdoms, she was married normally to Lord Lucan Vance ‘the Spider’ of Attarenta. And so, the Queen had three children- Princess Jyanna Vance (currently married to Lord Harben Cafferen of Fawton. Which means that the Cafferens will get a claim on the Throne too) Prince Josua Vance and Princess Rhaenyra Velaryon (a daughter of a new matrilineal husband), who’s married- sit down please- to Lord Clarence Crabb of North Crackclaw. And it’s not just a normal, kinda noble Crabb- no, it’s a new House Crabb with an ugly sigil. Founded by a peasant who lead a revolt against House Bogg. So yeah, add the son of a peasant to the list of future claimants.

Now, after a peaceful reign (a part of which was dedicated to her helping me liberate the Three Daughters) Queen Laena Velaryon died. Of a fever. In the age of 31.

Her heir was the child Josua Vance, and so House Vance became the royal house. Or did it?

Laenor ‘the Queer’, the homosexual eldest son of Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’ and Lord of Driftmark (rich Corlys disappointingly died of maiming in the age of 43), rose in rebellion with the support of many Lords after three years and took the Throne. Great! Westeros has a grown-up king, and a future Dragon Rider who owned an egg too! And then he died of suspicious circumstances. Sigh. Great job, Westeros. He died childless, so his brother Maegon inherited the Throne. For no apparent reason, King Maegon executed former King Josua and that’s how he came by his title. And then King Maegon ‘the Kinslayer’ died. Of suspicious circumstances. Someone apparently really wanted the ladder of Chaos to climb.

Fortunately for the realm, Maegon had three sons- Jaekar, Daemon (currently a dragonrider child) and Haegor. Unfortunately Jaekar was 5 when he inherited, and so the realm was plunged into a civil war again.

Now, let’s take a look on the children of Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’. There are the aforementioned two Kings and Queen, and there are two bastards- Visenya Waters (a dragon rider and currently married to Ser Roland Payne, the heir to Paynehall- her elder child, future Lord Payne, owns a dragonegg now, probably a gift from his bastard mother, so welcome to the Dragon-riding club, House Payne) and Ser Valarr Waters. Valarr is the more interesting child.

Matrilineally married to Jyanna Arryn, he declared his own claim on the Iron Throne when Prince Jaekar inherited it from his father. His revolt was supported by Dorne and many other nobles. His wife, by the way, became Lady Paramount of The Vale mid-revolt. I then saw the opportunity to trouble The Vale again after I took Gulltown from her mother and declared a war for the claim of Harrold Arryn, her grand-uncle, on The Vale. Harrold came to me years before with his brother, nephews and sons asking for money to support his claim but never started his revolt so he stayed there. I married my daughter to his son, so in the end of the day I had an alliance with the new Arryn Lord. Harrold proved even more ambitious than I thought, and somehow became an independent King of the Mountain and Vale during all those revolts.

Meanwhile, Lord Hightower declared his bid for independence and other revolts arose. King Jaekar was fighting a long and bloody war- when Lord Borros Baratheon of Storm’s End declared his claim on the Throne. Borros’ father was the half-brother of King Jaehaerys ‘the Old’, both having the same mother (Alyssa Velaryon).

So, Borros’ revolt was successful. He claimed the Throne, and after a long and bloody struggle which took years managed to defeat the rebellions of Lord Hightower and Valarr Waters. And proceeded to die of maiming. His heir was a child girl- Larra Baratheon. That is because his eldest son was captured and executed by former King Jaekar, his other son died stillborn and his brother Davos became a Kingsguard. So now, Larra is the last Baratheon pretty much. Good job building a new royal family, Borros. Larra is currently pregnant from her Volmark husband, which means a Baratheon heir, but is facing a massive rebellion from Lords Tully, Florent (who replaced the Tyrells), Lannister, Greyjoy, Martell and more and more. The questions is whether she’ll be able to whelp a child before she is dethroned, or if her heir inherits.

And her heir is… that’s right, Rhaenys Targaryen, widow of Corlys ‘the Sea Snake’, mother of THREE KINGS and a dragon rider. Quite the resume, and now she is poised to become Queen, at the age of 69, after all her children. And with all those minor Houses getting children with Targaryen and Velaryon blood, I have no idea what madness is going to ensue next. I shall have to provide an update, I think.

I am still hoping for an update, by far one of the best stories that I've heard from this mod.
Here's the story of the Daenerys AFFC playthrough, or as I call it: 'The Adventures of Vegetable Dany' :cool:

So to cut to the chase, after a very long and pretty tiring liberation of the free cities, Moqorro and Victarion show up. I accept Moqorro's offer to become Azor Ahai but I reject Vic, who steals Viserion and flees to The Wall (I have the last laugh though- he dies in a "mysterious" poo explosion and I get my dragon back). I also legitimize by bastard daughter via Daario, Rhaella, and with Lightbringer in hand, declare war on Tommen to take the Iron Throne and bring the Red God to Westeros. Once I have him beat, I turn to the Westerlands, burning 'Queen' Cersei alive in Casterly Rock, after feeding Jaime the Kingslayer to Drogon. I then execute Tommen for good measure and give the Westerlands to Tyrion, who unsurprisingly gets deposed after about a week of ruling. Myrcella ends up in a Dothraki court and dies of gonorrhea.

I gave Meereen, Yunkai and Astapor their independence with freed slaves as rulers. Freed slaves who almost immediately brought back slavery once I left. Goddamn Harzoos. It took me about 20 years to finally get all of them out of my court.
This calmed down a bit after that; to tie up any lose ends I married Aegon of Essos (which was surprisingly difficult as he was chief-general in someone else's court), having 4 children by him, Rhaenys, Rhaegar, Elia and Jorah. I even married Rhaella to Garlan Tyrell's son, who was set to inherit the Reach.
Speaking of Tyrells, Loras somehow lost his gayness and became the biggest pimp in Westeros. After he admitted(?!) to seducing my daughter twice, I booted from the kingsguard.

But all was not well. Stannis Baratheon, still LP of the Stormlands, apparently thought that the world ain't big enough for two Azor Ahais and killed me with a Shadowbaby. At first I raged, but then Moqorro gave me the kiss of life and resurrected me! (Or maybe he was just being a pervert, I'm don't know). THREE more times Stannis murdered me, and each time I came back.
To be fair, I was probably asking for it after I kidnapped Shireen and started a blood feud for the lulz.
Eventually it got old and I had the Mannis banished to the Wall where he belonged. Hubby Aegon later somehow usurped the Stormlands from Stannis' granddaughter.

Ok, lets look at what happened in the other kingdom's I haven't mentioned.
  • Up North, Ramsay 'the Hunter' Bolton a.k.a. 'That Dick who BLINDED his two sisters' got his ass usurped by Sansa's Royce son, then got killed 1v1 by Bran Stark of all people, which would've been more impressive had I not healed Bran's legs with Rhllor magic! Also presumably he forgot to bring his dogs or take his shirt off. Bran then actually inherited the North when his nephew was murdered. His daughter also got the Riverlands when the Baelish line fell to the Harrenhall curse.
  • In Dorne...eeh, not much except for Arianne randomly getting executed by her husband, the Triarch of Volantis.
  • Iron Islands: The Greyjoys managed to get themselves all but extinct (seriously, when don't they?) Now the Goodbrothers call the shots.
  • Mance Rayder ended up getting burnt alive by a completely different Rhllor worshiper, poor guy can't get a break.
  • Bravos went ape and invaded Pentos, Myr and Lorath
In later years, things started got very weird. I married the new King of the Rhoynar, who got himself killed by a Dothraki nobody. Our infant son inherits, but gets murdered by some lowborn POS, so my heir Rhaella inherits (I don't think it works that way...). She then goes on a rampage and invades New Valyria with Rhaegal, and declares herself Empress, before going on an anti-slavery conquering spree. Aegon also died at some point and I married my son Rhaegar, because why not?
Despite murdering me about 4 times, Melisandre (more like MelOLDsandre) became my new Red Priest...then ran off with some heathen Sellsword Captain and refused to come back.

Then, Dany suddenly slipped into a Coma for around 10 years, duing which I was begging for her to just DIE already so I could play a new character, but even as a vegetable she managed to outlive Empress Rhaella, who died of liver poisoning. When that happened I just said "NUTS TO THIS", healed myself, and tried to become the biggest tyrant Westeros has ever seen.
Then my pretty useless grandson, Aerys dies 'of natural causes' at age 35 and I pause to see who my heir is.
It's his daughter, MY great-granddaughter, a craven imbecile. I can't change the succession laws back to Agnatic because all my vassals hate me.


So things aren't looking too good for my kingdom. I have a dynasty-destroying heiress, about a dozen relatives with dragons and strong claims, and all the while I'm a 75-year old great-grandmother with the looks and fertility of a 22-year old (I had my last child at 64).
At this point the only series characters left alive are me, Ellaria Sand (boo) and her husband, Ned Dayne. Perhaps now's a good time to stop.
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I started game as Jon, just to see if I could retake the North for Starks. Well, after many tries, when Stannis chose to send his whole army to south, leaving small northern lords dealing with Boltons (and one extremely painful moment, when he got to 100% with Roose and -100% with Aegon at the same time, but losing war with Aegon first, so I once again got nothing), I finally got it. I sent my army south, but Stannis wasn´t there, because he sieged Frey lands (and later just chose to chill in one of their castles, not moving anything). So, unsurprisingly, he lost and I had about 3k soldiers.
Instead of rebelling, I chose to accept Tommen´s decision (North has suffered enough). He imprisoned me, so I immediately demanded trial by combat. He accepted my demand and put me against ser Robert Strong. But because Jon is awesome, he won, forcing Tommen to release him and take no further actions.
So, right now, I play as Jon Stark, lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, under king Tommen Baratheon.
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I started game as Jon, just to see if I could retake the North for Starks. Well, after many tries, when Stannis chose to send his whole army to south, leaving small northern lords dealing with Boltons (and one extremely painful moment, when he got to 100% with Roose and -100% with Aegon at the same time, but losing war with Aegon first, so I once again got nothing), I finally got it. I sent my army south, but Stannis wasn´t there, because he sieged Frey lands (and later just chose to chill in one of their castles, not moving anything). So, unsurprisingly, he lost and I had about 3k soldiers.
Instead of rebelling, I chose to accept Tommen´s decision (North has suffered enough). He imprisoned me, so I immediately demanded trial by combat. He accepted my demand and put me against ser Robert Strong. But because Jon is awesome, he won, forcing Tommen to release him and take no further actions.
So, right now, I play as Jon Stark, lord of Winterfell and Warden of the North, under king Tommen Baratheon.

Right? Although, I abandoned it for more glorious playthrough.
Stannis won quickly, taking Roose captive when he sieged Dreadfort and made Jon lord of Winterfell. Jon called the banners, but he was never able to march to the south. Howland Reed and Umbers have declared against Stannis, even though he was supported by Starks. Jon spent this war fighting his rebellious vassals.
Meanwhile, Stannis was losing not only his war against Tommen, but also war against some pretender from Essos. In the end, this Aegon conquered Stormlands and declared war for his claim on the Iron Throne. Stannis, now with almost no army and only Dragonstone, was quickly defeated.
Jon received message from King´s Landing, which demanded him to face king´s justice. Just like his brother few years before, he has decided to come to King´s Landing: With army. Howland Reed has agreed to join new King in the North in his war, but Umbers, probably out of fear for Greatjon´s life, chose the middle way. They helped Tommen with war against one of small lords who declared for Stannis, but remained neutral in the war with North.
Northerners marched on King´s Landing, army 13 thousand men strong. They were unopposed, as all armies were in Stormlands, fighting Aegon and Dornishmen, who supported him. Surprisingly, Cersei Lannister, king´s own mother, has not been part of this war. Some said it was due to her hatred towards king´s wife, Margaery. Lannister army, almost as big as Jon´s army, didn´t even act when he besieged the city. They remained on southern bank of Blackwater Rush, as if awaiting orders.
Tyrell and king´s armies fighting in Stormlands, probably thought that Lannisters will take care of the North, or they underestimated strength of Jon´s forces. After few months, with almost no opposition, King in the North has marched into the city through Lion´s Gate, in act of mockery upon house Lannister. King and his family tried to escape, but both he and Myrcella were caught.
Tommen and his Small Council were forced to acknowledge independence of Kingdom of the North. Lands of house Umber were also given to the North. Jon also took Myrcella Baratheon as a hostage, to secure that her brother will not try to reconquer the North, if he stabilizes his realm.
After this, army of the North has left King´s Landing in peace.

(And I should say that this was done without safescumming...well, except for small problem, where Tommen took my daughter as hostage after Stannis lost, making me his vassal and giving me no chance to rebel. So I just reloaded until I had option to either become imprisoned or rebel and I took it.)
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It's been a while, so I don't remember all the details, but basically;

I was playing as Harlaws, descended from Asha Greyjoy. Stannis won the Iron Throne, but his grandson converted back to the Seven. Not only did he convert back, but he ended up disinheriting the High Septon, and becoming a nameless High Septon-King himself. His son followed in his footsteps, and my god were they tyrannical - they started confiscating all the titles they could, disinheriting the Greyjoys and keeping the Iron Isles for themselves (which annoyed me a lot, since I had worked hard to get a claim there) and also confiscating the Reach. The Seven Kingdoms basically turned into a dystopian theocracy, chafing under the rule of the Septon-Kings, who could just brute force any of the periodic rebellions thanks to their massive armies.

Among the squabble, my formidable fighter Harlaw rose to lead the Ironborn into independence. He met the Septon-King while he was invading the Iron Isles, and slayed him on the battlefield, gaining the nickname "the Kingslayer". Last I left that game, I was trying to conquer the Westerlands while they were in revolt, to guarantee that I'd be strong enough when the Septon-Kings came for me. You can't really get the full Ironborn experience since you don't have naval combat.
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Let me tell you the story of Ser Roro the Lysene.

Ser Roro was just an ordinary man under the command of lord Tristifer Teague of Sunstone, a custom exiled claimant to Trident. Ser Roro has adopted faith of the Seven as his religion and became Master-at-arms of Tristifer. When the Trident went back to the Teague dynasty, Roro was rewarded for his loyalty with lordship of Blue Fork, which was revoked earlier from the ironborn house Codd. In honor of the island from which he came, Roro was given the name "Sunstone". Afterwards he became a vassal of house Terrick of Wycombe, new lords of the Trident (duchy level). About 30 years later, Roro became unhappy with feudalism ruling in Westeros and attempted to do something about it. He forced lord Wycombe to adopt the Merchant Republic government and usurped young lord Terrick's title. Then he started a rebellion against Tristifer Teague's son, Jonn, who tried to do something about this new republic. The upstart lord's forces were crushed in a few months after the king took Blue Fork and imprisoned him. Keeping in mind Roro's loyal service to his father, Jonn was merciful and instead of killing him, he decided to send Roro to the Wall. However, this old ex-pirate had one more trick up his sleeve and he managed to escape to Pentos, where he died of old age without having to worry about any attempts at killing or imprisoning him. Roro's children, sadly, didn't care about their father's heritage and became Riverlander, effectively ending the Lysene presence in the Riverlands.
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Heres something from my latest/current game:

So I set up the Valyrian Empire with the Dragon of the East mod, ruling as Daemon Blackfyre, and went forth and conquered Lys, stepstones, and myr. All of my children reached adulthood, no deaths and nearly all had achieved the maximum education trait in their field. Started giving them titles. The little shits wouldn't marry anyone. Only the two twin firstborns and their 2 younger sister wives, and my dragon dream son are left living. The younger twin died of something. Meh, I still had more children. For a time. I became an old, brittle man and my current heir only had daughters. Well, no need to worry as he too died 'mysteriously'. I finally reached the point of being declared incapable with my last living son being the little dragon dreamer. Turns out he dreams big, for though my body had failed me, my mind was still awake as I watched my son come to me one last time, tell me he loves me, and slit my throat.

I go to observe mode, because I now had my suspicions confirmed. Turns out he was the one systematically killing his siblings. I wonder if educating him through the intrigue route was a good thing. For him yes, for others, no. Nevertheless, I haven't continued the game yet and will see for myself if I can be as successful at intrigue, but other than Catelyn Stark, I have not seen an AI so successful at murdering others
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Heres something from my latest/current game:

So I set up the Valyrian Empire with the Dragon of the East mod, ruling as Daemon Blackfyre, and went forth and conquered Lys, stepstones, and myr. All of my children reached adulthood, no deaths and nearly all had achieved the maximum education trait in their field. Started giving them titles. The little shits wouldn't marry anyone. Only the two twin firstborns and their 2 younger sister wives, and my dragon dream son are left living. The younger twin died of something. Meh, I still had more children. For a time. I became an old, brittle man and my current heir only had daughters. Well, no need to worry as he too died 'mysteriously'. I finally reached the point of being declared incapable with my last living son being the little dragon dreamer. Turns out he dreams big, for though my body had failed me, my mind was still awake as I watched my son come to me one last time, tell me he loves me, and slit my throat.

I go to observe mode, because I now had my suspicions confirmed. Turns out he was the one systematically killing his siblings. I wonder if educating him through the intrigue route was a good thing. For him yes, for others, no. Nevertheless, I haven't continued the game yet and will see for myself if I can be as successful at intrigue, but other than Catelyn Stark, I have not seen an AI so successful at murdering others