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Apr 20, 2004
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I am at book 2 now and have wales, so I pretty much have half of England. I am really struggling with economy I always seem to run out of money or have troops starving. (I have 3 full armies)

What can i do to improve cash and food? Are there any good research options all my research has gone to unit upgrades.

I have assigned my best fiefdoms to the best knights married a couple of them.

Any other tips?

Many thanks
There are a few research options available, yes. However, most of the interesting stuff is expensive and at the end of research trees though.

There are a couple of good citadel buildings that can help too.

Three full armies by book 2 can maybe be a bit much as far as upkeep is concerned. I do not recommend disbanding them if they are experienced, but you can station them in campaign map locations (or cities with the appropriate buildings) that reduce upkeep costs if you don't use them.

Sell artifacts you don't need during trade quests. When there are grain merchants or miller's guild type trade quests, convert all the gold you can spare to food, the ratio is so good that you are effectively generating wealth.

Winning battles and battle quests provide a good amount of loot, provided you don't loose too much units. In fact, the key to a good economy is to reduce your battle losses - unit replacements can be your #1 expenses if you don't master the battle system. There is a warlord skill that reduces battle casualties, take it if it is an issue for you.