I've put myself down for Scotland, so I should probably explain what I intend to do. As you can see, I plan to salvage most of the existing events, though sometimes in a slightly different form. This is all a bit sketchy at the moment, so any help, advice or ideas are welcome.
- The fight to keep Norway (1419-1525)
- Integrating the Norwegian nobility
- Act of Union (1450s)
- Claims on southern England (after A of U)
- Taxation in England
- English revolts (several - may be stoked up by Hansa and/or Brittany)
- Rule from York or Edinburgh?
- Anglophile king
Highland v Lowland
- Fights with the Highland nobility (affects other events - may be stoked up by Eire)
- Highlands land reform
- The clan system and the Scottish army
- Involvement in the Sund crisis
- Expulsion of foreign merchants
Naval Reforms and colonial endeavours
- Land or naval?
- Naval academy* (only with Norway)
- HMS Sovereign of the Seas (1637)
- Scottish Altantic company (gamble similar to France's in vanilla)*
- If that goes right: goodies
- If it goes wrong: Scotland gets to either sell some colonies or go bankrupt
The Gaelic wars
- Involvement in Eire's clan war (options depend on which side EIR is on, and how SCO gets along with Highland clans)
- Efforts to steal Eire's colonies
- Quarrels over Wales (may also involve Brittany, and have a religious element later)
- Reconciliation with Eire (much easier if countries have the same religion)
Religion (*, but I'm not sure how)
- The Lollards, pre-Reformation
- The Lollards, Reformation
- Religion in Norway
- John Knox
- Irish missionaries
- John Wesley
Industrial revolution (18th-19th century)*
- Industrial Revolution in England
- Coal-mining in Northumbria
- Exodus from the countryside
- Canals
- Machine-breakers
Succession events
- Patrick or Harald? (1565)
- 'The Popish King': Jacobite-style shenanigans, lasting longer if Scotland is Anglophile
- Brittany's succession
Universities and Education
- Isaac Newton
- various opportunities to invest in education, with little immediate reward
- Scotland can end up with different levels of education depending on investment - this will have an impact on various other areas (starred)
Adam Smith*
The Seven Ill Years (1690s - famine etc)
- The fight to keep Norway (1419-1525)
- Integrating the Norwegian nobility
- Act of Union (1450s)
- Claims on southern England (after A of U)
- Taxation in England
- English revolts (several - may be stoked up by Hansa and/or Brittany)
- Rule from York or Edinburgh?
- Anglophile king
Highland v Lowland
- Fights with the Highland nobility (affects other events - may be stoked up by Eire)
- Highlands land reform
- The clan system and the Scottish army
- Involvement in the Sund crisis
- Expulsion of foreign merchants
Naval Reforms and colonial endeavours
- Land or naval?
- Naval academy* (only with Norway)
- HMS Sovereign of the Seas (1637)
- Scottish Altantic company (gamble similar to France's in vanilla)*
- If that goes right: goodies
- If it goes wrong: Scotland gets to either sell some colonies or go bankrupt
The Gaelic wars
- Involvement in Eire's clan war (options depend on which side EIR is on, and how SCO gets along with Highland clans)
- Efforts to steal Eire's colonies
- Quarrels over Wales (may also involve Brittany, and have a religious element later)
- Reconciliation with Eire (much easier if countries have the same religion)
Religion (*, but I'm not sure how)
- The Lollards, pre-Reformation
- The Lollards, Reformation
- Religion in Norway
- John Knox
- Irish missionaries
- John Wesley
Industrial revolution (18th-19th century)*
- Industrial Revolution in England
- Coal-mining in Northumbria
- Exodus from the countryside
- Canals
- Machine-breakers
Succession events
- Patrick or Harald? (1565)
- 'The Popish King': Jacobite-style shenanigans, lasting longer if Scotland is Anglophile
- Brittany's succession
Universities and Education
- Isaac Newton
- various opportunities to invest in education, with little immediate reward
- Scotland can end up with different levels of education depending on investment - this will have an impact on various other areas (starred)
Adam Smith*
The Seven Ill Years (1690s - famine etc)
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