A Total Conversion Mod for Crusader Kings II
Download A Game of Thrones v1.4.1 (Windows exe): HERE (mirror)
Download A Game of Thrones v1.4.1 (Mac / Linux / zipped files): HERE
Checksum: YEBO (Century of Blood: PFOA)
Compatible with: CK2 2.7.1
In a land where summers last for years and winters last for decades, nine great families struggle for control of the Seven Kingdoms of Westeros. Take control of a noble house, from the Starks of Winterfell to the Lannisters of Casterly Rock, and win the Iron Throne!
But remember, winter is coming.
Mac/Linux/Zipped files warning: The mod files must be copied to <Your Documents>/Paradox Interactive/Crusader Kings II/mod folder. We also recommend any previous mod files in this folder are deleted before copying the new version. Windows users have been provided with an installer that performs this function automatically, while Mac users can find detailed installation instructions in the manual
Warning: This mod is likely to be incompatible with 32bit systems with low memory. We recommend at least 4GB of memory on a 64bit system.
Patch 1.4.1 Notes
We are pleased to release a new scenario! Play in the 'Century of Blood', set just after the Doom of the Valyria and perhaps try and reclaim the Freehold. This new bookmark is accessible via an include submod. There are also numerous other tweaks, fixes and additions.
- Mod compatible with 2.7.1
- Added a 'Century of Blood' bookmark (accessible by included submod)
- Some Asshai/Shadowlands flavour
- The seas can now freeze over
- Added a game rule for dynamic coa to have it default, dynasty head only or off
Full changelog below.
Version 1.4.1
Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Improved the landless dynasty nickname system. Made it possible for generic nicknames to occur, also added Dayne and Celtigar nicknames.
- Removed mod gift artefact interaction, replaced by new vanilla interaction
- Split vassals can now be reappointed as commanders at the end of mega wars, in the same way as councillors
- Characters can now convert between Westerosi and Essosi Valryian cultures
- Added an event for dragon riding concubines
- Adjusted random skinchanger encounter event, can now happen for rulers in The North as well as beyond the wall
- Added a couple of alchemist society decisions/missions
- Landless characters somehow in hiding can now be brought out of hiding
- Revised vanilla spouse advice events
- Added an event advising the player of available plots when having an ambtiion to be on the council
- Added in events for Asshai being raided by the Shadowmen
- Added events for an ambitious/greedy/ruthless ruler of Asshai to attack the Shadowmen and unite Asshai as one
- Added an event for the ruler of the now unified Asshai to crown themself the Shadow King and get an artifact
- The Yellow Emperor invader will ask Asshai for help in their war against Yi Tti in exchange for a reward gold and an alliance upon victory
- The regent now decides on vassal requests to transfer vassals or grant a kingdom
- Added an option to give a title to a claimant instead of a family member when they ask for a title
- Adjusted tourney end event text
- The seas can now freeze over
Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Added day 0 maintenance that adds children and siblings to families with a shortage of members
- Aegon now gets his crown at the start of The Conquest
- Fixed a bunch of history issues
- Bellegere the Black Pearl is now a pirate when she is in the Stepstones
- Utilised add_matrilineal_spouse in the history files
- Fixed Ned briefly holding ice whilst his father was still alive
- Fixed dunk and egg guardian link
- House Mooton are now targ loyalists in roberts rebellion
- Fixed summerhall ruin history
- Added Silver Denys
- Adjusted Stannis' ACoK era entry
- Made refuge/hospital buildings much cheaper (I didnt realise they were so absurdly expensive
- Hospital buildings can now be destroyed after sieges
- Added a negative modifier for Dothraki defeated in a war
- Decreased decay rate of fear
- More highborn canidates will now be considered for the kingsguard
- Decreased sword quest ship cost
- The white walkers may now be permanently defeated if they fail an invasion and are very weak
- Fear from cruel executions now only applies to vassals or family, as with the base fear for execution. Also applied it to crucifixion.
- Slave raids now target an entire realm, rather than individual provinces. The location for sacking and gaining of slaves is now randomly selected from occupied provinces.
- It is now not so easy for the player to get guardians in not so realistic places. there may now be a cost or opinion malus with vassals.
- Patient and zealous traits are now valid traits to claim dawn. Also added an event informing the player when someone claims dawn.
- Added more opinion consequences when fabricating claims
- Defensive coalitions now apply to dejure kingdom wars
- Made some tweaks to the revoke vassal title plot, including the option to depose liege if the vassal wins the war.
- White walkers will now never yield in duels
- One province jogos nhai jhats are now much more likely to accept annexation
- Applied Ai logic which prevents dragon riding spouses going on adventures if they like their liege to concubines. Almost preveneted going on adventures if a councillor/regent and have postive opinion of liege
- The AI is now more likely to accept marriages with nomads who have united all clans
- The AI may now randomly gain dragon intel before trying to hatch an egg
Graphics and portraits:
- Fixed problems with some cadet dynasty CoAs
- Made blond northmen slightly rarer
- All free city and valyrian religions now use the coats of arms used by the rhllor religion
- Added missing dragon trait icons
- Fixed incorrect usage of old celtigar flag for dynamic coa
- All wildlings and pirates should now start with their tier 1 special building
- Added many military commands to cities across the world
- The Harrenhal tower baronies are now military commands
- Renamed Hazdahn No to Hazdahn Mo
- Changed how Old Ghis ruin is created. (hopefully fixes Ghiscar mac issue, no idea if it will!)
- Extended the Sarne to the Silver Sea. It is now also navigable by all.
- Ghiscari legionary barracks now gives pikemen rather than heavy infantry. Ghiscari base value buildings now also give pikemen
- Added a game rule for dynamic coa to have it default, dynasty head only or off
- Added post war mega war maintenance adding patricians to new merchant republics
- Independent high lord tier characters may now be slave traders
- Adjusted the way Aegon's Freehold is setup
- Added a warning to the resign popup informing of vanilla bug
- Updated Yi Ti religion desc using Golden instead of Great for Dawn empire
- Added in title loc for e_dawn so it now displays "The Great Pearl Emperor" instead of "God Emperor Pearl Emperor"
- Shows the portrait of the vassal being demanded to be transfered by one of your other vassals
- Grandchildren who are dynasty head now take precedence over children for sword inheritance
- Removed the mass execute button as it does not work with the disabled diplo action and cusotm execute action
- Winter can now spread to the Isle of Cedars and New Ghis
Internal Scripting:
- Added a is_feudal_monarch_trigger scripted trigger
- Added genetic_mother and genetic_father entries to many children created by events
- Made sure all history files are definitely encoded in ANSI to try and eliminate Mac history bug, not sure if it has actually had an effect
- Added a can_be_commander_trigger scripted trigger
- Added a GetMyCastellanName custom localisation
- Fixed CTD caused by maintenance on ruins somehow held by nomads
- Fixed CTD that could occur when saving (caused by events triggered from slavery laws on day 0)
- Fixed crash in AFFC casued by danys crown being added in her history entry (Note: artefacts must be added in artefact_spawns, and not history entries)
- Fixed the presence of mysterious aurion title
- If a ruler with the seduction focus is castrated they now stop the focus
- Fixed invasions always usurping military commands
- Fixed error in household guard event removing modifier it just added
- Defensive coalitions should now trigger for the correct casus belli
- Fixed a bunch of interface issues
- Fixed wars to push subjects claim on a foreign capital sometimes usurping the entire enemy realm
- Fixed tyranny being applied to enslaving all prisoners
- Moving capitals should now also move slavery province modifiers
- Fixed duelling game rules
- Fixed Cold Gods followers sacrificing all children instead of just sons
- Fixed wars to revoke a vassals title sometimes not triggering correctly
- Made some validator fixes
- Fixed invasions erroneously usurping baron tier military commands
- Shadowmen revolts are no longer called wildling revolts
- Fixed e_dawn's name
- Fixed on birth ibbenese/brindlemen outbreeding check
Events, jobs, plots and decisions:
- Improved the landless dynasty nickname system. Made it possible for generic nicknames to occur, also added Dayne and Celtigar nicknames.
- Removed mod gift artefact interaction, replaced by new vanilla interaction
- Split vassals can now be reappointed as commanders at the end of mega wars, in the same way as councillors
- Characters can now convert between Westerosi and Essosi Valryian cultures
- Added an event for dragon riding concubines
- Adjusted random skinchanger encounter event, can now happen for rulers in The North as well as beyond the wall
- Added a couple of alchemist society decisions/missions
- Landless characters somehow in hiding can now be brought out of hiding
- Revised vanilla spouse advice events
- Added an event advising the player of available plots when having an ambtiion to be on the council
- Added in events for Asshai being raided by the Shadowmen
- Added events for an ambitious/greedy/ruthless ruler of Asshai to attack the Shadowmen and unite Asshai as one
- Added an event for the ruler of the now unified Asshai to crown themself the Shadow King and get an artifact
- The Yellow Emperor invader will ask Asshai for help in their war against Yi Tti in exchange for a reward gold and an alliance upon victory
- The regent now decides on vassal requests to transfer vassals or grant a kingdom
- Added an option to give a title to a claimant instead of a family member when they ask for a title
- Adjusted tourney end event text
- The seas can now freeze over
Character/Database setup (WARNING, SPOILERS AHEAD):
- Added day 0 maintenance that adds children and siblings to families with a shortage of members
- Aegon now gets his crown at the start of The Conquest
- Fixed a bunch of history issues
- Bellegere the Black Pearl is now a pirate when she is in the Stepstones
- Utilised add_matrilineal_spouse in the history files
- Fixed Ned briefly holding ice whilst his father was still alive
- Fixed dunk and egg guardian link
- House Mooton are now targ loyalists in roberts rebellion
- Fixed summerhall ruin history
- Added Silver Denys
- Adjusted Stannis' ACoK era entry
- Made refuge/hospital buildings much cheaper (I didnt realise they were so absurdly expensive
- Hospital buildings can now be destroyed after sieges
- Added a negative modifier for Dothraki defeated in a war
- Decreased decay rate of fear
- More highborn canidates will now be considered for the kingsguard
- Decreased sword quest ship cost
- The white walkers may now be permanently defeated if they fail an invasion and are very weak
- Fear from cruel executions now only applies to vassals or family, as with the base fear for execution. Also applied it to crucifixion.
- Slave raids now target an entire realm, rather than individual provinces. The location for sacking and gaining of slaves is now randomly selected from occupied provinces.
- It is now not so easy for the player to get guardians in not so realistic places. there may now be a cost or opinion malus with vassals.
- Patient and zealous traits are now valid traits to claim dawn. Also added an event informing the player when someone claims dawn.
- Added more opinion consequences when fabricating claims
- Defensive coalitions now apply to dejure kingdom wars
- Made some tweaks to the revoke vassal title plot, including the option to depose liege if the vassal wins the war.
- White walkers will now never yield in duels
- One province jogos nhai jhats are now much more likely to accept annexation
- Applied Ai logic which prevents dragon riding spouses going on adventures if they like their liege to concubines. Almost preveneted going on adventures if a councillor/regent and have postive opinion of liege
- The AI is now more likely to accept marriages with nomads who have united all clans
- The AI may now randomly gain dragon intel before trying to hatch an egg
Graphics and portraits:
- Fixed problems with some cadet dynasty CoAs
- Made blond northmen slightly rarer
- All free city and valyrian religions now use the coats of arms used by the rhllor religion
- Added missing dragon trait icons
- Fixed incorrect usage of old celtigar flag for dynamic coa
- All wildlings and pirates should now start with their tier 1 special building
- Added many military commands to cities across the world
- The Harrenhal tower baronies are now military commands
- Renamed Hazdahn No to Hazdahn Mo
- Changed how Old Ghis ruin is created. (hopefully fixes Ghiscar mac issue, no idea if it will!)
- Extended the Sarne to the Silver Sea. It is now also navigable by all.
- Ghiscari legionary barracks now gives pikemen rather than heavy infantry. Ghiscari base value buildings now also give pikemen
- Added a game rule for dynamic coa to have it default, dynasty head only or off
- Added post war mega war maintenance adding patricians to new merchant republics
- Independent high lord tier characters may now be slave traders
- Adjusted the way Aegon's Freehold is setup
- Added a warning to the resign popup informing of vanilla bug
- Updated Yi Ti religion desc using Golden instead of Great for Dawn empire
- Added in title loc for e_dawn so it now displays "The Great Pearl Emperor" instead of "God Emperor Pearl Emperor"
- Shows the portrait of the vassal being demanded to be transfered by one of your other vassals
- Grandchildren who are dynasty head now take precedence over children for sword inheritance
- Removed the mass execute button as it does not work with the disabled diplo action and cusotm execute action
- Winter can now spread to the Isle of Cedars and New Ghis
Internal Scripting:
- Added a is_feudal_monarch_trigger scripted trigger
- Added genetic_mother and genetic_father entries to many children created by events
- Made sure all history files are definitely encoded in ANSI to try and eliminate Mac history bug, not sure if it has actually had an effect
- Added a can_be_commander_trigger scripted trigger
- Added a GetMyCastellanName custom localisation
- Fixed CTD caused by maintenance on ruins somehow held by nomads
- Fixed CTD that could occur when saving (caused by events triggered from slavery laws on day 0)
- Fixed crash in AFFC casued by danys crown being added in her history entry (Note: artefacts must be added in artefact_spawns, and not history entries)
- Fixed the presence of mysterious aurion title
- If a ruler with the seduction focus is castrated they now stop the focus
- Fixed invasions always usurping military commands
- Fixed error in household guard event removing modifier it just added
- Defensive coalitions should now trigger for the correct casus belli
- Fixed a bunch of interface issues
- Fixed wars to push subjects claim on a foreign capital sometimes usurping the entire enemy realm
- Fixed tyranny being applied to enslaving all prisoners
- Moving capitals should now also move slavery province modifiers
- Fixed duelling game rules
- Fixed Cold Gods followers sacrificing all children instead of just sons
- Fixed wars to revoke a vassals title sometimes not triggering correctly
- Made some validator fixes
- Fixed invasions erroneously usurping baron tier military commands
- Shadowmen revolts are no longer called wildling revolts
- Fixed e_dawn's name
- Fixed on birth ibbenese/brindlemen outbreeding check
Cabezaestufa: Founder/Map creator, General Coding Support, Events, DNA, Balancing, Bugfixing, North Content, Misc. Graphics, Team Management.
Knuckey: Project Leader, Scripting, History Work, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, "Megawars"
Scripting & Coding:
Galle: Events, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, DND, Localisation, Fighting Traits and the Duel Engine, New Plots, AI Work, Nightswatch/wildlings content
Sunspear: Coding, Events, Riverland Content, Bugfixing, Positioning Tool, Balancing, misc. Graphics, Personal Interaction, Faceless Men, Dragons.
Ogaburan (Ran Miller): Events, Westerland & Frey, Minor Families Filler, DNA, New Education System, Kingsguard, Knights, Bugfixing, Balancing, Misc. Graphics.
Fashbinder: Event scripting/balance, Trial by court, Nightswatch/wildlings content, Harrenhal restoration, R'hllor Magic, Reforged Swords, VSS Quest.
Toccs: Essos work, General Coding Support, DNA, Many History Updates/Improvements, Far East map creator, White Walkers.
blackninja9939: Event Scripting, Legitimise Cadets, Make a Noble, General Coding, Bugfixing, Forresters, Conquest of Dorne Events.
Rodri: Event, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, Dynasty tracing, Trial by Combat, Hereditary Valyrian Swords, New Ambitions.
Zarine: General Coding Support, New Battle System, Translations, Bugfixing.
Stiener (DanJonMin): CoA placeholders, Events, Iron Islands content, Localization, Misc. Graphics.
Wolfgang Pauli: Maintenance Events, Rescue CB, Testing, CoA Graphics.
Etel: Grell-conversion Work.
black_imperator: Events.
Riso: Merged features from mods like CK2+ and Better Rebels, Misc. Coding.
HuskyWolf: Scripted a bit and added some traits.
Waylit: Special siege events mod.
Comradebot: Farwynd skinchanger events, Ironborn event ideas
Tompalmer : Event scripting.
StoneTheCrow/Tycho: Valyrian Swords, history improvements, bug fixes.
Jenks: Event scripting
Edric_Storm: Dynasty CoA Artist, Dynamic CoA Generator Graphics (higher res, new designs), New CoA Templates (fabric banner and hide versions).
the_hdk: Crownlands initial Content, Dynasty CoA Artist, Title Flags, New CoA Template (leather version), New Skinchanger trait icons and misc icons.
Rabid Bogling: Dynasty CoA and Title flags Artist. Qartheen Portraits. Dynamic CoA Overhaul.
StGeorge: Icons & Loading Screens.
talias: Trait icons, Titular Kingdoms
Peuri: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
dauncosony: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
Velho e Bom Joe: City models and textures.
Amok: Much of his artwork used for event pictures: http://en.amokanet.ru/gallery
Starkweather: Valyrian children portraits, Titular Kingdoms
Jorian Drake: Dynasty CoA and title flags artist.
kuczaja: Qarth flags.
DarkReborn: Ghiscari portraits, Religion Icons
revisionist: Ghiscari Dynamic CoA.
hibludij: High Valyrian clothes
tem: Basilisk Island, Sothoryos flags, Lhazar flags
Midnighty: Summer Islands flags
Mavrosh: Map textures (lava, black rock and red earth): http://mavrosh-stock.deviantart.com
Arko: Interface improvements
Choccy: Valyrian/Rhllor CoA
foxwillow: Dynasty CoA Artist
LancelotLoire: White Walker portraits
Attiris: Holding images and other misc graphics
Misc CoAs/Graphics: HMAS-Nameless, Molleby, Smoesville, Micxzu, Pageman, Myrik_Justiciar, deloswerty, azaghal, Vystas
Chrisjm89: Historical character histories.
Hobbes MkII: Historical character histories
Cidellus: Historical character histories
Tompalmer: Historical corrections and community management.
Initial Content: ThePiglet, Hroppa, AlecTrevelyan006, Helios Ra, Jazthesentinel, Maginor
Wiki Links: Rhoedon, ThatOtherGuy642, wuschbaam, lesh
Clash of Kings Scenario:
Tompalmer: Scenario Design Lead
Mug bubule, Nacodaco, Knuckey, Hobbes MkII, C_moore, HuskyWolf
Original Music :
Aurélien Benharrats ( http://www.aurelien-b.fr/)
Translations & Localization:
Werther (French Lead)
French: R.Graymarch, Ysalaine, Merela, Ereksen, Sand, Yunyuns, Quentyn Tully, Lestival, tompalmer, Stannis, Lord Riusma, BiatchDeluxe, Paillard
Dany Quest: Loafcake, jimthepocket, MBjarno, blackninja9939, JON SNOWSTARK, EDAP, KnightKing
Spanish: Osuna, Darkhorse27, Bysne, DiTo/DiToMz, Juanen
German: Loomis
Sparqman, pulcherada, SinStar87, fastrike, Pekay
Eras Biographies: Vystas, Fegelein, jankmaster98, Wilsonator, BFKelleher, 'Legitimized Jon Snow', Patency, Hawke, 'Shoshon The Elegant', TMSaxon, SerJaecerysStorm, MBjarno, Rubidium, Lingvort, pottman
Special thanks for french proofreading: Merela, Graymarch, Sand, Hawkin, Pandémie, Suwan
'Dom (JonSnoooow)' Saint_Esteban 'Ser Ham'
Smoesville Karuga ItsAtrap
Dingo lychnidos Kingsgrave
DadeRoyal 'Benjen Coldwater' daddytorgo
philosophert nudu Greatjon
Zirael Narf GoogleSearch
xoatl 'Daemon Blackfyre' EDAP
SerBrightflame SinStar87 hjkh123
fastrike Soulbourne Slavicist
Mitza8 tirion1987 Tiranasta
Special Thanks To:
Grell74 for his original Crusader Kings mod, from which we took many things (spoiler warning)
Culturally Different Cities for our city graphics.
Friends & Foes for trait ideas & iconography templates
The Prince and the Thane for some of our ambitions
Alphanos's shortcuts mod
Dungeons and Sieges mod
Lupus Agnum mod
NB+/New Borders mod
Elder Kings mod
Ransom all minimod
fantasynamegenerators.com for various names
Captain Gars and Divine, Paradox User mod Coordinators
La Garde de Nuite for help with the French translation.
Westeros.org for all it's information and resources, including many CoA graphics
Paradox Interactive for their great game
George R. R. Martin for his awesome books
Knuckey: Project Leader, Scripting, History Work, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, "Megawars"
Scripting & Coding:
Galle: Events, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, DND, Localisation, Fighting Traits and the Duel Engine, New Plots, AI Work, Nightswatch/wildlings content
Sunspear: Coding, Events, Riverland Content, Bugfixing, Positioning Tool, Balancing, misc. Graphics, Personal Interaction, Faceless Men, Dragons.
Ogaburan (Ran Miller): Events, Westerland & Frey, Minor Families Filler, DNA, New Education System, Kingsguard, Knights, Bugfixing, Balancing, Misc. Graphics.
Fashbinder: Event scripting/balance, Trial by court, Nightswatch/wildlings content, Harrenhal restoration, R'hllor Magic, Reforged Swords, VSS Quest.
Toccs: Essos work, General Coding Support, DNA, Many History Updates/Improvements, Far East map creator, White Walkers.
blackninja9939: Event Scripting, Legitimise Cadets, Make a Noble, General Coding, Bugfixing, Forresters, Conquest of Dorne Events.
Rodri: Event, General Coding Support, Bugfixing, Dynasty tracing, Trial by Combat, Hereditary Valyrian Swords, New Ambitions.
Zarine: General Coding Support, New Battle System, Translations, Bugfixing.
Stiener (DanJonMin): CoA placeholders, Events, Iron Islands content, Localization, Misc. Graphics.
Wolfgang Pauli: Maintenance Events, Rescue CB, Testing, CoA Graphics.
Etel: Grell-conversion Work.
black_imperator: Events.
Riso: Merged features from mods like CK2+ and Better Rebels, Misc. Coding.
HuskyWolf: Scripted a bit and added some traits.
Waylit: Special siege events mod.
Comradebot: Farwynd skinchanger events, Ironborn event ideas
Tompalmer : Event scripting.
StoneTheCrow/Tycho: Valyrian Swords, history improvements, bug fixes.
Jenks: Event scripting
Edric_Storm: Dynasty CoA Artist, Dynamic CoA Generator Graphics (higher res, new designs), New CoA Templates (fabric banner and hide versions).
the_hdk: Crownlands initial Content, Dynasty CoA Artist, Title Flags, New CoA Template (leather version), New Skinchanger trait icons and misc icons.
Rabid Bogling: Dynasty CoA and Title flags Artist. Qartheen Portraits. Dynamic CoA Overhaul.
StGeorge: Icons & Loading Screens.
talias: Trait icons, Titular Kingdoms
Peuri: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
dauncosony: Portrait Graphics (including concept and design).
Velho e Bom Joe: City models and textures.
Amok: Much of his artwork used for event pictures: http://en.amokanet.ru/gallery
Starkweather: Valyrian children portraits, Titular Kingdoms
Jorian Drake: Dynasty CoA and title flags artist.
kuczaja: Qarth flags.
DarkReborn: Ghiscari portraits, Religion Icons
revisionist: Ghiscari Dynamic CoA.
hibludij: High Valyrian clothes
tem: Basilisk Island, Sothoryos flags, Lhazar flags
Midnighty: Summer Islands flags
Mavrosh: Map textures (lava, black rock and red earth): http://mavrosh-stock.deviantart.com
Arko: Interface improvements
Choccy: Valyrian/Rhllor CoA
foxwillow: Dynasty CoA Artist
LancelotLoire: White Walker portraits
Attiris: Holding images and other misc graphics
Misc CoAs/Graphics: HMAS-Nameless, Molleby, Smoesville, Micxzu, Pageman, Myrik_Justiciar, deloswerty, azaghal, Vystas
Chrisjm89: Historical character histories.
Hobbes MkII: Historical character histories
Cidellus: Historical character histories
Tompalmer: Historical corrections and community management.
Initial Content: ThePiglet, Hroppa, AlecTrevelyan006, Helios Ra, Jazthesentinel, Maginor
Wiki Links: Rhoedon, ThatOtherGuy642, wuschbaam, lesh
Clash of Kings Scenario:
Tompalmer: Scenario Design Lead
Mug bubule, Nacodaco, Knuckey, Hobbes MkII, C_moore, HuskyWolf
Original Music :
Aurélien Benharrats ( http://www.aurelien-b.fr/)
Translations & Localization:
Werther (French Lead)
French: R.Graymarch, Ysalaine, Merela, Ereksen, Sand, Yunyuns, Quentyn Tully, Lestival, tompalmer, Stannis, Lord Riusma, BiatchDeluxe, Paillard
Dany Quest: Loafcake, jimthepocket, MBjarno, blackninja9939, JON SNOWSTARK, EDAP, KnightKing
Spanish: Osuna, Darkhorse27, Bysne, DiTo/DiToMz, Juanen
German: Loomis
Sparqman, pulcherada, SinStar87, fastrike, Pekay
Eras Biographies: Vystas, Fegelein, jankmaster98, Wilsonator, BFKelleher, 'Legitimized Jon Snow', Patency, Hawke, 'Shoshon The Elegant', TMSaxon, SerJaecerysStorm, MBjarno, Rubidium, Lingvort, pottman
Special thanks for french proofreading: Merela, Graymarch, Sand, Hawkin, Pandémie, Suwan
'Dom (JonSnoooow)' Saint_Esteban 'Ser Ham'
Smoesville Karuga ItsAtrap
Dingo lychnidos Kingsgrave
DadeRoyal 'Benjen Coldwater' daddytorgo
philosophert nudu Greatjon
Zirael Narf GoogleSearch
xoatl 'Daemon Blackfyre' EDAP
SerBrightflame SinStar87 hjkh123
fastrike Soulbourne Slavicist
Mitza8 tirion1987 Tiranasta
Special Thanks To:
Grell74 for his original Crusader Kings mod, from which we took many things (spoiler warning)
Culturally Different Cities for our city graphics.
Friends & Foes for trait ideas & iconography templates
The Prince and the Thane for some of our ambitions
Alphanos's shortcuts mod
Dungeons and Sieges mod
Lupus Agnum mod
NB+/New Borders mod
Elder Kings mod
Ransom all minimod
fantasynamegenerators.com for various names
Captain Gars and Divine, Paradox User mod Coordinators
La Garde de Nuite for help with the French translation.
Westeros.org for all it's information and resources, including many CoA graphics
Paradox Interactive for their great game
George R. R. Martin for his awesome books
Please don't post bug/problem reports in this thread, please report bugs in a new thread
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