Population: 52.90M
Capital: Bucharest
Government: Constitutional Monarchy
Head of State: King Tibor XVI Draculesti
Head of Government: Prime Minister Gheorghe Cihoski
Military Estimate: 46 divisions (est. 426,100 men), 28 warships, 100 aircraft
Industry Estimate: 31 Civilian Factories, 12 Military Factories, 2 Naval Dockyards
The Kingdom of Wallachia has a great deal of hope for the future. From tyrannical autocracy known mostly for its closed nature and superstitious people, it has grown into a modern constitutional monarchy and thriving multi-party democracy with steady economic growth even in these trying times. Prime Minister Gheorghe Cihoski has a strong popular mandate for his programme of greater labor rights and social welfare. Though the road ahead is long and winding, it seems that-
-Prime Minister, excuse me. There is someone here to see you.
-Well, tell them to wait. Can't you see I'm in the middle of-?
Population: 52.90M
Capital: Bucharest
Government: Vampiric Thralldom
Head of State: The Lord Dracul
Military Estimate: 46 divisions (est. 426,100 men), 28 warships, 100 aircraft
Industry Estimate: 31 Civilian Factories, 12 Military Factories, 2 Naval Dockyards
The Dracul Empire is the returned dominion of the
vampyr over the lands of Wallachia. It is a nightmare realm where shadows wait to pluck the unwary into their final embrace and the people lock their doors tightly for the night. The dregs of the democratic government exist as a thin veneer of legitimacy for their inhuman masters. The Lord Dracul, the most powerful of their kind and the only true immortal among them, seeks to restore his cruel empire over the Balkans, perhaps over the whole of Europe. All over the world, hidden Courts of his spawn wait for their master to raise them to power.
The Midnight Court, the myriad spawn and descendants of the Lord Dracul in Wallachia, have eagerly come forth to serve their master. The Court stands divided, however. Infighting and age-old quarrels have left the
vampyr divided, various factions competing for their progenitor's favor and the reins of power. As long as this struggle afflicts the Court and uncertainty over the true rulers of Wallachia continues, the Empire is badly hindered.
Dracul and his spawn have great plans for the mortal population - the
serfs, as they are used to thinking of the masses. The mortals are unlikely to like the changes they have in mind, however. As the Midnight Court spreads its influence and remakes Wallachia in its image, the mortals grow more and more aware of the truth and more and more defiant. Thousands slip away into the hills and form subversive cells, threatening the Empire with insurrection.
The first task ahead for the new masters of Wallachia is to eliminate what remains of the free mortal administration and political establishment. Such a purge will inevitably lead to unrest among the serfs, and care must be taken to act swiftly. Trouble in the family cannot be allowed to continue unchecked either. Dracul must choose whether to favor the Old Blood with their centuries of refinement and learning or the younger spawn of the New Blood, with their ideas of rationalized and industrialized thralldom. Should He tire of them both, Dracul may as well decide upon a Renfeld Compromise - purging both vampiric factions, and instead directing power to mortal followers and lackeys to create the Cult of Dracul.
The Dracul Empire lags behind its more powerful and industrialized neighbors, the victim of unjust wars and separatist movements in the past century. The
vampyr, fortunately, have methods of advancing the nation that mortal governments lack. The serfs are to be made efficient and obedient workers, housed in great fortified factory-keeps governed by the most favored Princes of the Court. The secrets and treasures of the earth are to be torn out and made ready for exploitation for the Empire's war machine.
The Wallachian Army is a formidable fighting force, but nowhere near the empires it must overcome in the wars to come. Its modern tanks and aircraft provide a strong foundation, but sweeping reforms must be undertaken to turn it into an army worthy of Dracul. The navy is nothing to boast of, but suitably strengthened may allow for regional domination of the seas.
The warlords of the Midnight Court and those mortal generals clever enough to be heeded have a great deal of ideas for the future of the military. Innovations of modern technology and secrets of occult lore may come together to empower this blunt instrument into a deadly scythe that shall reap all of Europa. Whether the focus shall be on swift motorized and airborne hunting horrors, or the fanaticism and endless number of loyal serf-soldiers, these developments promise a great deal. Similar improvements may be made for the navy, granting it advantages unheard of by mortal nations.
In time, the Court may even offer its own children for the war effort. The
vampyr have never been marshalled into entire divisions, but should such a feat be accomplished, they would be shock troops the kind the world has never seen. Of course, feeding such units will take a great deal of... sustenance.
Time is of the essence, however, lest the enemies of the Empire grow too strong to be taken quickly. Dracul intends to reclaim all of his lost empire and more. He might bite off more than he can chew, of course, but allies may be found in the most unexpected of places. Furthermore, with the entirety of the nation under his control once more, Dracul stands on the cusp of attaining even greater powers.
Should the rituals described in the ancient tomes within the Vaults of Dracul be completed, the Vampire Lord shall ascend to become a Disciple of the Seven, empowered by each of their blessings. The world knows not what may befall them then. The Dracul Empire must be destroyed quickly, or the price for its downfall may grow too great to bear...
Mwah mwah mwah.