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Oct 10, 2010
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A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II

Download A Game of Thrones v1.3.1 (Windows exe): HERE (mirror)
Download A Game of Thrones v1.3.1 (Mac / Linux / zipped files): HERE (mirror)

Checksum: GDTJ
Compatible with: CK2 2.6.3

In a land where summers last for years and winters last for decades, nine great families struggle for control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Take control of a noble house, from the Starks of Winterfell to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, and win the Iron Throne!

But remember, winter is coming.


Mac/Linux/Zipped files warning: The mod files must be copied to <Your Documents>/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod folder. We also recommend any previous mod files in this folder are deleted before copying the new version. Windows users have been provided with an installer that performs this function automatically, while Mac users can find detailed installation instructions in the manual

Warning: This mod is likely to be incompatible with 32bit systems with low memory. We recommend at least 4GB of memory on a 64bit system.


Patch 1.3.1 Notes
Now paradox have released the 2.6.3 patch, we thought it would be a good idea to make a public update ourselves before the next major patch and DLC arrives.

- Mod updated for 2.6.3
- Reapers DLC disease tweaks
- Fear system
- New cadet dynasty options
- Diplomatic annexation
- New graphics
- Fewer moustaches!

Full changelog below.

Version 1.3.1
- Mod updated for 2.6.3
- Reapers DLC disease tweaks
- Fear system
- New cadet dynasty options
- Diplomatic annexation
- New graphics
- Fewer mustaches!

- Somewhat reduced the chance of epidemics
- Integrated Butterfly Fever into the Reapers systems
- Readded health malus from cancer
- The Red Death now uses Reapers systems for those with that DLC (previous events still in place for those without)
- Winter Fever now only occurs in winter
- Added an Old Ones event chain
- Added some more recruited physician possibilities

Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- If Edmure or the Blackwoods defeat the Iron Throne in AFFC they now have a choice what to do with the iron Throne, as in other depose liege wars
- When an interregnum starts, the Lord Protector can now offer peace to claimants who are attacking
- Valyrian steel can now counter shadow babies
- Alternate wikid chains give you correct dynastic sword if possible
- Added option to try and diplomatically annex allies
- Added an option to make the White Walkers harder by doubling the number of event spawned troops they get
- Merged legitmisation of Gulltown Arryns, Karstarks and cadet dynasties into one targetted decision. Added Wensington, Bolling, Oldflowers and pre-Stormlands Baratheon as canon cadet dynasties.
- Cadet dynasties can now dynamically emerge from landed bastard branches.
- Added scripted cadet dynasties for 75~ direct LP/King dynasties in Westeros, coa art by Rabid Bogling
- Allow the granting of a cadet dyansty to a sibling
- Added execution options for skinchangers
- Adjusted the post-siege infrastructure destruction event, so it now dynamically destroys any building in any type of holding (with some exceptions)
- Added an event where the capital city of a kingdom may dynamically grow in base value
- Added a warning event for when a colony is being sieged
- Added a game rule for fabricating claims, can disable the ability or speed up/slow down the process
- Actual queens can now be named Queen of Love of Beauty by tourney winners
- Updated kidnap plots from CK2+ (thanks to CK2+)
- Added a couple of flavour events (idea and event text by Pekay)
- Added a generic decision for a theocracy to claim the religious head title (merging with the similar thenn decision)
- Added a divorce decision for religious heads
- Added possible consequences for appointing lowborn, foreign or infidel Kingsguard

Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Added more wiki links, and added a new wiki link icon
- Fixed Maelys Blackfyre being an unplayble republic
- The player should no longer experience unexpected game overs whilst playing in Astapor during ACoK or AFFC. Also updated Cleon the Butcher's family/court, and added more family to the good masters
- Roose and Walda are now married when ACOK bookmark starts to keep the Frey-Bolton relationship in line
- Roose Bolton and Wyman Manderly are the Master of Whispers and Law for Robb in AcoK
- Removed ruthless trait from Dany. Added a hostage related event for Dany in her quest.
- Young Griff and J may now gain incest modifiers
- Fixed targ loyalist opinions to Aegon I
- Added Quaithe, Hizdahr's Loraq ancestors, Old John Mudd, Grazdan the Great
- Added an unknown dragon common ancestor to Dany's dragon, so they can be on the same dynasty tree
- Removed Balerion's dragon father so the Targ dragons can be found via Balerion as a child of Aenar the Exile's character for when they die out
- Fixed gap in Night's Watch Lord Commander history
- Adjusted traits of Aurane Waters
- Added Red Princes of Dorne, Leo Costayne
- Fixed rider of Morning being Baela instead of Rhaena
- Added Floris Baratheon's marriage, stillborn son and death
- Added House Grimm as a Rhaenyra supporter in the Dance
- Fixed birth dates of some Freys
- Added more interesting characters to later bookmarks
- Other misc character updates and fixes

- Added a fear system. Traits, actions and other factors contribute to a fear score for each ruler, the higher the fear the less likely most vassals are to join faction.
- Made bizarre nomadic marriages check more robust
- Balanced AI logic for various prisoner decisions
- Rebalanced execution method choice AI logic
- Cannibalism should now be much less likely
- Made the conditions for wildlings to try and steal a spearwife more restrictive, to prevent huge wildling courts that develop
- The AI will now more aggressively dispose of useless slaves
- When Dothraki pillage a settlement it may now rarely turn into a ruin
- Mega war mechanics now apply to non-nomad vassals of nomads
- Made some adjustments to landless nomadic raiders
- Made characters with claim on iron throne or in a feud with the king less likely to join the kingsguard
- Added opinion boost for vassals when their relative is granted land
- Adjusted distribution of education traits, making middle levels more likely. Also changed learning bonus from education cost tiers
- On age 12 a child may be a progidy which grants learning and stat boosts to give a better education outcome
- White Walkers now get a bonus stack of troops after conquering The Wall and after a successful siege
- Made other fixes and tweaks to the White Walkers
- Pirate mutinies now target the province owner rather than top liege
- Characters will no longer ask for payment to educate their own relatives
- Lowborns will now only appear as candidates for the Kingsguard if they have high prestige
- Empire tier players can no longer raise vassal levies whilst considering a faction ultimatum
- Blackfyre/young griff invasion is now more likely if the claimant is in his prime
- Reduced duel skill modifier from the tall trait from 4 to 3
- Children declared incapable should now get all childhood releated events
- Vassals can now ask for the transfer of vassals with special titles (e.g. Bearded priests, Rhllor)
- Aegon can no longer legalise slavery during the conquest (to stop emancipation wars)
- New godswood tree sprouting is now much more likely
- Adjusted plot AI, plots to kill characters should be less numerous
- Only capable adults can use pirate king decisions
- Iron throne wars against Stannis now take priority over Brotherhood wars when vassals choose sides via mega war
- Successful nationalist revolts will no longer usurp occupied provinces where the holder is already the native culture group

Graphics and portraits:
- Fixed mustache epidemic (removed the special Bearded Priest beards)
- Improved some event pictures, and fixed the broken dothraki event images
- Added icons for all decisions
- Added many new holding images by Attiris
- Added some new graphics from Attiris's submod (Investigate ambition icon, Ironborn headgear, Dornish headgear, temple holding images, Maester texture)
- Fixed up problems with holding images for some cultures
- Updated Cape of Eagles flag
- Added flag for Mardosh
- Added pyramid image for Ghiscari family palaces

- Moved the location of some baronies in The Riverlands
- Added a unique building for Starfall
- Made the islands in The Jade Sea colonisable
- Regular goldmines can now be built in Casterly Rock/Castamere sub-holdings
- Added silver mines to Yronwood
- Made new volantis a military command directly under the control of The Triarchy
- Added more provinces to Leng
- Added holy sites for religions missing them
- Fixed New Barrel/Holyhall being in the wrong dejure High Lordship
- Fixed some port positions along The Rhoyne
- Removed link/shortcut between Saltpans and Darry
- Adjusted number of holdings/base values in Bay of Claws
- Adjusted starting prosperity values of some provinces in particular scenarios (e.g. riverlands are not prosperous in AFFC)
- Fixed kingsroad modifier being on Deddington instead of Darry

- Altered the displayed duel rating to be the logarithm (base sqrt2) of the actual multiplier. This is to ensure more accurate scores when comparing characters. Age effects are now also taken into account for the displayed score.
- Various Triarchy mechanics tweaks/fixes
- If a character wins 50% of the vote in a Triarch election all other candidates in the same party now get a boost to their own vote count
- Added a nightswatch_culture_trigger which has cultures which can banish people to the watch. Excluded old andals and rhoynar from this.
- Added some pirate government type maintenance
- Optimised all way of life focus events that still used MTTH. Also made most focus events less likely
- Lowered unimportant culling age to 33, but raised court size threshold to 15
- Optimised Royal Proclamations
- Added historical = yes to many event created characters, which prevents culling by the game engine
- If more than 40 funeral guests the leaving list is not displayed
- Wildling government is now called Tribal
- Removed 'mo' patronyms from far east cultures
- Added more valyrian dynasty names
- Merged Admiral and Master of Ships titles (culture names now done in loc files)
- Added a enslave_effect scripted effect
- Removed Yellow Emperor from non-lore invasion rule, and it now frequently happens in later bookmarks
- Added maintenance for when slave owners/traders become unlanded
- Corrected noun for people of Lys to Lyseni
- Republics and rulers with the business focus can now be slave traders
- Added GetShipName cusotm localisation to get flagship name, see how to use in custom loc file
- Added updated tour event text by SinStar
- Added custom localisation returning a characters animal companion type
- Added a can_be_admiral_trigger scripted trigger
- Wildlings no longer use Greenseers as their healer (they are supposed to be rare). Added an event where you encounter a skinchanger instead.
- Checksum check event now only occurs at the start of the game
- Made the dynastic stability restrictions more strict (No more Stannis changing to a Targaryen)
- Added generic evil god names to all religions
- Made some fixes/tweaks to player foreign tour.
- Updated childhood trait tooltips to include mod traits
- Added more nicknames for successful liberators
- Nomads can no longer have admiral councillors
- Spouses and parents are now informed when a bastard is legitmised

- Made some validator fixes
- Fixed Rhllor healing not curing scurvy or possessed
- Grey Clansmen can no longer be random event characters
- Barred some decisions being used against diplomatically immune characters
- Fixed Orys having both bastard and legit bastard traits upon becoming a Baratheon in history files
- Fixed CTD that can occur when colonising Dothraki land
- Fixed being able to spy on people out of diplomatic range
- Adjusted way religious opinion is applied for faith authority, fixing non-faith religious heads liking high faith authority
- Made some fixes to faction AI, including problem where AI would wrongly not join indepedence factions
- Fixed up Yi Ti mega war setup in later bookmarks
- Infants can no longer become feared reavers
- Fixed councillor titles in feudal vassal kingdom realms, and other special government types
- Removed duplicate commit suicide decision, also fixes bug of not getting to use reapers due flavour for suicide
- Councillors who are made a noble get their position back once they get their new dynasty
- Fixed event text for various execution events
- Fixed problem where unbuilt barony titles could be held by ruins or their colonisers
- A trade focus destination should now be found if the whole map is owned by the same realm (mainly effects Westeros Only submod)
- Fixed mega war bug where vassals whose titles were being contested were sometimes split from the realm, invalidating wars
- Adjusted upset priest tower event
- If a patrician changes the gender law of their primary title the family palace title now also changes
- Fixed unrestricted duel game rule
- Fixed possible Aegon-Dany alliance trigger
- Fixed imprisoning owned slaves giving tyranny
- Fixed regnal numbering in some titles due to historical characters with no name
- Corrected tall trait localisation
- Fixed bug where you could repeatedly use the execution decision
- Duel engine modifier overflow issues should no longer occur
- Dragons should no longer become ill
- Added a workaround for vanilla bug where an imprisoned heir sometimes is released when inheriting titles
- Depopulation should now never be present in ruins, preventing sacking exploit
- Fixed mega war ending event wrongly triggering when starting a dragon conquest
- Wildling and priate opinion malus is now nullified by the sympathiser traits
- After a successful War for Dawn, higher tier titles held by the white walkers should now be destroyed
- Fixed provinces converting to ruin/winter culture when game rule is enabled
- Awkward portraits should no longer appear on event where you visit a whore in your brothel
- Fixed republic vassal barons of pirates having the wrong succession type
- Fixed event referring to Arabic books
- Fixed problem where you sometimes couldn't buy Unsullied when they became available
- Young eunuchs can no longer develop a lust for girls at parties

Cabezaestufa: Founder/Map creator, General Coding Support, Events, DNA, Balancing, Bugfixing, North Content, Misc. Graphics, Team Management.

Knuckey: Project Leader, Scripting, History Work, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, "Megawars"

Scripting & Coding:
Galle: Events, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, DND, Localisation, Fighting Traits and the Duel Engine, New Plots, AI Work, Nightswatch/wildlings content
Sunspear: Coding, Events, Riverland Content, Bugfixing, Positioning Tool, Balancing, misc. Graphics, Personal Interaction, Faceless Men, Dragons.
Ogaburan (Ran Miller): Events, Westerland & Frey, Minor Families Filler, DNA, New Education System, Kingsguard, Knights, Bugfixing, Balancing, Misc. Graphics.
Fashbinder: Event scripting/balance, Trial by court, Nightswatch/wildlings content, Harrenhal restoration, R'hllor Magic, Reforged Swords, VSS Quest.
Toccs: Essos work, General Coding Support, DNA, Many History Updates/Improvements, Far East map creator, White Walkers.
blackninja9939: Event Scripting, Legitimise Cadets, Make a Noble, General Coding, Bugfixing, Forresters, Conquest of Dorne Events.
Rodri: Event, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, Dynasty tracing, Trial by Combat, Hereditary Valyrian Swords, New Ambitions.
Zarine: General Coding Support, New Battle System, Translations, Bugfixing.
Stiener (DanJonMin): CoA placeholders, Events, Iron Islands content, Localization, Misc. Graphics.
Wolfgang Pauli: Maintenance Events, Rescue CB, Testing, CoA Graphics.
Etel: Grell-conversion Work.
black_imperator: Events.
Riso: Merged features from mods like CK2+ and Better Rebels, Misc. Coding.
HuskyWolf: Scripted a bit and added some traits.
Waylit: Special siege events mod.
Comradebot: Farwynd skinchanger events, Ironborn event ideas
Tompalmer : Event scripting.
StoneTheCrow/Tycho: Valyrian Swords, history improvements, bug fixes.
Jenks: Event scripting

Edric_Storm: Dynasty CoA Artist, Dynamic CoA Generator Graphics (higher res, new designs), New CoA Templates (fabric banner and hide versions).
the_hdk: Crownlands initial Content, Dynasty CoA Artist, Title Flags, New CoA Template (leather version), New Skinchanger trait icons and misc icons.
Rabid Bogling: Dynasty CoA and Title flags Artist. Qartheen Portraits. Dynamic CoA Overhaul.
StGeorge: Icons & Loading Screens.
talias: Trait icons, Titular Kingdoms
Peuri: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
dauncosony: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
Velho e Bom Joe: City models and textures.
Amok: Much of his artwork used for event pictures: http://en.amokanet.ru/gallery
Starkweather: Valyrian children portraits, Titular Kingdoms
Jorian Drake: Dynasty CoA and title flags artist.
kuczaja: Qarth flags.
DarkReborn: Ghiscari portraits, Religion Icons
revisionist: Ghiscari Dynamic CoA.
hibludij: High Valyrian clothes
tem: Basilisk Island, Sothoryos flags, Lhazar flags
Midnighty: Summer Islands flags
Mavrosh: Map textures (lava, black rock and red earth): http://mavrosh-stock.deviantart.com
Arko: Interface improvements
Choccy: Valyrian/Rhllor CoA
foxwillow: Dynasty CoA Artist
LancelotLoire: White Walker portraits
Attiris: Holding images and other misc graphics
Misc CoAs/Graphics: HMAS-Nameless, Molleby, Smoesville, Micxzu, Pageman, Myrik_Justiciar, deloswerty, azaghal, Vystas

Chrisjm89: Historical character histories.
Hobbes MkII: Historical character histories
Cidellus: Historical character histories
Tompalmer: Historical corrections and community management.
Initial Content: ThePiglet, Hroppa, AlecTrevelyan006, Helios Ra, Jazthesentinel, Maginor
Wiki Links: Rhoedon, ThatOtherGuy642, wuschbaam, lesh

Clash of Kings Scenario:
Tompalmer: Scenario Design Lead
Mug bubule, Nacodaco, Knuckey, Hobbes MkII, C_moore, HuskyWolf

Original Music :
Aurélien Benharrats ( http://www.aurelien-b.fr/)

Translations & Localization:
Werther (French Lead)
French: R.Graymarch, Ysalaine, Merela, Ereksen, Sand, Yunyuns, Quentyn Tully, Lestival, tompalmer, Stannis, Lord Riusma, BiatchDeluxe, Paillard
Dany Quest: Loafcake, jimthepocket, MBjarno, blackninja9939, JON SNOWSTARK, EDAP, KnightKing
Spanish: Osuna, Darkhorse27, Bysne, DiTo/DiToMz, Juanen
German: Loomis
Sparqman, pulcherada, SinStar87, fastrike, Pekay
Eras Biographies: Vystas, Fegelein, jankmaster98, Wilsonator, BFKelleher, 'Legitimized Jon Snow', Patency, Hawke, 'Shoshon The Elegant', TMSaxon, SerJaecerysStorm, MBjarno, Rubidium, Lingvort, pottman
Special thanks for french proofreading: Merela, Graymarch, Sand, Hawkin, Pandémie, Suwan

'Dom (JonSnoooow)' Saint_Esteban 'Ser Ham'
Smoesville Karuga ItsAtrap
Dingo lychnidos Kingsgrave
DadeRoyal 'Benjen Coldwater' daddytorgo
philosophert nudu Greatjon
Zirael Narf GoogleSearch
xoatl 'Daemon Blackfyre' EDAP
SerBrightflame SinStar87 hjkh123
fastrike Soulbourne Slavicist

Special Thanks To:
Grell74 for his original Crusader Kings mod, from which we took many things (spoiler warning)
Culturally Different Cities for our city graphics.
Friends & Foes for trait ideas & iconography templates
The Prince and the Thane for some of our ambitions
Alphanos's shortcuts mod
Dungeons and Sieges mod
Lupus Agnum mod
NB+/New Borders mod
Elder Kings mod
Ransom all minimod
fantasynamegenerators.com for various names
Captain Gars and Divine, Paradox User mod Coordinators
La Garde de Nuite for help with the French translation.
Westeros.org for all it's information and resources, including many CoA graphics
Paradox Interactive for their great game
George R. R. Martin for his awesome books

Please don't post bug/problem reports in this thread, please report bugs in a new thread
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Something to enjoy while waiting for the next DLC. The graphic changes sound great.
Is updating from a 1.3 game to 1.3.1 safe? I think it should be if it didn't alter any provinces, but I'd like confirmation before I try to update.
Didn't test, but people with crashes, did you delete old mod files before installing this?

I didn't delete the previous version when installing this version and I have only experienced one crash in, but my game freezes and closes when I try to select lords/ladies of the Kykrooni region.