Chapter 74: ...before Dishonor
11th February, 1781
Charleston, South Carolina
"Sir?" The clerk stood in the doorway diffidently. "I beg pardon, sir."
"Quite alright." Edward Rutledge straightened behind the ornate desk at his law office. The room was opulent and brightly lit, with several cushioned chairs near side tables and an entire wall devoted to books. Rutledge lay his quill carefully across a neighbor's last will and testament. "Are they early?"
"No, sir. We received a packet from the Committee of States this morning."
"We did?" Rutledge smirked. The Committee came into force whenever Congress wasn't in session, such as the middle of winter. They had almost no power, their sole duty to hold things together until Congress could meet. "What word from our northern brothers?"
The clerk answered, accurately as it turned out, but Rutledge was busy cutting the string and unwrapping the canvas cover. His eyes fell on the royal seal of Great Britain.
"To the Honourable Congress of the United States of America," he read. "Honourable? Since when? On behalf of his Royal Majesty, George, third of his name, by the grace of God...entreat for peace!? Offer the following concessions? Hey, what's this?"
"A peace treaty," the clerk repeated. "The attached letter ... here, sir.... asks for our response as soon as possible. I've taken the liberty of calling for the state assembly in your name."
Rutledge pulled out the accompanying map and glanced at it. "They want to keep Georgia?"
You can have it all...except what you really want.
"Well, they can have Georgia." He studied the map intently. "New York is restored, no question how they'll vote. Massachusetts gains...some of their territory. Several settlements by the Mississippi River ... I'm sure we can arrange a reasonable division of income from those areas." He nodded. "Everything appears..." His eyes fell on the Gulf Coast. "They want to keep Mobile as well."
"And Biloxi, sir. Basically everything east of Louisiana."
Rutledge set his jaw, slowly unrolling the treaty itself. "Any word from Mister Heyward?"
"At last report, General Heyward was besieging Saint Augustine. Should I...tell him to hold?" If the Carolinas were going to stop the war, there wasn't much reason to continue the siege.
"....Let's wait until the Assembly has their say." He knew they'd vote pretty much any way he desired, but his heart was torn. Rutledge wanted this 'unprofitable' war to end very much, especially since they'd obviously convinced Britain of their point. He could find Heyward something more profitable to do with his time, like attack the Cherokee.... but he'd been relying on West and East Florida and even Georgia to balance northern voting power. The end of the war would mean dissolving the Carolina/Virginia joint assembly. Under Article VI of the Articles of Confederation such separate alliances were quite illegal. He needed them as puppets to...
"Very good, sir." The clerk bowed and left. Rutledge frowned and continued reading. "We welcome the United States of America into the brotherhood of nations, to not intercept her shipping nor prevent her merchants from operating in Great Britain..."
How generous of them....
This continued for some time, discussing changes in government for the 'transferred' territories, guarantees of citizens wanting to stay and those wishing to leave, exchange of prisoners, promises to recognize and salute each others' flags, exchange of embassies...
"Sir? Your guests have arrived."
"Eh? Certainly." Rutledge stood, put on his coat and wig. "There, how's that?"
"Good, show them in. Mister Waymouth? A very good morning to you. Miss Rafferty? Your servant." Rutledge made his leg. "I hope I find you well? The cold doesn't bother you?"
South Carolina's idea of winter didn't signify and both smiled politely. "I am quite well," Cassandra told him softly, offering her hand. "And it's very kind of you to see us."
"Not at all, ma'am." He took her hand and felt his heart give an odd lurch.
I'm too old, he thought ruefully,
and anyway Mrs. Rutledge would object. Rutledge released her hand and smiled. "It is my pleasure. My clerk mentioned you know Colonel Preston?"
Colonel!?" Waymouth thundered in a voice to make the office shake. That snot-nosed brat outranked him!?
"Why...yes, sir. He performed quite well during the early years of this war I understand." Rutledge frowned, the man was shaking! He indicated two seats. "His father was the former president of the South Carolina Assembly, so he had the connections as well."
It was Cassie's turn to be surprised, though she controlled it better. "He never told me," she looked down.
"I am astonished, ma'am. Yes, Colonel Preston's lineage is quite honorable I assure you."
Is that why you're here? To take advantage of his connections? Well, he could do far worse. "He's currently in Saint Augustine, sieging the British there."
"Can you get me there?"
Rutledge's brows shot up. "Perhaps I wasn't clear, ma'am. He's deep in British territory, it's dangerous."
"That doesn't bother me."
"He's surrounded by an army, ma'am, and though I can vouch for their character I wouldn't..."
"I don't care!"
"He's right," Waymouth rumbled in a warning tone. A woman in an army could easily spell disaster, and anyway there was something about this Rutledge he didn't care for one bit. Perhaps that was just the way they made politicians down here. "We were told you had a kindness for ... Colonel... Preston. It's been several years since we've seen him, I was hoping for news on how he does."
"I believe I told you the relevant details. He's mostly recovered from his injuries - though I must say, with all confidence and respect for him, that the cannister did his looks no justice whatsoever."
"Cannon shot," Waymouth patted her arm. "Smaller than a cannon ball."
Rutledge paused. "But..he has quite recovered, as I stated. On a horse he has no man's equal."
"We'll see about that," Waymouth growled.
Edward couldn't contain his curiousity any longer, and that sounded like a challenge in the making. "What is your interest in Colonel Preston?"
"We knew him when he was under General Pulaski in New York," Waymouth replied shortly.
"Oh." Well, that would explain the northern accents. Then it all made sense: The man's brusque attitude, the girl's confusion.
He sired a bastard! I can't let this get out! "I hope he caused you no difficulty, ma'am? Here, allow me to make any reasonable restitution on his behalf."
That went far over Cassie's head, though not Waymouth's. He grit his teeth. "No sir, no difficulties. I
assure you all is well."
"Of course," Rutledge bowed. Yes, he'd have to watch them
very closely. "Well, as I stated Colonel Preston is occupied. However, you must stay at my plantation until he can return. His friends are my friends. I really must insist."
Waymouth opened his mouth to object, but Cassie smiled brightly. "Thank you, I would appreciate that."
"Excellent! When you leave, just let my clerk know and he'll have someone guide you and take your bags."
After they left Rutledge took out the British offer and stared at it. No Georgia, no East or West Florida... no deal. Plus, keeping Preston away from Charleston sounded like a good idea right now. He'd have to warm Heyward...