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Community Manager at Paradox Interactive
Paradox Staff
2 Badges
Mar 11, 2022
  • Cities: Skylines - Parklife Pre-Order
  • Cities: Skylines - Parklife

Prepare to pack your bags! We’re going on a trip to Cities Around the World!

We are happy to announce that the Region Packs will finally be available on Paradox Mods, all 100% free!

Starting next week with the French Pack, we kick off your exploration of iconic architecture with a pack inspired by Paris. It features different zone types and iconic signature and service buildings.

On the 11th of November, we will head to Germany to pack the German pack. Will we experience October Fest and eat schnitzel? Not sure, but the pack will allow you to build German-inspired neighborhoods that will make you feel like you can!

The next stop on the 25th of November will be the iconic UK Pack, with sprawling Low-density row houses and epic estates. We’ve heard that this is the ideal pack to pair with some tea and a copious amount of roundabouts.

The rest of our Cities Around the World trip has not been booked, but we will keep you updated when this changes!

We also have many cool giveaways that will happen during the event: https://pdxint.at/3BKQvAl

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Very happy about this! I still hope that we are going to get options for namelists at some point (cims, roads, districts etc) to really get that region-specific feel. Not to mention that the current namelists are just too short. Namelist editor please?
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I am happy with this but when will the full mods editor get released?
The game is kinda nothing without the custom community mods/assets (not just the official packs and DLC) and this is seriously hampered by the lack of an asset editor which shouldve released on Day 1.
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Prepare to pack your bags! We’re going on a trip to Cities Around the World!

We are happy to announce that the Region Packs will finally be available on Paradox Mods, all 100% free!

Starting next week with the French Pack, we kick off your exploration of iconic architecture with a pack inspired by Paris. It features different zone types and iconic signature and service buildings.

On the 11th of November, we will head to Germany to pack the German pack. Will we experience October Fest and eat schnitzel? Not sure, but the pack will allow you to build German-inspired neighborhoods that will make you feel like you can!

The next stop on the 25th of November will be the iconic UK Pack, with sprawling Low-density row houses and epic estates. We’ve heard that this is the ideal pack to pair with some tea and a copious amount of roundabouts.

The rest of our Cities Around the World trip has not been booked, but we will keep you updated when this changes!

We also have many cool giveaways that will happen during the event: WIP

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Will the region packs be usable on GeForce Now? I ask as you can access paradox mods and use some custom maps but anything under coded mods doesn’t function and removes the ui.
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Love me some more buildings, will these packs get filled with road markings, traffic lights, buses, etc in time? Would be great to be able to go for a French build and have not just the buildings but also the streets themselves look Parisien.
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I hate to be the one who may be the only one who points this out or even Mr. Negative but, content shmontent, I'd rather the developers create everything. Content kits sounds more like passing on the creative content to modders and YouTubers. I'd rather the devs create and then modders and creators can build off the content the devs created. Personally, I'm not a fan of mods. I prefer the devs create.

Also. Surprised this content announcement. I'd rather see the ports and bridges DLC and the wave of expansions. CS2 seems so barren next to CS. I was quite disappointed all the expansions that made CS great....don't seem to be in CS2. Bummer. Ports and bridges delays....bummer. Pushed back further, bummer.
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Will the region packs be usable on GeForce Now? I ask as you can access paradox mods and use some custom maps but anything under coded mods doesn’t function and removes the ui.
Isnt that the entire point about Paradox mods (according to Pdx & Co)? If maps work, these assets should as well. But officially they havent said its supported, they "are working on it". Hah, turns out Pdx mods for nothing.
Coded mods will almost certainly not, as for consoles.
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I hate to be the one who may be the only one who points this out or even Mr. Negative but, content shmontent, I'd rather the developers create everything. Content kits sounds more like passing on the creative content to modders and YouTubers. I'd rather the devs create and then modders and creators can build off the content the devs created. Personally, I'm not a fan of mods. I prefer the devs create.

Also. Surprised this content announcement. I'd rather see the ports and bridges DLC and the wave of expansions. CS2 seems so barren next to CS. I was quite disappointed all the expansions that made CS great....don't seem to be in CS2. Bummer. Ports and bridges delays....bummer. Pushed back further, bummer.
Then just dont install these packs, easily solution. Totally irrelevant comment. As for why, I dont understand, makes no sense, and these assets are higher quality than the base game assets. Better, not worse.
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Weren't there originally more than 8 packs? Or does my memory fail me? (It has been a while since the announcement after all)
Anyway, I'm happy we finally get more options to custumise our cities!
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Well, as much as it's a good thing to see the hard work of the creators involved finally being released (and I'd really like to thank them for their dedication), the whole phrasing around having found a workaround so they could import those assets in game isn't inspiring a lot of confidence that progress is made on the asset editor.

We're at the one year mark and it's jarring that there is not an ETA about this feature that was just integral to the first game's success. Instead, we're getting a thin patch for the game and a roadmap for the work of independant creators. It will be nice to have at least some asset diversity, but let's not kid ourselves: it's too little way too late.

For all the weird PR we read from PDX CEO recently, it's clear that they underestimated the hole they dug themselves in.
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Omg, too much information for today! I have to take the rest of the week off to deal with everything. :p

It's good to see that more content is finally coming.
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Will the region packs be usable on GeForce Now? I ask as you can access paradox mods and use some custom maps but anything under coded mods doesn’t function and removes the ui.

We would love to provide mods on GFN, but right now it's not possible. We're working with Nvidia to see how to make it work, but no news right now.

Love me some more buildings, will these packs get filled with road markings, traffic lights, buses, etc in time? Would be great to be able to go for a French build and have not just the buildings but also the streets themselves look Parisien.

The packs are just assets, so buildings of varying types, zonables, signature, and service buildings, etc.

Weren't there originally more than 8 packs? Or does my memory fail me? (It has been a while since the announcement after all)
Anyway, I'm happy we finally get more options to custumise our cities!

There will be 8! We are still working on inporting them all into the game, as soon as we know when we can post them we will update the roadmap with more travel destinations!