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Apr 25, 2012
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I've been playing around with the wilding's and I wanted to voice some concern regarding their playability.
The problem lies in an event that randomly spawns a revolt, this revolt can be anywhere from 200-5000 men I've noticed.
This makes a playing the wilding's total unreliable. You could have all holdings or 1 holding north of the wall then its GG. Making playing a wilding trivial/pointless.
I don't want to start a game then 1 year down the line just loose to random rebels its not fun I'm sure others can agree.
This also happens to vassals and makes it very annoying when your making 1 him like you then hes getting overthrown every year.

My ideas on a fix to this would be.
- lower the strength and occurrence of this event
- lower the occurrence based if a human controls the character.
- Removing the revolts if the character is already vassal

Anyone else agree with me or have a solution.
Thank you for this great mod.
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But that's sort of the point of the Wildlings, isn't it? They don't unite, they don't bend the knee, and they'll rebel against anyone setting themselves up as lord. A Free Folk game isn't an easy march to victory: it's tough, it's brutal and it relies on luck more often than not. The Free Folk respect strength (i.e. anyone strong enough to force them into submission) and they don't suffer fools - prove your character's the former, not the latter, by putting down these revolts.

In this regard, I find it entirely in keeping with the Lore for playing north of The Wall to be difficult and unpredictable, so I'd say keep it as it is - it's not the main issue with the playability of the Free Folk.

(And just a side-note: if you think you're in trouble with the revolts, I have three words for you: Winter Is Coming) ;)
I understand Dr Vile, but on a multilayer perspective its makes playing a wildling virtualy impossible.
They just happen way too often, there must be a better way.
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I understand Dr Vile, but on a multilayer perspective its makes playing a wildling virtualy impossible.
They just happen way too often, there must be a better way.

Virtually, but not completely.

Honestly, you might as well say that Stannis using Melisandre to kill Renly in the War of the Five Kings bookmark makes it impossible to play as Renly, so it needs to be removed, but that would run counter to the Lore, just as easily pacified Wildlings would. As it is, there is a small chance Stannis will not kill Renly, just as there's a chance that the Wildling Revolt event will not fire for you, or if it does that you might manage to defeat it - it's all down to the Random Number Gods.

I get that it makes it frustrating - having to reload over and over again (especially if you're running an Ironman game) when you've got a game plan in mind can be very tedious, but it's part of the established universe, and one of the risks when picking a Wildling character - altering the event to make it less powerful/likely to fire if the character is human controlled could very easily unbalance the game north of The Wall: after all, if you don't have to fight off revolts as frequently as your neighbours, or the revolts that you suffer are less dangerous than your neighbours', a semi-skilled human player could quite easily conquer the entirety of the Wildlings in short order.

As for disabling them for vassals: just because you've bent the knee, it should not preclude your own people from rising up to try and displace you. If anything, it should be more frequent, since you've proven yourself to be weak.

I might go for trait-/skill-based modifiers to increase/decrease MTTH - traits like Strong, Skilled Warrior and high Martial scores could {edit}increase{/edit} MTTH, since it shows your character is a force to be feared/respected, whereas Weak, Shy and low Martial could increase the revolts' frequency.
For your info I've been playing around with the wildings around the Aegon start dates, I didnt want to play with Mance. I get the lore but isnt the point of playing a game to have fun? You can barely play 5 years before you get a revolt that you have no hope to defeat.
At this rate you might aswell make them unplayable cause theres no point.

I made this thread to come up with alternative ideas, I was thinking maybe making preprepared invasion instead of events spawn troops?
This will have the same effect but let the player at least have an opportunity to know something is coming.
What do you think?
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Honestly I do think that it should be dialed down just a bit. They should rebel often, sure, but not all the goddamn time; there just aren't enough bloody Wildlings to keep it up with such regularity.
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I started a thread awhile back about wildling revolts, though it was from the perspective of being the King on the Iron Throne and conquering/ holding beyond the wall for 70 years, so i couldn't help but add in my 2 pence.

The problem i have when playing the Wildlings is that the revolts are against a Vassal and as the KBtW you can't do anything to crush them which is unfair as if you have just handed out titles even as a wildling you should be able to beat down anyone who would be a threat e.g. revolts against your vassals.

To solve this i would make it so that the KBtW can offer to intervene in revolts.
Unless something has significantly changed since my last wildling playthrough, one way to deal is to just save enough cash for mercenaries. The upkeep on them is so cheap after a while as kbtw I just kept them permanently as revolt-stoppers.
Ii recently got a revolt for 5500 men. Had money but not enough mercs to buy. In the books thats like half the army of mance rayder.

Yeah any revolt larger than 1000 (and thats pushing it) men would be contradictory to the Lore
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Yeah, it does make sense for revolts to be popping up and you needing to show your strength by crushing them, but there are only so many wildings. When the revolts are the same size as your troops if you had the entire Beyond-the-Wall as your demense, it's pretty ridiculous. Where are they coming from? You're supposed to have at least most of the wildings behind you.
A better option than constant revolts might be constant duels. Then if you loose (and the challenger doesn't kill you outright) and still refuses to relinquish your rule, then you get a revolt. Or possibly a revolt war if the challenger is a vassal ruler instead of a random peasant.
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Maybe you could get a warning event, saying the people of province x are becoming restless and might rebel. You then have the option of letting it be (increasing the chance of a revolt) or "harsh treating" the to-be rebels (to put it in EUIV terms); based on your traits and martial skill (and maybe that of your marshall) you might be effective (no revolt happens, or, if it does, it's just a small one) or just upset the people more and generate a even bigger revolt.

Additionally, provinces where there has been a revolt might get a flag that makes them unable to revolt in the short term and/or have smaller rebellions in the long term.
So we've read this and made some adjustments to wildling revolts. They will be a bit weaker, and will not happen without good reason (i.e. liege is weak, child, non-wildling etc). They will also only happen once every 3 years in a province.

One thing to bear in mind though is that when a vassal suffers a wildling revolt, if the revolt is successful the rebel victor should stay as a vassal. So it is not necessarily a bad thing for a revolt to occur in vassal wildling's province.
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