A few thoughts and questions about how certain events could be scripted:
Currently there are two ways countries can get a CB on anyone of a particular religion:
1) define a new religion (e.g. counterreform)
2) religious_cb that POR and SPA have against muslims and pagans
The 2nd option is sort of a simplifying shorthand; instead of creating a different type of catholicism (and counterreform) for POR and SPA, we can use this flag to give these 2 countries extra cb's without creating a separate religion. You could conceivably add a Muslim country to give it cb's against Christians that other Muslims don't have. However, AFAICT it can't be event-driven. If you want to start and stop it, you need a separate religion -- doable, but it's a lot more work.
There also doesn't seem to be a way I can think of to give certain countries a CB against POR or SPA in response to their automatic CB's -- for example, if Kilwa (or any East African muslim country) sees multiple muslim countries it knows of being attacked/annexed/vassalized by POR, it might be reasonable for it to get an automatic CB against POR.
A related issue is AVGEEP event 248003, East African nations asking Oman for help against Portugal. Oman is a special case because it only exists if Portugal annexed Ormuz and then Oman broke away from Portugal, but conceivably another country could have been annexed by Portugal and then broken free, and received a similar request for help. I haven't figured out any generic way to set a trigger condition for having once been owned by Portugal and having gained independence.
Any thoughts?
Currently there are two ways countries can get a CB on anyone of a particular religion:
1) define a new religion (e.g. counterreform)
2) religious_cb that POR and SPA have against muslims and pagans
The 2nd option is sort of a simplifying shorthand; instead of creating a different type of catholicism (and counterreform) for POR and SPA, we can use this flag to give these 2 countries extra cb's without creating a separate religion. You could conceivably add a Muslim country to give it cb's against Christians that other Muslims don't have. However, AFAICT it can't be event-driven. If you want to start and stop it, you need a separate religion -- doable, but it's a lot more work.
There also doesn't seem to be a way I can think of to give certain countries a CB against POR or SPA in response to their automatic CB's -- for example, if Kilwa (or any East African muslim country) sees multiple muslim countries it knows of being attacked/annexed/vassalized by POR, it might be reasonable for it to get an automatic CB against POR.
A related issue is AVGEEP event 248003, East African nations asking Oman for help against Portugal. Oman is a special case because it only exists if Portugal annexed Ormuz and then Oman broke away from Portugal, but conceivably another country could have been annexed by Portugal and then broken free, and received a similar request for help. I haven't figured out any generic way to set a trigger condition for having once been owned by Portugal and having gained independence.
Any thoughts?